Psycho (Male OC)

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Full Name:  Phineas 'Finn' Marvalo Riddle
Age/Birthdate/ Year: 18 years old, Born November 17th 1979, Deathly Hallows Part 1 (1997)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Family and Relationships:
Tom 'Lord Voldemort' Marvalo Riddle Junior (Father)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Mother)
Mattheo Thomas Riddle (Younger Brother)
Narcissa Malfoy (Godmother/Auntie)

Relationship with Hermione: Enemy / Obsessive Crush
Type of Chapter: Angst
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️ Contains kidnapping, murder and an obsessive stalker⚠️

Summary- Half way through the horcrux hunt, Hermione feels like something is wrong and comes to discover that the Riddle Brothers have been stalking them since the start of the year so they have to do something about that.

Phineas's POV-

So over the last couple of months, me and my brother have been keeping a close eye on Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley for information on what they are doing and recently, they have been staying in a tent in this woodlands.

To say that I have always been quite fond of Granger would be an understatement, I'm supposed to hate her kind but I've been drawn to the mudblood over the last couple of years and want nothing but her affection these days but from what I've seen, it seems that her and Ronald have been growing close and that can't be happening so he has to fucking go...

Me and Mattheo begin to hear commotion from inside of the tent, it sounds like fighting between the three of them and then we see Ron walk out of the tent in a huff.

"We need to get rid of him, he's getting in my way." I stand up from our hiding spot and throw the binding and silencing curse, dragging his limp body back to where Mattheo still is before knocking him out cold and clean.

"You're fucking obsessed with her, Finn, it's getting disturbing at this point." My brother comments, looking down at the red-head behind us but I just shake my head and return my focus on the tent where I see Harry walking out of the tent and out of my sight. " I cannot believe that Father made me come with you for your to do this.

"I'm the older brother and the air to the fucking throne in this family so shut your mouth, Mattheo." And then I see her with the Slytherin locket in her hand emerging from the tent, looking absolutely devastated. She looks unarmed with no sight of her wand on her so it's perfect time to strike.

As quietly as I can, I creep around the tent and throw the 'Incarcerous' curse toward her just to be assured, I see her wand spill out onto the floor. But before I could do anything else, she lets out a horrific screech that draws Potter in my line of sight.


My wand spills to the floor and I look up to see Harry standing there, his wand directly pointed at me.

"What are you doing here, Riddle? Leave her alone!"

"Fine, you win, Potter." I respond as I see Mattheo creep behind him. "I surrender!"

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Harry's body goes limp and falls to the ground with a thud before I smirk at my brother, placing the silencing charm on Hermione.

"Come on, I've got some plans for Weasley and Granger back at the house." I tell my brother before we both apparate back to Malfoy Manor where I drag him to our shared bedroom with our cousin Draco. Mattheo silences the room before allowing our new prisoners to start talking.

"Why are you doing this, Riddle!?"

"Isn't it quite obvious, Granger? Gosh, I thought you were fucking intelligent but I'm starting to think that they were just pulling my leg."

"I swear when I get my hands on you, you're gonna be dead!"

"You are lucky that we have actually silenced the room because there are some people in this house that would want to kill you more than anything so keep your mouths shut." Just then Ron starts to wake up, obviously realising where he is because he starts to freak out.

"RIDDLE, I'M GOING TO FUCKING END YOU!" He threatens but I have other ideas.

"You aren't going to do anything to me because I'm going to do something much worse in front of your girlfriend..." I laugh before raising my wand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Ron's body goes limp and he collapsed in the chair that we have strapped him too, Hermione starts freaking out much more intensively.


"That won't be the case for much longer, sweetheart, promise me." Mattheo hands me a drink of water that's laced with Love Potion.

I will make her love me if it's the last fucking thing that I do, even if it's forced...

(OKAY I KNOW THAT THIS CHAPTER COULD BE SEEN AS PROBLEMATIC BUT I PROMISE YOU THAT I DO NOT THINK THAT THIS KIND OF CRUSH IS EVER ACCEPTABLE! I'm just putting that out there in case some of you think that this is the way that I would treat my significant other).

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