We Can Help You There (Male OC x Romione)

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Full Name- Darby Lukas Malfoy
Age- 19 years old
Year- 1999 (Post-Hogwarts)
Birthdate- 5th June 1980
Hogwarts House- Slytherin
Sexual Orientation - Bisexual

Family and Relationships-
Lucius Malfoy (Estranged Father)
Narcissa Malfoy (Estranged Mother)
Draco Lucius Malfoy (Older Twin Brother)
Severus Snape (Deceased Godfather)

Relationship with Hermione - Girlfriend (In a Polyamorous Relationship with Ron and Hermione)
Type of Chapter - Fluff/Smut
Trigger Warnings- ⚠️ Probably kinky smut⚠️

Summary- When Darby tells Ron and Hermione that he is still a virgin and wants them to help there, his boyfriend and his girlfriend are both very willing to help...

Darby's POV-

So I've been in a polyamorous relationship with two of my best friends from Hogwarts, Ronald Billius Weasley and Hermione Jean Granger, since we were 15/16 but the thing about Hermione and Ron is the fact that they are not virgins and I still am and being a Malfoy does not seem to help me in that field.

"Still can't believe that I fell in love with you two idiots if I'm being perfectly honest..." Hermione comments as me and her are cuddling on the sofa as we hear Ron in the other room making us three cups of tea.

"You aren't regretting it, are you?" I ask her in a sarcastic tone which makes her playfully hit my chest and giggle.

"Never in a million years, you both are the best boyfriends that I could ever have asked for, I love that you and Ron have both came to accept that you both liked boys and I'm so happy to have you in my life, along with Harry."

Ron wanders back into the room with a tray of three cups of tea and a bright smile on his face.

"Here you are, my two loves." He hands over the cups of tea to each of us before settling down into the couch with us and placing the empty tray onto the coffee table. "What are you two nutters on about then? I heard you both going on about something whilst in the kitchen, making the tea."

"Just how I'm still in shock that I managed to fall in love with you two..." Hermione responds with us all chuckling away at the statement. "Other than that, I never would have thought that I would be sitting here, not having to fear for our lives from Voldemort."

"Remember that nobody is ever going to hurt you now, that goes for both of you." Ron tells us in a protective manner, kissing both of our foreheads but I fall silent with something on my mind for a second.

Hermione is the first one to catch the fact that I just suddenly went completely silent out of nowhere as I feel her nudging me.

"Penny for your thoughts, love?" Ron then takes notice and cocks his head in a concerned manner.

"Don't worry about it, it's something stupid." I try to get them off my back which normally works on them but this time around, they are pushing me to tell them.

"No, come on, tell us..." Hermione sits up from her place on the couch, seeing the expression on my face. "There's obviously something on your mind."

"I feel weird saying it now but I'm a virgin, I know that sounds weird out of nowhere but we've never really talked about that kind of thing. I've walked in on you both doing it once or twice but never really had the confidence to ask if I could join..."

"I have to admit that it's weird to just bring up but it's fine to be a virgin, I still like to consider myself a virgin despite not being one..." Ron jokes, unintentionally reminding us all about Lavender but I shake it off quite quickly.

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