My Girlfriend's Always Bitching About Something

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Year: Order Of The Phoenix
House: Slytherin
Family: Lucius Malfoy (Father)
Narcissa Malfoy (Malfoy)
Draco Malfoy (Brother)
Relationship With Hermoine: Girlfriend
Type of Chapter: Regular
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️Implied Smut⚠️

Summary: Hermoine is furious with her girlfriend Y/N Malfoy and decides to take her anger out on Ron during the latest Dumbledore's Army meeting, her girlfriend notices her aggressive and talks to her best mates Fred and George about it.

Y/N's POV: So, me and Hermoine are going through a sort of rough patch with a lot of arguments steming from her thoughts that I could potentially be working with He Who Shall Not Be Named but that's the furthest from the truth; I may be a Malfoy but I will never stoop that damn low.
"The Stunning Spell is a powerful weapon of a wizard's arsenal, it could be used as a crucial survival tactic." Harry explains, walking around the Room of Requirement. "The spell is pronounced 'Stupefy!' And it's very easy to pull of, so let's see what you've got. Ron, Hermoine?" My girlfriend and Ron stand at opposite ends of the room, both highly concentrated on each other.

"Is there something up with you and Hermoine or something, Y/N? She doesn't seem herself." Fred whispers towards me and I nod, stiffling a laugh.
"Yeah, it's mostly because of a dumb argument we had yesterday, lemme tell you that she thinks that she's the dominant one in the relationship but she ain't." I whisper back, playfully mocking Hermoine's attitude.
"Y/N Y/M/N Malfoy, I'm not deaf, I can hear you loud and clear." Hermoine chimes in with a cocky and a attempt of a dominant tone. "Keep your mouth shut for five minutes?"
"Ooh, somebody's trying to be dominant for once, Granger." I respond before I whisper into her ear. "You keep this bratty attitude up and I'll make sure that your submissive ass can't walk tommorow..." Her face goes as red as a tomato with embarrassment as some of the other students begin to tease her as well before continuing with the lesson.

"She don't scare me at all." I whisper, walking back to the twins whom are cackling with laughter whilst watching Hermoine's expressions change in a instant. "She's normally like this and I just have to tame the 'beast' sometimes and put her back into her place."
"I'm not gonna lie, you being the dominant one in the relationship surprises me from the way that you talk so soft about her when she ain't around." George teases me playfully, making me punch him in the shoulder and laugh at him.
"Shut up, Weasley." I laugh along, watching Hermoine perform the aforementioned spell against Ron flawlessly. "You have to admit though, she's really hot when Hermoine is mad at me. She can be a really moody bitch but that's what I find so attractive."

Hermoine's POV: I desperately wanna murder my own girlfriend with all the suggestive comments and playful teases that she keeps making but I refrain and keep my embarrassing feeling to myself.
"Hey, Hermoine. You alright?" Ron inquires, chuckling at my expression. "You look sort of dazed?"
"I'm fine, Ronald, just in my own little world at the moment." I reply, staring at my girlfriend inconspicuously.
"Something going on between you and Y/N?" He asks, pulling an expression full of concern.
"Nothing other the regular stuff, me and her are having a little disagreement about some things and I'm a little upset with her at the moment." I admit, making him nod.
"Trust me, I know how bad it could be. Lavender and I fight a lot but it's mostly just regular coupley bickers, I have to deal with Harry and Draco sometimes!" He tells me, smiling.
"Yeah, we've had way worse fights than this one, once we fought for an entire month after somebody lied to me that she was cheating on me with Cedric Diggory." I respond, chuckling at the now hillarious memory that pops into my head out of nowhere. "I'm not gonna lie, she can be a cocky asshole sometimes but I still love her to death."
"You two are real sweet to each when you're not arguing." He laughs, reminiscing on last week's lesson with Professor Umbitch!

In Defence Against The Dark Arts lesson, the previous week, Y/N's POV: Umbridge is being her normal annoying and bitchy ass. God, only if it was legal to use the Killing Curse, I'd kill her immediately.
"Alright, open your textbooks to page 278." Umbridge instructs as books plop onto our desks titled 'Defence Against The Dark Arts: Beginner's Books'.
"Are we gonna learn any sort of magic in this class or not?" Harry inquires as this is the 5th lesson so far that's not been practical-based.
"I've told you this before, dear, there is absolutely nothing that will harm you out there that is going to hurt children." She claims, clasping her hands together and her lips form into a creepy smile.
"You never actually know what is out there, Professor! What about Death-Eaters or Dementors?" I chime in. "They are a g-"
"Why would Dementors attack children, they work for the ministry!" She cuts me off in a 'matter of fact' tone. She always has to have the last word, doesn't she?
"I got attacked in my third year here by Dementors, they aren't what you say them to be, Professor!" The raven-haired boy stands up and protests, leaving our teacher stunned and barely able to produce words.
"You have no proof for these claims, Potter." She cockily tells him after a few moments of hesitation, before my girlfriend stands up.
"He has got proof, Professor. He has several witnesses by the names of Y/N Malfoy, Hermoine Granger and Ronald Weasley." Hermoine responds with me and Ron nodding before she retakes her seat.
"Why on earth would I believe a mudblood!?" She replies, turning her back.
"You wanna repeat what you just said about my damn girlfriend, Umbridge?!" I stand up for her, threatening the woman. "Say those words again!"
"Miss Malfoy, if you do not retake your seat, right this instant, I will put a life-long ban on all of you homosexuals interacting." She snaps at me without turning her head.

"You don't talk to my bloody sister like that, Umbridge. You threaten my family and my father will damn well hear about this!" My brother protects me, staring at her with a grimancing look. "You can't just do that!"
"Oh, I bloody well can, I work with Cornilieus Fudge and I will get a ban on all of you f****ots!" She shouts, rage filling her veins. "I expect to see you four in Dumbledore's office straight after class! I can't believe that we have a group of disgusting gays in our school."

"Hey, Professor!" Seamus calls out in protest, inviting his boyfriend Dean to stand up before he lays a kiss on his lips before Ginny invites her girlfriend Luna to stand up and they do the same. "You aren't gonna do shit about any of us!"
"Enough!" She screams, losing her patience with us eight. "All of you to Dumbledore's office, right now! Class dissmissed for the rest of you!"

In Dumbledore's office, Umbridge shoves all eight of us into the room.
"Professor, I need you to expel these students immediately!" She demands towards the headmaster, aggressively.
"And the reason for the permanent exclusion is what, Professor Umbridge?" He sighs, looking down at her.
"They are all f***ots and that is unacceptable!" She states, thinking that she has a point but Dumbledore just looks at her with disappointment.
"This isn't a issue in our school and it never has been, every student is encouraged to be their authentic self so being gay isn't unacceptable and to say otherwise is incredibly disrespectful!" Professor Albus Dumbledore fires back at her, protecting us all. She scoffs at his response!
"It is a choice and these students should be punished for their actions, right this second!" She continues, putting up a fight that we all just think is absolutely pathetic and makes her a laughing stock.
"Come back to me with a valid reason to expel them and I'll consider, but for now, you students are dismissed and Umbridge, I need to talk to you about your actions." Dumbledore practically laughs at her face before we walk out the room, satisfied with the outcome of that.

"Did you see the expression on Umbridge's face!?" Harry comments, making us all laugh. "It's like she just saw a bloody ghost!"
"She deserves it though, what is she thinking?" Luna adds, laughing along.
"Alright, I'm gonna head back to the Slytherin common room." Draco tells us before giving Harry a kiss on the forehead.
"Bye, baby." Harry waves his boyfriend off. "So, guys I was thinking, since Umbridge straight-up refuses to teach us useful Defence Against The Dark Arts, that we make a club that teaches important lessons." We all agree to the idea and set out to meet up with a few other students next week in Hogsmeade.

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now