My Favourite Comfort (Emma X Female Y/N)

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Summary- After a very stressful day at work, Emma's arms are the only thing that Y/N needs.

(⚠️Contains sexual harrassment ⚠️)

Y/N's POV-

I just had possibly the worst day at work that you could ever imagine, it started off horrible with a co-worker spilling their scorching morning coffee in my lap and they didn't even apologize or ask if I was okay afterwards, they instead blamed me for getting in the way.

Then, I dropped all of the papers that I was carrying down the stairs to the manager's office, nobody offered to help me pick them up afterwards which really made me think that I don't even matter to these people.

Throughout the majority of the day, I had to deal with another co-worker flirting with me and making me really uncomfortable, I don't have the guts to even tell anyone about it because he's in a much higher rank at the corporation that I work at and I have always been told to respect my superiors in the workplace.

Or should I say 'worked at'?

Yeah, today was my last day because of all the 'screw-ups that I caused today' as said by the guy who runs the place as he was firing me for something that I had no part in. The manager has always been quite sexist and homophobic and treated me different to those who weren't in same-sex relationships. It seriously seems that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree since the manager wouldn't even care if I had reported the harrassment that I had received from the co-worker since he keeps making derogatory comments on my appearance and work ethic along with comments against the fact that I am a woman who is romantically involved with another woman.

So I was let go today for disobeying the unwritten rules about working there that stated that all male workers had the right to be like him.

He even told me that no man would ever want me if I kept myself the way that I am at the moment and the second that I reminded him that I have a female partner and was not interested in dating or having a relationship with a man, he made another crude joke about my significant other before firing me there and then.

And now I am here, sitting in the dark in my car, looking at the window to the master bedroom of me and my amazing wife to see the light from the television on, it's around half-past ten at night and I am beyond what you would call exhausted. I take a deep breath in before getting out of the car, grabbing my bag from the backseat and heading inside.

I make my way up to the bedroom to find Emma lazing around on the bed with a book in her hands as I normally find her.

"Hi, darling, how was work?" She looks up at me,  bookmarking the book and putting it to one side.

"Work was horrible today, I can barely believe the kind of thing that I saw with my own two eyes today." I tell her, beginning to change into my pyjamas.

"You wanna talk about it? I'm all ears... Tell me all about what happened that made you think that work was that shit?"

"Well, it started off with somebody spilt their burning hot coffee down my lap which they just blamed me for being in the way, then on the way to the manager's office, I managed to drop all of the really important files and paperwork, I had to deal with one of my co-workers flirting, being homophobic when I rejected his advances and genuinely being a massive creep and then when the manager called me into his office, he fired me for basically disrespecting the other worker because I emotionally harmed his feelings by rejecting his advances!" I tell her and she looks bewildered at the words that are coming out of my mouth.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." She stands to her feet, pulling me into her arms. "They're in the wrong here, you shouldn't have been fired for that."

I can feel myself getting emotional over it all and a few tears roll down my cheeks that my wife quickly wipes away

"Is there anything that I can do for you, sweetheart? I can make you a nice cup of tea or run you a hot bath..." She suggests, looking at me with sympathy.

"I just want to lay down and cuddle." She doesn't respond, instead she takes my hand and pulls me onto the bed and into her warm embrace. It's the kind of embrace that feels like sitting next to a fire on a cold winter's day, sipping on a cup of hot chocolate or finally arriving back home after a long trip, it's my favourite thing in the world and there is nothing that will top it.

But the sex comes in a close second, I love that part of being married to Emma Watson herself...

"You alright there, darling? You look completely out of it." Emma pulls me out of my thoughts, her fingers running through my hair. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Just thinking of ways to describe how much I love your cuddles more than anything." I can just sense the massive smile on her face after I said that, I just know that her heart is beating twice as fast from those words. "I like to describe them as such a comfort and what I look forward to most when I get home from work."

"You are too adorable for this world Y/N Watson, you are the kind of person that doesn't ever deserve anything bad to happen to you under any circumstances."

"I love you, Emma Watson."

"I love you more, Y/N Watson and I fall in love with you every time that I wake up in the morning, I sometimes wake up and think to myself about how I managed to get a girl as amazing as you are."

"I think the same thing as well about you, I think about it a lot, more than I probably should."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I was sitting in a meeting yesterday and I couldn't think of anything other than you and I forgot my entire speech since I couldn't get the image of you out of my mind. The thought of you gets me all flustered."

"That is actually adorable, the fact that you get flustered with just the thought of me."

"I mean, who wouldn't when you are this effortlessly beautiful, Emma Charlotte Duree Watson?" I smile up at her before beginning to feel my eyes getting heavier, Emma must of noticed this because she pulls me on top of her chest and kisses my forehead.

"It's alright, sweetheart, go to sleep, I'm not going anywhere." She coos, gently rubbing my head and watching me fall asleep.

I fall asleep right there and then, I have some of the most amazing dreams of her and her only and I'm content...

She's my favourite comfort...

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