Because Of You, I Am Afraid (Female Y/N)

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Year: Order Of The Phoenix
House: Slytherin

Family and Past Relationships
Lord Voldemort (Tom Marvalo Riddle) (Father)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Mother)
Mattheo Riddle (Older Brother)
Narcissa Malfoy (Aunt)
Draco Malfoy (Cousin)
Pansy Parkinson (Ex-Girlfriend)
Seamus Finnegan (BFF)
Dean Thomas (BFF)

Relationship with Hermione = Girlfriend
Type of Chapter: Angst
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️Mentions the serious topics of Child Abuse and Sexual Assault ⚠️
(⚠️Viewer discretion is heavily advised, so if there is a potentially triggering topic(s) in this chapter, please scroll to the next chapter⚠️)

Summary: Y/N and Hermione have only been dating for a few months when they are in Hermione's dorm room, getting it on when Y/N suddenly shoves her off and what Hermione learns a second later about her beloved girlfriend will probably stay with her forever....

Hermione's POV: So, me and Y/N have been seeing one another exclusively for a couple of months and we've been discussing about taking our relationship to the next level but she has always seemed so reluctant, so I have told her repeatedly, that I'll wait for her to be ready even if that takes a million years. But recently she has been acting like she is ready but I'm just waiting for her to initiate it...

We are currently cuddling in my dorm room, when I feel her finger run up my left arm whilst smiling at me.
"What are you doing there, sweetheart?" I ask her, giggling at her adorableness but then she captures my lips in a kiss.

Y/N's POV: I've wanted to do this with Hermione but I've been so scared of the traumatising flashbacks of being sexually assaulted twice by two people that I thought I could trust who are my ex-girlfriend Pansy and my cousin Draco.

I pull her on top of me, her hands caressing my sides as she makes the kiss deeper. I try to fight the thoughts away, Hermione would never do that to me so why am I thinking about the chance?

I involuntarily push her off me, my breath slowly increasing, I pull my head between my knees and rock back and forth.
"Darling, what's going on?" Hermione panics, her tone soft and comforting.
"Don't do it to me! Leave me alone!" I sob into my knees, I can just sense the look of extreme worry and fear on my girlfriend's face.

"Come on Y/N, let's just do this! I know that you want me!"

"If you don't do this with me, Y/N, I'll tell the entire family about your little mudblood of a girlfriend!"

My breath eventually slows down, Hermione sits down on the bed carefully, her face full of worry and concern.

"Hug me, Hermione..."

A moment later, she pulls me into her embrace, whispering sweet nothings into my ear and rubbing my back in a comforting manner.
"Are you alright, sweetheart?" She asks me, furrowing her eyebrows in concern. "You can tell me anything, I won't ever judge you about anything..."

"Can you keep a secret?" I pull away from her and she nods, wiping my tears.
"Anything you tell me won't leave this room..." She assures me, giving me the 'okay' to tell her the biggest secrets that I've never told anyone.

"Back in 3rd year, I was secretly dating Pansy Parkinson, she obviously was embarrassed of me as she pretended that I never ever existed outside when we were alone... Well, one night during a Slytherin dorm room party, she got 'drunk' when she pulled me into her domitory and pressured me into having sexual intercourse with her." I explain, a few tears roll down my cheeks. "When I rejected her advances, she forcibly tied me to the bed and sexually assaulted me."

"Baby, I'm so sorry that you went through that thing, I just want you to know that I would never in a million years ever do that kind of thing to you no matter what." Hermione promises to me, kissing my hand softly.

I nod before continuing

"I wake up the next morning and head back to Malfoy Manor to cry in my bedroom when Draco finds me in there and 'comforts' me, he didn't care what had just happened to me and just saw me as that vulnerable cousin of his so he gave me a drink that he said always made him feel better after any situation, I drank it and suddenly black out..."

"I wake up with all of my clothes removed to only realise that I had just been sexually assaulted twice in two days..."

The tears begin to uncontrollably stream down both of my cheeks and Hermione pulls me into her embrace, allowing me to cry into her shirt and cuddle her tightly.
"It's gonna be alright, darling..." She comforts me in her soft tone, but I can faintly hear the rage fueling from her voice as she kisses my forehead repeatedly. "I'm not ever gonna let nobody do anything like that to you ever again!"

"Baby, can you kick the shit out of them both the next time that you see either of them?" I ask her, giggling softly as she wipes away my falling tears.
"Of course I will, I'll make sure that they get fucked up to the maximum!" She promises, kissing my forehead again.

Hermione's POV: With Y/N's permission, I told Harry, Ron, Fred and George about what Pansy and Draco did to my girlfriend and we have came up with the best idea of all time. We even managed to pay Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle to stay out of it!

"Malfoy, Parkinson, get your bitch-asses over here now!" I storm outside with the others following close behind, I notice Y/N's sly smirk as we approach the ferret and his 'pug-faced girlfriend'.
"What do you all want? I was trying to have some time with my girlfriend so if you all could fuck off, that would be really appreciated!" Draco snaps at us as we walk over.
"Not gonna happen, Malfoy, we heard what the both of you separately did to Y/N Riddle in the past..." Harry interrogates them, stepping in front of us.
"What are you on about, Pottah!?" Malfoy questions, shoving Harry away.
"You both sexually assaulted her in the span of two nights, you rapists!" Ron accuses them, shocking essentially everyone in the premises.

"Draco is her cousin, he would never do that to family!" Pansy defends her wittle 'boyfriend', smirking at me specifically.

I've never wanted to break a bitch's legs more than I do right now.
"You can talk, Parkinson, you are just as guilty as the blonde Barbie standing next to you!" Fred adds, silencing Pansy in an instant. "Keep your filthy mouth shut!"

"It's true, you two sexually assaulted Y/N?!" Seamus inquires, looking absolutely disgusted at their actions. "That's beyond horrendous, you deserve to put in Askaban! You obviously don't understand how this situation could potentially ruin somebody's entire life!"

The Irishman lunges for Draco, shoving him up against the tree that is behind him.
"You ever speak to her again and I won't hesitate to break your Johnson's, Malfoy!" He threatens him before hitting him in his downstairs area, leaving him wreathing around on the floor in immense pain.

Then, I decide to push Pansy up against a wall, gripping her shirt in my fists.
"You ever mess with my girlfriend again, Parkinson, and I won't think twice about snapping your body in half like a twig, do you hear me?" I warn her, holding my wand up to her face.

The two of them bolt off, too embarrassed to even fight back.

We end up heading to see Professor Dumbledore and eventually get the two of them permanently expelled from Hogwarts.

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now