He's My Dad

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(If ya, ya know 🥺🤍🥰)

Year: Deathly Hallows Part 1
House: Gryfindor
Family: Sirius Black (Father)
Relationship With Hermoine: Girlfriend
Type of Chapter: Angst
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary: After Sirius's passing, Harry has acting different for obvious reasons but when you try to sympathise with him, he snaps and thinks that you don't understand how he feels, forgetting that his godfather is your father. Half of the common room have to physically separate the both of you otherwise, it would end in somebody's demise.

Y/N's POV: Just like the past few nights, we've been forced to listening to Harry's heartfelt speeches about my dad and how amazing of a godfather he was to him. To be honest, Harry is essentially a cousin to me so I can understand his pain, the boy watched him go in a instant.
"It's not like any of you will understand how it feels to lose somebody close to you!" Harry takes it too far, I decide to speak up.
"Harry, lots of us have suffered loss in the family just like you have... Neville's tragically lost both of his parents for christsake! My bloody girlfriend had to erase her parents' memories just to protect them, you aren't the only one!" I tell him, furiously.

"Yeah, but he was the last of my damn family, Y/N! You still have your girlfriend and your parents!" He exclaims, obviously forgetting one crucial point here.
"Harry, I don't have my parents, my mum died a long time ag-" I tell him, flabbergasted. "You're obviously forgetting whom my dad actually is..."
Hermoine stands up and tells him. "If anyone should be the most hurt by Sirius's passing, it should be my fucking girlfriend! You are belitting her feelings and you have forgotten that you're speaking to Sirius's daughter!" The room goes silent and my hands ball up into fists.

"Darling, calm down." Hermoine grabs my hand but I just shrug her off, staring with a rage at Harry.
"Y/N listen to Hermoine, calm down." Ginny tells me, slightly holding me back. I know she's not doing it for my benefit, she's basically dating Harry at this point so protecting him is her number one priority because I've lashed out on several students in the past year when my dad's death was brought up in a negative light.

Despite what the other two are telling me, I slip through them and lunge for Harry to which Hermoine, Ron, Seamus and Ron  have to physically hold me back from the boy!
"I'm gonna kill you, Potter! You're the reason for my dad's death! It's all your goddamn fault!" I exclaim, rage filling my veins, I'm ready to rip this dick's head clean from his shoulders.
"Ron, never thought you'd be on her side." Ginny tells her brother who just stares at the pair.
"Why would I side with this bastard, you always have to make it about yourself, Potter! You've treated me and Hermoine like shit since the first time we met!" Ron snaps at his ex-bestfriend, aggressively getting up in her face. "I wish I could say the same for you, Ginny but..."

"You were always a second choice, Y/N to your father, to me and the rest of our damn family." Harry laughs at me with a evil smirk on his face. "Sirius told me personally! He wished you were dead!"

"Harry James Potter, you stop with all these lies!" Hermoine responds to him, letting go off me so I roughly tackle Harry to the floor with a swift array of tight-fisted pounds to the face.
"I'll give you another permanent scar and this one will be way deeper!" I scream as his face becomes more and more bruised. Hermoine does her best to get me off of him but my anger takes over me and I snap at her, more aggressively than intended "FUCK OFF HERMOINE, THE BASTARD DESERVES IT!" I glance at Harry's beaten face before shoving my way past everyone and heading up to my dorm room.

2 weeks pass: Harry's face has another scar and a permanent bruise under his lip that reminds him of the real monster that is inside of me. Hermoine hasn't spoken to me since that day qnd I don't blame her for it, I did snap at her, obviously frightening her quite badly.

Now I'm just standing atop of the astronomy tower, looking at the deep drop below. I've ruined everything with the way I overreacted, there's no way that anybody wants me on this earth, my entire family is either dead or wants nothing to do with me.

The stairs leading up to the top begin to squeak, my head snaps to see my girlfriend walking up the stairs.
"Darling, can please we talk?" She inquires in a tone that would make your heart shatter into a million pieces but, I just ignore her and continue to watch the horizon.
"Hermoine, you don't need somebody like me in your life. I'm just a pathetic and worthless bastard, what do you even see in me?" I ask, not moving my body a inch.
"Y/N, you know exactly what I see when I look at you, I see the girl I fell in love with 3 years ago who turned out to be my wonderful girlfriend who I wouldn't trade for the world." She tells me, walking up next to me and wrapping her arm around my waist. "That's what I see when I look at you, darling."

"Is this about Harry still? I know I've been avoiding you for a while and I'm sorry about it." She comments, kissing my shoulder. I just nod my head, grimancing.

"Why did I do that to him, he probably hates my guts more than he did be-" I start but Hermoine cuts me off with a passionate kiss, one of those kisses she produces that takes my breath away and makes me shiver with delight. Her brown eyes meeting mine, a small smile appearing on her face.

"He has forgiven you, my love." She tells me, grabbing my hand and carressing it. "He told me before I came here that he also wanted to apologise for belitting your feelings about your dad, he knows how much you loved him." I smile at her, leaning against the railing.
"Tell him that forgive him for me?" I tell her, avoiding eye contact but she gives me a playful slap on the arm.
"You can stop being lazy and tell him yourself, you're capable, aren't you?" She replies, laughing at me.

In the Great Hall: I enter the room, followed by Hermoine and take a seat next to Harry who notices my presence and smiles slightly.
"Y/N, I'm really sorry about being so horrible to you about your amazing father's passing." Harry tells me, looking down.
"It's alright, Harry. I lashed out because I was still not over it and hated mentions of it. Sorry about the face!" I apologise, making him chuckle softly before we get up and have a hug.

"Bloody hell, you two forgave each other quickly." Ron appears out of nowhere, sitting next to my girlfriend and smiling.
"I'm taking you two made up then?" I joke, making them both nod.
"Can't stay mad at Harry for too long, he's my best mate!" The redhead responds, grinning.

Speaking of redheads, the youngest Weasley appears next to me and gets my attention.
"Hey, Y/N..." She greets me, avoiding eye contact. "I wanna apologise for being so mean 2 weeks ago"
"It's fine, Ginny. I am a very forgiving person, you've got nothing to apologise for. I just wasn't really in the best mood to discuss my dad so I lashed out." I explain and she nods, pulling me into a hug.

"Oi, remember that she's still mine, Gin." Hermoine pipes up, jokingly. "Don't be getting too close."
"Of course, baby. I'm all yours." I respond, sitting next to my girlfriend. "Nobody elses." She gives me a quick peck on the cheek before going off to reading.

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now