A Different Kind Of Romance (Male Y/N) (Requested)

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Year: Half-Blood Prince/Deathly Hallows (Part 1 and 2)
House: Slytherin

Family and Relationships
Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort) (Father)

Relationship with Hermione: Stranger/Future Lover
Type of Chapter: Angst/Smut
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️Contains potentially triggering subjects such as child abuse, abduction and Stockholm Syndrome⚠️

Summary: When Lord Voldemort's only son finds out about his father's plot to kill all of the muggle-born students at Hogwarts, he knows that he has to help one student in particular that he is quite fond with; Hermione Jean Granger. So he abducts her, taking her away from the danger and keeps her safe. The two of them develop a Stockholm Syndrome-like relationship and fall for one another leading to sex.

Y/N's POV-

Malfoy Manor had now become a meeting place for my family and some of my father's most trusted followers, it's like the place had became a second home for my family and I hate it but not as much as I personally hate my own father and for everything that he stands for.

There's no way that he'll accept my views against the muggle-borns out there because of his own views, he has never been able to understand anyone other than himself because he's a self-obsessed psychopathic bastard.

He sits at the head of the table whilst I'm sat the other end with Malfoy sitting next to me, and to be completely honest, I've always been quite fond of Draco Malfoy because of him being in a similar situation as I am.

He sees me as a good friend and I see him in the same way where he can finally talk about all of his problems and I can do the same, we both share a hatred for both of our fathers and knowing how he has been treated, I sympathize with the young lad.

"You will probably know why I gathered you for another meeting and that is because we are slowly gravitating towards my goal of killing Harry Potter..." Father informs us, giving us all a unsettling smirk. "I am going to kill that boy if it's the last thing that I do, nobody is taking this from me."

"But first of all, we need to kill all of those filthy witches and wizards who are going to get in my way of killing Mr Potter." He continues, that terrifying smile returning to his face.

The meeting goes on for a while, discussing my father's lengthy plan just days before me and Draco are expected back for our 6th year of Hogwarts.

The aroma in the Great Hall during that first dinner is tense and eerie as if people already knew about my father's plans, it was like everyone had their eyes glued onto me and Draco in particular.

But then, my eyes snap towards a certain muggle-born by the name of Hermione Jean Granger who happens to be one of Harry Potter's best friends. I have always had a thing for her, internally wishing that she would forget about my parental heritage and would fall in love with me but that will never happen if I don't try something...

I may have to turn to much darker means of gaining her attention

Hermione's POV-

Ron's been seeing this Lavender Brown for a while now and I may or may not be getting quite jealous of her, I subconsciously have known about my feelings towards the red-headed lad 3 years ago when my hand brushed against his, my heart beginning to beat twice as fast.

Watching the two of them together just makes my heart continuously twang with jealousy every single time that I see that bitch smiling at Ron or vice versa. Harry has definitely noticed this, I can just see it on his face whenever I'm in the same room as the lovebirds.

But I've been also seen Y/N Riddle's brown eyes on me on several occasions whenever he's in the same room but for what reason, I will never understand why this year, I have somehow managed to have gotten a boy's eyes on me and me specifically...

I was grabbing my normal select of study books earlier and I swore that I saw him in the corner of my eye, standing at the end of the aisle with his gaze against me; but when I turned my head, there wasn't anybody there.

But when I was wandering down the halls to go and meet Harry and Ron, I stupidly got myself lured by a mysterious figure and unexpectedly got myself abducted.

And that's when I ended up in the situation that I am in now... Tied to a chair in a pitch-black room in a unfamiliar house.

Y/N wanders into view, wearing a black suit and a smirk on his face, like one of those stereotypical antagonists in those muggle gangsta films that I've seen in the past but I'm now living through the screen in my own film as this all just feels like a nightmare.

"Hermione Granger, you must be wondering why I have brought you here?" Y/N states, settling his wand against the coffee table. "The honest truth is that you are safer here with me than at that school with Weasley and Potter."

"You're crazy, you must be insane to think such things!" I retort, pulling against the wrist restraints. "This can't be happening, it must just be a dream."

"This isn't a dream, darling... This is real life." He informs me, smirking. "My father has set out to kill all of the students whom have relations towards Harry Potter but I've always had sympathy towards you so I saved your ass."

"You're lying! I need to go back and protect Harry just in case something happens to him! Why are you keeping me locked up here!?"

"I've just told you, I'm keeping you safe, now sleep tight; we shall talk more later."

A few weeks later, still at Riddle House-

It sounds almost impossible but I've managed to fall completely head over heels for the man who abducted me and there is no logistical explanation for these feelings that I'm feeling inside of my body.

I hardly knew this man and the shit that he had been through but now, it's like we've been friends since birth since we've talked so much that I know some of his deepest and darkest secrets, plus he has finally allowed me to walk freely around the Riddle Manor.

I find him reading some parchment in the kitchen, a coffee mug in the other hand, flicking through the pages rapidly.

"Granger, I know you're there." He surprises me, his eyes not leaving the page before his head slowly turns to me standing there. "You can come in closer, I don't bite, unless you want me to."

"Y/N, there's something that I need to talk to you about."

"What?" He asks as he puts the book to one side and I wander over to him, subtlely resting my hand against his.

"I've fallen in love with you over these last few weeks and I don't quite know why..."

"That is called Stockholm Syndrome, I abducted you and now you're falling in love with me? How amusing..."

He chuckles before getting serious all again when I place my hand against his cheek.

"I'm being serious."

Before he can say another word, I pull him into a kiss, hoping that he doesn't find it too uncomfortable, but when he suddenly lifts me into his arms and presses me against the kitchen appliances, I know that he doesn't mind it one bit.

He begins to unbutton my shirt before I feel my hands graze over his dick-

-To be continued

(A continuation of the smut will be in the next part of this so bring your holy water!)

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now