Girlfriend Turned Boyfriend (Trans!Male OC)

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Full Name: Sam Alexander Weasley
Age/Birthdate/ Year: 14 years old/ 1st March 1980/ Goblet of Fire (1994)
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Family and Relationships:
Arthur Weasley (Father)
Molly Weasley (Mother)
Bill Weasley (Older Brother)
Charlie Weasley (Older Brother)
Fred and George Weasley (Older Brothers)
Ronald Weasley (Older Twin Brother)
Ginny Weasley (Younger Sister)

Relationship with Hermione: Best Friend
Type of Chapter: Hurt/Comfort
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️A little bit transphobia⚠️

Summary- When Sam finds a love letter from his girlfriend's best friend, he is confused

Sam's POV-

Being both a trans guy and a ginger isn't always fun, let me tell you for starter. You would honestly think that me and my family don't get a lot of attention from the other sex (or the same sex, what they do in private is their business)

But surprisingly, most of us have partners, I've been dating this girl in Hufflepuff for about a year now named Grace, she's a really lovely lady and she has always been really supportive of my transition. But at the same time, there's a urging feeling in the back of my mind that there is something going on with her and this girl named Charlotte in Ravenclaw. They're best friends so I'm not surprised that they are spending time together but something is shady about their friendship and I feel like I should know.

I guess, going from a lesbian with a girlfriend to suddenly having a boyfriend isn't going too well for her, we've been sort of drifting apart. But nothing could have prepared me for what I would see next.

I was wandering back to the Hufflepuff common room after my last lesson of the day, feeling great as I really enjoyed the class and was looking forward to cracking on with my homework when I passed Grace and Charlotte in the hallways, giggling about something.

Normal, right? Wrong.

As soon as me and Grace caught eyes, her and Charlotte separated from one another and seemed to be going off in different directions. I didn't know how to feel about it so I tried to forget about it and kept that smile on my face.

But what I didn't seem to notice was Charlotte handing Grace a letter until much longer. It was that night in the library when I found the letter poking out of her pocket, as if she was just waiting for me to read it.

"What's that in your pocket?" I ask, pointing down at the paper, trying to hide my suspicion.

"Just the homework answers from Charlotte." She told me, not taking an eye off the book in her hands.

"What homework? I could have helped you, the only homework that we got was in Herbology."

"I can do my homework with whomever I want to,  it isn't a big deal, stop being dramatic."

"Can I read those homework answers? I want to make sure that they are the same."

"No, you'll just copy."

"I did my homework already, I can show you if you don't believe me."

"Then why do you need the answers?"

"Because I want to check if Charlotte's answers are the same as mine, she is a Ravenclaw after all, they are known for their intelligence."

"I'm not fooled that easily." Just then I see Hermione, Ron and Harry walk into the room, hearing the commotion between us two. Hermione's eyebrows furrow, silently asking me what the bloody hell is going on.

"If you let me see these amazing homework answers, I'll leave you alone." I look at my friend's behind her as Hermione comes up behind Grace, seeing the paper as well and as if she had read my mind, swiped the paper from Grace's pocket. "I got to go."

"Bye then." I follow Hermione, Ron and Harry into another part of the library before Hermione hands me these homework answers.

"What the bloody hell was that about?" My brother asks me, barely able to contain his laughter. "All that commotion over some stupid Herbology homework answers."

"I'm not sure that really is homework answers if she was that bloody reluctant to hand them over, Ronnie boy." I take a deep breath before opening the paper to see something that I never want r to see in a million years. My suspicions were correct because it wasn't any sort of Herbology answers but it was just Charlotte declaring her love for my girlfriend. "I knew it. She's cheating on me with Charlotte, huh?"

"That doesn't really say anything, mate, that's her best friend. Friends tell one another that they love one another all the time."

"You could be right, but I just have this feeling that since I came out, her demeanor about this relationship has changed."

"That's pretty obvious." Harry interjects with his normal level of sarcasm. "Ever since Sam came out, something has changed in Grace. I cannot be the only one to have noticed that her and Charlotte had been spending more and more time together."

"Oh, well spotted, Potter." I sigh heavily, trying to figure this out all in my head in the span of what feels like five seconds but I cannot think of a reasonable reason into why she would be cheating on me, flopping into a nearby chair. "Am I going crazy or something?"

"It's completely normal to have insecurities in relationships." Hermione reminds me, placing a hand on my arm. "I wouldn't say that you are going crazy."

"None of us think you're going crazy, mate." My brother sits next to me, a smile growing on my face finally, but then we all see Grace standing there. "There she is now, ask her what's going on."

Hermione's POV-

We watch from a distance as Sam stands to his feet, facing Grace once again, there is a few seconds of awkward tension between the two of them before Grace finally speaks up, "Talk to me about what?"

Her tone is sour and laced with venom, she knows that Sam knows about her potential infidelity.

"I just want to know if there's anything going on between you and Charlotte." Sam looks her in the eye and there is a moment of hesitation in his voice, like a deer in headlights.

"Isn't it pretty obvious? We pretty much broke up when you came out as whatever you are. I'm a lesbian, remember? You were a lesbian before all this happened and now, you're straight." She reminded him in a tone that none of us like the sound of; that's when it all came together. Sam couldn't find the words to respond so Grace just walked away, leaving our mouths sour and our minds conflicted.

"Well, then, I guess that clears that up, doesn't it?" Sam slumps back onto the chair, laughing but I know that he's hurting inside deeply. All three of us surround him and we share a group huh just as he finally let the tears flow. "Did she really have to put it like that though?"

None of us had the right words but we knew that we were doing good enough but just being there for him in this tough time. We spend the next few weeks with Sam all the time and by the end of the month, he's back to his happy and playful self once again.

And about Charlotte and Grace? Their relationship came to a end at the end of the year after ironically, Charlotte had cheated on Grace and all we could do was sit back and laugh.

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