Norse Mythology (Male OC)

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Full Name: Alexander Helvig

Age/Birthdate/Year- 16 years old/18 years old, Born January 28th 1980, Order Of The Phoenix (1996)/ Deathly Hallows Part II (1998) *Deathly Hallows Part in second part of oneshot*

Hogwarts House- Gryffindor

Relationship With Hermione- Girlfriend

Type Of Chapter- Angst/ Hurt and Comfort

Trigger Warnings- None

Summary- When Alexander gets killed during the Battle Of Department of Mysteries, his girlfriend Hermione sees him being taken away by a Valkyrie to Valhalla.

 (Please forgive me if this is quite shit, Norse Mythology is not something that I am particularly interested in but the person who requested it asked for it so I have done some research but still don't 100% understand it so please do not get arsy with me in the comment section if I get something wrong. Okay, enjoy!)

Hermione's POV-

My boyfriend, Alex has been telling me non-stop about these Norse Gods that he believes in for the last couple of weeks, I can hardly remember half of their names since he is also talking about one than the other before I can understand what is going on and honestly it is getting kind of annoying that he has not stopped talking about them and barely lets me talk about anything else but then again, I love him so I don't stop him, I normally stop listening since I think that it is all nonsence.

But at the moment, Norse Mythology is not something that we are talking about, we are currently in the Department of Mysteries with Death Eaters everywhere around, holding all of us captive, baring Harry who's standing up there with Lucius Malfoy. All of a sudden, Sirius Black appears from behind Lucius Malfoy, knocking him over with a clean punch to the face. 

That is when all hell breaks loose, several members of the Order Of The Phoenix apparated into the room and a full-out battle ensues. We are all closely watching Harry and Sirius battle Lucius when all of a sudden, a green light blasts out of a Death Eater's wand and Alex drops dead to the floor, luckily somebody blasts them away with a curse but I am now stuck there being forced to see my boyfriend's dead body when Bellatrix uses the killing curse and kills Sirius right in front of Harry.

Harry chases Bellatrix out of the room with the others following them behind, Remus and Tonks are the first ones to hurry over to Alexander's dead body as I stand there emotionless at the sight.

"Hermione, I am so sorry that you had to see this." Tonks looks over at me with sympathy, glancing between me and Remus but I'm not paying much attention as I'm seeing something different, I see a Valkyrie walking over before seeming to take Alex's lifeless body with her before both of them disappear into thin air. I accept what I have seen, feeling a couple tears rolling down my cheeks as Tonks and Remus both comfort me. "I cannot imagine the emotions that you are feeling..."

"At least he wasn't suffering before death, he's in a better place now." I nod my head at Remus's words. "Come on."

2 months later at the Burrow-

I've decided to spend my summer break at the Burrow with Ron and Harry, trying to forget about the last couple of months seeming to be a lot harder than I expected. I thought that I would be devastated when I saw my own boyfriend be killed by Death Eaters but I feel comforted for some reason from the sight of seeing that Valkyrie take him away with that comforting smile on her face. I have decided to start reading into Norse Mythology to know more in-depth about these Valkyries and what they do.

"Hermione, dear, how are you feeling?" Mrs Weasley comes up to me in the kitchen as I shut the book in my hands.

"I don't know how I'm feeling, I feel sort of comfortable knowing about how Alex passed away." I explain to her, she places a hand on my shoulder. "I saw a Valkyrie after he died, it took him away and they both disappeared, I think that Remus and Tonks saw it as well."

"From that Norse Mythology that he was always talking about?"

"Yeah, I remember him telling me all about them and what they did so I decided to start researching the Norse Mythology as much as I can in a way of grieving his passing."

"I heard all about them as well, he was always like a son to me, I like to think of you, Harry and him as my own. Ronald has told me in the past that he is so happy that he made friends like you three and will never forget all of the memories with Alex." Mrs Weasley continues on, smiling at the memory and wiping a tear out of her eye.  "Could I do anything for you to help? Would you like a hot drink or something like that, dear?"

"No, thank you, I think I'm just going to go and find Harry and Ron to try and take my mind off this thing."

"The last time that I saw them, they both were upstairs with Fred and George talking about something." I nod my head and begin to head upstairs when Molly gets my attention once more, a smile on her face. "You ever need somebody to talk to, you know who to come to."

I find Ron and Harry talking about who knows what and we end up having a pleasant conversation about how we are feeling since and I was finally able to be open about my emotions.

I'm happy to have friends like them...

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