Protesting (Bisexaul!Female Y/N)

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Year: Order Of The Phoenix
House: Slytherin

Family and Relationships:
Lucius Malfoy (Father)
Narcissa Malfoy (Mother)
Draco Malfoy (Older Brother)

Relationship with Hermione: Secret Girlfriend
Type of Chapter: Regular
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️ Contains homophobic and transphobic comments⚠️

Summary: At a Anti-LGBT protest at Hogwarts, Hermione and Y/N, and some other same-sex couples and trans people, fight back against Dolores Umbridge trying to ban homosexuality and transgender people.

(In my headcanon, Ron and Neville are both trans FTM🏳️‍⚧️)

Hermione's POV: At this current moment, the majority of the wizarding world are seriously homophobic and transphobic but now, our new headmistress, Dolores Umbridge is currently trying to down-right ban all LGBTQIA+ people which has an actual chance to completely change some people in this school community's overall lifes.

Some known people that are members of the LGBT in this school are:

Y/N Y/M/N Malfoy (Bisexual)

Me, Hermione Jean Granger (Lesbian)

Harry James Potter (Bisexual)

Draco Lucius Malfoy (Gay)

Luna Lovegood (Pansexual)

Ginny Weasley (Bisexual)

Dean Thomas (Gay)

Seamus Finnegan (Gay)

Ron Weasley (Transgender FTM and Bisexual)

Neville Longbottom (Transgender FTM)

Pansy Parkinson (Lesbian)

Y/N's POV: Me and Draco have to keep our sexualities and relationships with Harry and Hermione quiet because the majority of pure-bloods are extremely homophobic.

"I think that the majority of the decent wizards and witches can agree with me that these homosexuals, these lesbians, these bisexuals and transgenders are absolutely disgusting! These people are sick in the head, everyone should be sticking to heterosexuality! It's obvious that these twisted individuals are simply confused!" Umbridge protests against the LGBT+ to which I roll my eyes at her. "So that is why we need to ban all of the LGBT community and I think that everyone can agree with me."

The disgusting bitch finishes her statement by flashing that cringe as fuck smile at us all that could nearly makes me gag but my father and mother both force me and my brother to laugh along.
"Come on, you two, don't tell me that you support these horrendous people." Father comments, pushing us both.

We both look over to Harry and Hermione who both smile weakly at us, I see Harry take a deep breath in before bravely stepping forward.

Harry's POV: I stop into the front of the crowd of people, glaring directly at Umbridge.
"You are wrong, Umbridge! Members of the LGBT+ deserve the same rights as the everyone! Who gives a shit about who we love?!" I defend our community, bravely before looking over to my boyfriend, Draco.

I give him a smile and he walks over to me before giving me a passionate kiss in front of everyone as a protest.
"Take them away at once!" Dolores demands towards some people who work at the Ministry of Magic.

"That isn't happening!" Hermione stands in their way and surprisingly, they back off.

Y/N's POV: My girlfriend looks at me, smiling to which I grin back.
"Princess?" She calls for me and I go to walk over to her when my father and mother both grab onto my two arms.
"Not happening, Y/N! You are not standing up for these f*ggots!" Father tells me, gripping onto my arm.

"Let go of me, now!" I scream before managing to wiggle out of his grip and bolt over to Hermione who pulls me into a protective hug.

Draco's POV: Our father and mother begin to storm towards me and Y/N but I fight back, pulling my wand out and aim at them both.
"You leave me and Y/N the fuck alone!" I demand in a threatening manner. "We have the goddamn right to love who the fuck we want and there is nothing that any of you absolute pricks are going to do about it!"
"Draco, as my son, I know that you should be treating me and your mother with respect!" Father continues to berate me, relentlessly. "Now, get your stupid ass over here before I be-"

"No! We are not listening to your dumb homophobic manipulation, our community, both the wizards and the muggles, have fought for years to get the same rights as you all! We have received death threats for just being ourselves!" My sister fights back as Seamus, Dean, Ginny, Luna, Ron and Neville step up behind us. "If you thought about how your actions can completely ruin someone out there who is struggling with their gender identity or sexuality, maybe us children wouldn't be here!"

"These children aren't sick and twisted, they are human, just like we are, Dolores!" Professor McGonagall stands up, speaking to my parents and Dolores Umbridge as one. "You should love your children for being brave enough to stand here today and defend themselves and the LGBT+ community."

"We love our two children for whom they are, so why can't you, Malfoy?" Mr Weasley steps forward with his wife, putting his hands on Ron and Ginny's shoulders.

"The children don't know what they are on about! They are being stupid, they need to find the opposite gender to date or realise that neither of the two girls are going to be men, then they'll realise that being gay or transgender is pathetic and should be aboli-!" Dolores continues to be horrible in but Mrs. Weasley eventually cuts her off.

"You're just jealous, Umbitch! Jealous that they are more likely to find somebody who loves them or were you not hugged enough as a child?"

"This isn't our daughter, this is our son!" Mr Weasley adds, pointing towards Ron who has a smug look on his face.

All of the homophobic bastard eventually leave without another word being spoken, so that's a point for the LGBT community over them?

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