Married Life (Hermione X Male OC)

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Full Name: Leo William Remus Potter
Age: 37 years old (Born 31st July 1980, Post-Hogwarts *2017*)
Hogwarts House: Gryfindor
Marital Status: Married

Family and Relationships:
James Potter (Deceased Father)
Lily Potter (nee. Evans) (Deceased Mother)
Harry James Potter ( Older Twin Brother)
Remus John Lupin (Deceased Godfather)
Significant Other: Hermione Jean Potter (nee. Granger) (Married for 18 years)
Nicholas Leo Harrison Potter (16 year old son)
Hannah Lilian Jean Potter (14 year old daughter)
Nathan Albus Sirius Potter (11 year old son)
Oakley Christopher Potter (11 year old son)
*Oakley and Nathan are identical twin brothers*

Summary: When Leo and Hermione drop their children off at Platform 9¾, they find Harry and Ginny along with Ron and Lavender all dropping off their children for their first year of Hogwarts.

Leo's POV: We arrive at Kings Cross Station in London, about to head into Platform 9¾ once again... We've been here lately with Nick and Hannah's years of Hogwarts but today our identical twin boys Oakley and Nathan starting their first year.
"I can't wait for this, dad!" Nathan excitedly tells me, watching his two older siblings run through the wall with Hermione but that's when I notice Oakley's obvious nervousness.
"I know, bud. Why don't you go join Mum, Nick and Hannah? I'll be there in a second." I tell him and he nods, heading off to the platform.

I help Oakley through the wall before pulling him aside, allowing Hermione to send our other children off.
"What is going on, Oaks? Why the long face, bud?" I ask my youngest son.
"I don't know, it's just by knowing that I'm in the same year as Draco Malfoy's son... You've told me and Nate all about how horrible he was and that makes me worry about what this year is gonna be like." He admits, looking me in the eye. "I really don't wanna be in Slytherin house."
"Oakley Christopher Potter, remember what I told you before, the Sorting Hat takes your though into account so you can pick Gryfindor..." I tell him, smiling at my son. "Even if you do end up in Slytherin, that won't change how much me and your mum love you."

He smiles at me before we head off to find the others interacting with Harry, Ginny, Lavender and Ron with their children.

"Once they are on the train, it's gonna be a empty house for the first time..." My wife tells me, watching the boys play with Albus, Harry and Ginny's son and Gideon, Ron and Lavender's son.
"It's gonna be so quiet back at home, just me and you, my darling." I respond, kissing her cheek.
"You two are lucky, we still have Lily to put up with for another 2 years!" Harry tells us, playfully teasing his young daughter who laughs along with us.

Then the bell rings for the students to hop on the train before the train heads off to Hogwarts, sending our children away.

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