Rewrite The Stars (Part 2) (Requested)

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Hermione's POV:

It's been 4 weeks since the incident and still Isaac has not shown any signs of life, I am getting genuinely worried about him. It's like I have just been swarmed with the fear of not knowing if Isaac even likes me back.

I grip onto his hand, slowly losing all hope when I feel his hand slowly grip onto mine.

I look up at him and his eyes open before he sits up and looks at me, looking confused where he is until his eyes meet mine.

"Hi, Hermione..." He smiles at me, his tired eyes looking at me.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" I greet him, chuckling at his confused expression on his face.
"Why am I in the medical ward?" He asks me, inspecting the room around him.
"You and Ron got into a fight in the Gryfindor common room and you fell unconscious so me, Harry and Ginny all brought you here." I explain to him and watch his eyes just go really wide...

"I didn't know my twin brother was like that..." He laughs, showing the obvious signs of having amnesia about the entire experience.

"Ah, Mister Weasley, you're awake!" Madam Pomfrey appears, smiling. "How are you feeling, my dear?"
"I'm feeling alright, a little dozy but mostly fine." Isaac answers, yawning.

"Brilliant, I'll give you medication for any existing pains before you and Miss Granger can head off."

A few minutes later, me and Isaac are walking down the hallway back to the Gryfindor common room when he suddenly stops momentarily.

"Hermione, why did you kiss me?" He asks me, a concerned expression forming on his face all of a sudden. "Aren't you and Ron together?"

I choose to stay silent, not wanting to make this even more awkward between Isaac and Ron at the current moment.

"I kissed you because... I'm in love with you, Isaac." I tell him, blatantly. "And if you don't love me back, then that's fine but we can just stay friends."
"No, Hermione!" He grabs my arm, stopping me in my tracks. "I do love you too!"

"You can stop with the blatant lying, Isaac, I know you're just taking the piss with me."

Suddenly, he grabs my waist and pulls me into a passionate kiss, just like the one we shared in the common room before the whole incident took place.

"I have loved you ever since our 2nd year of Hogwarts, when I found out that you and Ron were a thing, I was heart-broken but I accepted that you obviously chose him because you liked him back." He admits, bringing a warm smile to my face. "Hermione Jean Granger, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course, you idiot." I laugh before he pulls me into his embrace then we head back to the common room as the sun gradually begins to get lower and lower.

Isaac's POV

I feel Hermione's hand grip onto mine as we wander into the common room to find Seamus and Dean cuddling on the couch, Harry and Ginny having a moment in the corner of the room, Fred and George fiddling with another of their prank set-ups and then Ron sitting in the corner of the room, reading a book by himself.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes snap onto me as they begin to greet me back to the common room but my focus is mainly on my twin brother who hasn't moved a inch ever since I came back into the room.

I sometimes wish that I had telepathic abilities so I could just get a little insight on how my younger brother thinks about everything but sadly I do not possess the powers of a legilimens which I think would be quite cool to have actually...

I must have been zoning out because I then notice that Ron had in-fact spotted me staring at him.
"Hermione, I think we should tell Ron about us?" I suggest to Hermione who gives him a look before nodding at me.
"He should be the first one to know, honestly..." She responds as the two of us walk over to him.

"Can I help you?" Ron asks us two without his eyes leaving the page of the book that he is reading.
"Me and Isaac thought we should tell you that we are dating now." Hermione responds for both of us and he immediately glares at me specifically.

"What did I think would happen?" He sighs, questioning us rhetorically before aggressively shutting the book in his hands. "You bloody dump me for my own twin brother!"

"Ron, please listen for a moment, you deserve to know..." Hermione grabs his arm but he quickly shrugs it off but still chooses to stay where he is and listen to what my girlfriend has to say. "I'm sorry for everything that happened but I just don't feel the same way that I did a couple of months ago, can't we just all make up and be the Golden Quartet that has seemed to disappear?!"

"Fine, I have to admit, I was expecting this to happen and deep down, I am happy for the both of you... It's obvious that us two simply were not meant to be!" Ron finally comes clean about his feelings. "But, Isaac, just keep her happy for me?"
" I promise, Ron, I'll treat her like royalty." I promise him and watch the smile slowly form onto his face before I pull him into a hug.

"Ron, we need to have a chat about something else as well..." Hermione suddenly speaks up, gaining both me and my twin brother's attention and causes Ron to nervously gulp at the statement.

"I didn't like the way that you treated me throughout our relationship with you being quite overzealous over the smallest things and also being quite possessive and overprotective which did make me feel protected but also uncomfortable at times." Hermione tells him, the air suddenly getting tense and nerve-wracking all of a sudden.

"I understand that I was wrong with treating you like that, I just didn't want to lose you to some other boy who obviously deserved you a lot more." Ron responds, smiling weakly at her before he takes his leave off to his dormitory.

"Isaac?" Hermione speaks up, catching my undivided attention suddenly.

"Yes, love?" I respond, smiling at her.

"Do you promise that you won't act like he did?"

"Of course, I would never get like that... You can be friends with the boys, as long as I know that I'm always the only boy that's in your heart."

"The only other man in the world who is in my heart is my dad..."

I kiss her forehead before we eventually go out separate ways to our dormitories.

Who knew that Hermione would fall for the wrong Weasley in the start?

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now