Mistake (Part 2)

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Summary: Hermione and Harry both go for a hunt to find where Y/N has disappeared off to after Ron leaves to go and continue the hunt for the Horcruxes, Hermione leads Harry to one of Y/N's favourite date places, Three Broomsticks, to find out if she was there

Will Harry and Hermione ever find Y/N? Or will this be the breaking point for the romantic relationship between two members of the Golden Quartet?

Hermione's POV: The next morning at the break of dawn, me and Harry set out to find Y/N, Ron has gone off to find some more of the Horcruxes while we search for my 'girlfriend'

Merlin, why did I say that to her last night? I just let my emotions out and snapped at the poor girl, I mean, she was getting on my nerves but that doesn't excuse yelling at her, Hermione Jean Granger!

"So, have you got any idea where she could be?" Harry asks me, sticking his hands in his pockets as we wander through the forest.
"She does normally go to Three Broomsticks when she's like this but I highly doubt that she would be there with everything that is going on..." I remember, looking at him. "She was a regular customer there so the bartender could give us some information about her whereabouts..."
"It's worth looking, who knows, she could be there." Harry tells me, I nod my head and we make our way to Hogsmeade.

The town is overrun by destruction by Death Eaters, windows are smashed and there is not a lot of available light around other than the occasional streetlight.

We arrive at Three Broomsticks and walk inside before heading up to the counter, the overall aura is a lot more quiet than the last time we came back in 6th year...
"How can I help you both?" The bartender inquires as we walk up to the counter.
"Well I hope you can, I'm looking for a friend of mine, Miss Y/N Diggory?"

"Miss Y/N Diggory? I did see her earlier with some blonde guy, didn't recognize the fella but they left about 20 minutes ago..." The bartender tells us but who the blonde guy she was with...

"Could you give us a basic description of the guy that she was with? It could be Draco Malfoy..." Harry asks the bartender, whispering the last sentence to me.

"He was wearing a black suit with silver eyes and a permanent frown on his face, he looked like the son of one of those Death Eaters but I just cannot put my finger on who?" The bartender describes the guy and it matches his description to Malfoy.
"Thank you, sir!" I smile at him and he waves us off.

Meanwhile, with Y/N: He violently grips onto my arm, dragging me into a alleyway in Hogsmeade.
"You belong to me now, Y/N... Your wittle girlfriend is gonna be dead soon enough." He snarls, forcing me up against the wall. "Where is she then? Where is Hermione!?"
"Get off of me, Draco!" I exclaim with another attempt to get out of his grasp.

Hermione's POV: We've searched everywhere that Y/N enjoyed going to but there is no sign of her or Malfoy, I have given up, she's not coming back to me, regardless.
"Wait Hermione, did you hear that?" Harry stops momentarily.
"Hear what, Harry? She's gone and she's never coming back to m-" Harry cuts me off by dragging me into an alleyway.

We creep to this supposed noise and hide behind a box to see Draco Malfoy covering Y/N's mouth with his hand and unzipping his suit trousers.
"I'll go around and get him from behind..." Harry whispers to me, quickly speeding off.

"Malfoy, get the fuck away from her!" I stand up, pointing my wand at him in a threatening manner.
"Ah, Granger! How wonderful to see you once again?!" Malfoy laughs, pulling out his own wand.

"Sectumsempra!" Malfoy casts the spell our way, it barely scrapes on my head as I dodge the spell. "Come on then, mudblood! Do your worst!"

Harry then slowly creeps up behind Draco but Malfoy hasn't even noticed his presence.
"Expelliarmus!" Harry casts the spell and catches Malfoy's wand.

Draco narrowly escapes in one second before Y/N pulls Harry into a hug, taking the raven-haired boy aback slightly. He gives me a sympathetic smile, hugging her back awkwardly.
"I think somebody has an apology to make to you, Y/N" Harry tells Y/N.

She looks at me blankly, to which I gulp nervously, shunning all eye contact.
"Hermione Jean Granger, at least look at me when you're speaking to me..." She instructs me, dominantly.

"Y/N, I'm sorry for what I said yesterday, I just wasn't in the right mindset about everything..." I admit, looking at her in the eye. "I promise to never speak to you like that ever again, can I be forgiven now?"

She walks over to me before grabbing my shirt and pulling me into a steamy kiss.
"I'll just be on my way then." Harry excuses himself, making us two burst into laughter.

"Is that a good enough answer, Miss Granger?" She asks me and I nod, pulling her into another kiss.

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