I Am Nothing Like My Parents

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Year: Order Of The Phoenix/ Deathly Hallows (Part 2)
House: Slytherin
Relationship With Hermoine: Girlfriend
Family: Lord Voldermort (Father)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Mother)
Mattheo Riddle (Twin Brother)
Type of Chapter: Regular
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️Mentions of Murder⚠️

Summary: As Harry and Ron discover your true parental heritage, they worry for Hermoine's safety but she keeps assuring them that you are nothing like your pyschopathic parents and is really a genuine sweetheart and protective of Hermoine. You prove this when standing up to your father at the climax of the Second Wizarding War when you kill your father.

Hermoine's POV: Since Harry and Ron have discovered about me being the girlfriend of Y/N Riddle, the daughter of He Who Shall Not Be Named, they have suddenly became more negative towards me and a little more secretive.
"Honestly, Hermoine, I don't know why you're dating that horrendous girl Y/N." Harry remarks, earning a nod from the redhead sitting next to him. "Her father killed my parents."

"From what I've experienced, Y/N is absolutely nothing like her parents. You two seriously need to get to know her before you just make your mind up about how you feel about her." I respond, glaring at the pair. "She's wonderful, respectful, intelligent and caring."

"I don't really know, Hermoine, she just gives me really bad vibes." Ron responds, eyeing my girlfriend laughing with her best mate, Draco Malfoy. I just roll my eyes at him, following his gaze.
"What did I just say? Get to know her and you'll change your mind." I repeat myself and somehow that gets them to nod and finally agree with me.
"I'll get to know her if you say so, Hermoine but I'm still staying cautious." Harry reluctantly agrees, nodding and his lips form into a line.

Y/N's POV: Laughter and jokes are thrown from me and Draco, the two most popular Slytherins in the school with both of us having our own little goonies.
"You really are a asshole sometimes, Malfoy..." I joke, making the platinum-haired boy break out into genuine laughter before we notice my girlfriend's best friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley walking over to our table. I see the grimancing expression on Draco's face as they smile at me.
"What do you two assholes wan-" Draco starts at them, really agressive and ready to murder them when I stop them.
"Malfoy, stop it." I tell my best friend before turning to the raven-haired boy and redhead and holding my hand out. "Y/N Riddle, nice to meet you two. You must be Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, my amazing girlfriend's friends." I introduce myself, grinning to which surprisingly they replicate the expression and each shake my hand gratefully.

"Didn't your dad kill Potter's parents, Riddle?" A Slytherin asks, laughing. "Why would he ever be your friend?"
"Because I'm nothing like my repulsive family, I hate the name Riddle!" I snap at the Slytherin, rolling my eyes at him.
"I promise you that I'm absolutely nothing like my father and mother." I tell them as Mattheo arrives at the table. "Neither me or Mattheo are, right brother?"

"Yeah, surprisingly we both genuinely despise our mother and father from the way that they are, we are believers that all blood statuses should be treated the same. We may be half-bloods but at least we don't treat everyone horrendously like our parents do." My bother agrees, sitting at the table smiling at the pair.

2nd May 1998: Today is the day that all of the Death Eaters have infiltrated our school! Murder is around every single corner, mixed with fear and pain and now Harry comes face to face with me and Mattheo's father, our mother was killed earlier by Ronald's mother whilst defending his younger sister.
"I see that you have made friends with my daughter and son, Mattheo and Y/N, Potter?" Voldermort creepily states, making all of us shudder in fear as he eyes me and Mattheo. "Will my children join Mr. Potter?"

Reluctantly, we stand next to Harry protectively.
"So, Y/N, I cannot describe how much of a traitor you are! What is one thing that I taught you about those disgusting mudbloods?" Father speaks in a harsh tone. "You have disgraced the name Riddle and you shall pay for it, young lady!"
"You think I'm just gonna let you sit here and allow you to be horrible about my girlfriend, father?! Absolutely not!" I snap at him, giving him a death glare. "Who are you to say anything about muggle-born students when you're a half-blood yourself? Your father was a muggle for christsake! That's a bit hypocritical, isn't it?" I laugh, making him avert eye contact and suddenly pointing his wand at me.

"You don't harm my sister like that." Mattheo steps in front of me, pointing his own wand back at our father. "I'll kill you brutally if you lay a finger on her!"
"Mattheo, my boy. The son of mine who I thought would always be there for me is betraying me and choosing the wrong side?" Father responds, smiling terrifyingly. "I dare you to take your best shot at me! Come on, don't be a coward now!" Mattheo hesitates so, I think everything over before throwing the Disarming Charm at him but he deflects it.
"My daughter dares to use pathetic spells against me?!" Our father shouts, rage filling his eyes.

Suddenly he throws the Cruciatus Curse in my direction and I move out of the way just in time. But then as I stand up, he throws another at me and it hits me, making me fall to the ground, writhing jn intense pain, like a knife has been plunged into my stomach.
"Y/N!" Mattheo screeches, glancing down at me before making eye contact with the man and reluctantly throwing an Avada Kedarva at our father making his slowly disintegrate into dust.

Hermoine's POV: "We need to get Y/N Riddle to a medical centre, immediately!" Professor McGonagall announces, rushing over to my girlfriend's body which is twitching and you can see the extreme pain in her face making my heart sinks further into my stomach.

In a nearby hospital: She lays there motionless and there is nothing that I can do about it except sit here and wait. Today is May 5th 1998, Lord Voldermort was killed 3 days ago with a simple curse that Mattheo isn't being punished for because it was used for defending his sister.
"Is she getting any better? Is there any chance she'll wake up anytime soon?" Mattheo asks the nurse frantically, pacing around the room.
"We can't do anything until she wakes up, I'm very sorry." The nurse responds before leaving the room.

"Hermoine..." A small murmur comes from Y/N, upon hearing my name, I kneel down next to her bed and grab hold of her hand.
"I'm right here, sweetheart. I'm right here." I whisper to her as her eyes slowly open, making Mattheo let out a breath of relief.
"Oh, thank god she's okay!" Mattheo smiles at his little sister before looking at me. "I'll leave you two alone for a moment." He walks out, just leaving me there with my girlfriend.

"Where am I, wha-what happened?" She sits up slowly and looks around, frantically. "Why am I in a hospital?"
"Don't you remember what happened, love?" I inquire and she shakes her head.
"All I remember is watching my mum's death in thr Great Hall but what happened afterwards is all a blur." She explains, looking at me. "Is Mattheo okay, did he make it out alive?" I nod at her and it's like a weight has just been lifted from her shoulders.
"You got hit with the Cruciatus Curse by your father but Mattheo killed him." I tell her but she pulls a confused face.

"Who's my father?" She inquires, giving off signs of having lost all memory of the incident.
"Your father was Tom Riddle, the most evil dark lord in the wizarding world. He was a horrible man who wished death on all muggles." I explain and she hesitantly nods, taking all the information in before asking "What's gonna happen now, Hermoine? What's gonna happen to Hogwarts?"

"I'm not too sure, sweetheart but all I know is that you and Mattheo have no place to go now. My parents are muggles and will probably just think you'll kill them, so that's out of the question." I continue, cocking my head to the side and standing up. "I mean, we're both adults now, we have the right to make our own life choices."

"Well I made the biggest one up back in our 5th year, one life choice that has the potential to alter both of our lives." I continue, fumbling with something in my pocket inconspicuously.
"And what is that, baby?" She smiles at me, making me smile at her and get down on one knee.
"Now, I know that this maybe isn't the best place in the world for this but I was gonna ask after the Battle but due to circumstances, I couldn't." I tell her, pulling out an engagement ring. "My love, would you do me the honours and become Mrs. Granger?"

She stares at me, with her jaw dropped before responding "Yes, a million times yes!" I slip the ring on her finger and stand up, leaning over her bed and kissing her passionately.

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now