We Need To Be Quieter (H.G X Male OC)

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Full Name: Daniel Severus Malfoy
Age: 16 years old (Born 2nd of June 1980, Half-Blood Prince)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Hair Colour: Platinum Blonde
Eye Colour: Grey

Family and Relationships:
Lucius Malfoy (Father)
Narcissa Malfoy (Mother)
Draco Lucius Malfoy (Younger Twin Brother)
Severus Snape (Godfather)
Significant Other: Hermione Granger
Best Friends: Draco Lucius Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Mattheo Riddle, Harry James Potter and Ronald Billius Weasley

Summary: After a night of 'studying' in the library, both Daniel and Hermione are interogated by both of their respective houses, asking them what really happened...

Daniel's POV: As I sit down at my house's table, everybody's attention sticks onto me. I freeze up before slowly scanning the room, wondering why every single member of Slytherin is currently staring at me.
"Why ar-are you all staring at me right now?" I stammer over my words with a nervous chuckle at the end of my sentence.
"We all heard you and Granger 'studying' last night, Malfoy." Mattheo teases me and that's just when everything comes back to me in a instant.

Okay, we may have had very passionate sex last night in the library... But the real question is how did anybody find out? We were being as quiet as possible... Oh shit!

"Yeah, we were studying Potions and Transfiguration, obviously..." I tell them, probably looking even more suspicious than before.
"We aren't stupid, Daniel. It's obvious that you two were having some intense sex in there last night..." My brother laughs, playfully nudging my shoulder. "There's your lil' girlfriend now."

My eyes notice Hermione walking into the Great Hall with Ginny but what makes look is the major limp that she has going on. I internally give myself a high-five as she catches my gaze and just rolls her eyes at me.

"Merlin, how hard did you go on her, Malfoy? You see the major limping action!?" Crabbe comments, I just stare at him with a cold glare, shutting him up immediately.
"I'm not gonna lie with you, Daniel." Blaise tells me, smirking. "It seems like you fucked her real nice."

I smile at his compliment, giving him a fist-bump.

Meanwhile with Hermione's POV: Ginny and I sit down at the Gryfindor table, noticing that essentially everyone from Gryfindor and Slytherin is full on staring at me.
"What were you even studying last night, Hermione? Because I don't remember Professor Slughorn or Professor talking about some of the things that you were yelling last night..." Ron innocently states, chuckling.

I look at my boyfriend who just gives me a wink, making me blush.

"It's advanced stuff, Ron, something that you wouldn't particularly understand..." I cockily tell him, hoping nobody asks further questions.

How I was so fucking wrong!

"So, what part of Potions and/or Transfiguration were you studying then?" Ron continues, stuffing his face with food.
"Just studying Amortentia effects and some simple spells that Harry taught us last year in those Dumbledore's Army meetings." I tell him, taking a sip of my cup of tea.

"So, can you tell me where in either of those textbooks is the potion/spell of 'Oh yes, daddy! Fuck me!" Harry teases me, impersonating me last night... I immediately go bright red and look away mortified, wanting the ground to swallow me up.
"What about the one that goes 'I am about to cum!' " Seamus adds to which I give him a death glare that immediately shuts the Irishman up.

Later in the courtyard: I'm just outside with Ginny, getting fed up with all of the teasing from everyone, especially Harry, Ron and Seamus.
"Why is everyone making this so worse, Gin?" I ask the red-head who looks at me with sympathy.
"Obviously because their partners' aren't satisfying you like Daniel was last night, 'Mione?" She suggests, trying to make me feel happier. "Speak of the devil."

I look over and see my boyfriend heading over, Ginny leaves me to talk with Daniel.
"Hi, my love." He greets me, back-hugging me before pulling me into his chest . "Is everything okay?"
"Not really, baby. Everyone's being so judgemental of me because of last night, I've barely been able to escape the teasing." I admit, wrapping my arms around him.

"They are all just jealous of you, obviously." He comforts me, kissing my forehead. "Not everyone can experience a fucking quite like we had last night."

I let out a little laugh as he continuously kisses my forehead and whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

"Now, the real reason why I came over here is because during breakfast, I noticed that you had a really bad limp that kind of gave it all away so I was wondering if you wanted some cuddles and medicine?" He asks me, softly to which I nod.
"Will you carry me?" I ask, giving him the puppy eyes. "My legs really hurt."
"Of course, darling, and if anyone gives you anymore shit about this, you come and get me." He tells me with a hint of overprotectiveness in his voice.

We spend the rest of the night cuddling and he even reads me to sleep...

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