Pretend For A Moment (Male OC)

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Full Name- Braxley Septimus Weasley
Age, Birthdate, Year- 24 years old, Born March 1st 1980, Post-Hogwarts (2004)
Hogwarts House: Gryfindor

Family and Relationships
Arthur Weasley (Father)
Molly Weasley (Mother)
Bill Weasley (Older Brother)
Charlie Weasley (Older Brother)
Fred Weasley (Deceased Older Brother)
George Weasley (Older Brother)
Ronald Weasley (Younger Twin Brother)
Ginny Weasley (Younger Sister)
Finlay George Weasley (2 year old Son)
Evelyn Hermione Weasley (7 month old Daughter)

Relationship with Hermione - Wife
Type of Chapter- Fluff/Sad
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary: When Braxley and Hermione take their 2 year old son Finn and 7 month daughter Evelyn to see the former's side of the family for Christmas, Uncle Freddie has a special present for the young lad...

Braxley's POV-

For the last 6 years since Fred's death, everyone has been feeling horrible about it all but I've seen some change over the last 6 months or so which is what Fred would have wanted; he would have wanted everyone to have celebrated him since he was never really a person for getting emotional.

Christmas has been different since but what really has changed is the 1st of April which happens to be Fred and George's birthday so our parents have just decided to always leave a pile of presents for Fred to 'open up in his own time' which always makes George a little bit happier since it means that his twin brother will always be here in spirit even if not in person...

So today, we are all heading off to my childhood home to spend Christmas there with me and Hermione's 2 year old son Finn and our 7 month old daughter Evelyn. Finn and Evelyn have always loved Christmas for obvious reasons but both of them (especially Finn) love one person in particular and that happens to be my dear older brother- George Fabian Weasley.

George and Finn have always had that special bond ever since the latter was born since me and Hermione named our son after him. The two of them have a tradition for Christmas that they have a hour-long performance where they tell jokes.

"Are you and Uncle Georgie gonna perform another one of your joke sessions this time around, darling?" Hermione smiles back at Finn strapped into his car seat to which the 2-year-old enthusiastically nods his head.

"Yeah! Everyone is gonna be laughing really hard at some of the jokes that me and Uncle Georgie have came up with! They really funny!" Finn claims, giggling, which makes me and Hermione grin at him through the wing-mirror

"You and Uncle Georgie are the funny ones of the family, aren't you?" I add, chuckling to myself as we drive into the driveway.

"Hopefully, us two can have a bit of alone time, sweetheart..." Hermione whispers to which I smile at her and nod my head.

"I think the family will have them occupied so I think that may be possible Mrs. Weasley..."

We pull up to the house and I park the car to see my mum and dad standing outside of the house with Ron and Lavender with their newborn daughter Avery.

"Nana, Papa!" Finn yells, sprinting towards his grandparents whom bury him in a cuddle as I lift my sleeping daughter onto my shoulder and lock the car.

"There's our little man!" Dad beams at him, a few of his hairs visibly beginning to go grey on his face.

"How are you doing, Brax?" Ron greets me, giving me a brotherly hug.

"It's fine, mate." I chuckle before glancing down at Ron's young daughter. "How's the new dad life going for you?"

"She is a bloody handful, me and Lav have decided to just have her."

"You are going to change your mind about that soon enough, Ronald Billius Weasley..." I mutter under my breath which luckily Ron doesn't hear.

"Come inside, it's freezing out here!" Mum commands, hurrying the four of us inside to find the others at the table.

"Ron, Brax!" Harry appears at the table, wandering over to them.

"It seems that we have all had children around the same time, doesn't it? How's dad life for you?" I joke around with Harry and Ron, James playfully grabbing onto my finger.

"It's great, Ginny is one of the greatest mothers in the world and there is no denying that." Harry comments, peering over at his wife playing with their young son James.

"Lavender's been stressed about everything with Avery, I'm getting worried about her, yanno? She just seems like motherhood has taken a massive toll on her since she arrived." Ron explains, looking over at his own wife who's talking to Mum. "What about you, Brax? How's fatherhood for you so far? How's Hermione as a mother?"

"Fatherhood has been amazing, my two little ones make me and Hermione's day brighter and there's no denying that. Hermione is amazing as a mother but she's been away quite a lot with her job at the Ministry so..." I explain, lifting a sleeping Evelyn further onto my shoulder whilst glancing over at my own wife who's playing with Finn and Dad.

"Everything has changed since our Hogwarts days hasn't it? We grew up and look where us three are now; married with a growing family." Harry comments, resting both of his hands against our shoulders.

Hermione's POV-

Finn suddenly leaps out of my hands and drops himself to the floor as he spots George wandering downstairs. He sprints into his favourite uncle's arms, his red hair springing around on his head, as if they hadn't seen one another for years, they embrace and my heart melts at the sight with Braxley smiling at me before I revert my view back to George and Finn to see George showing him a bunch of Christmas Jumpers that belonged to Fred.

"You see here, buddo, these all were your Uncle Freddie's Christmas Jumpers that Nana sewed him before he went up to heaven." I overhear George telling my 2 year old son which nearly makes me well up with tears. "They may be really big on you but you'll grow into them eventually..."

I look over at Molly who's completely in tears at the sight so I pull her into a hug as Braxley wanders over to Finn and George as the former slips one of the jumpers over Finn's small little head and turns him around to show it off which makes George, Ron and Braxley begin to choke up with tears.

"Why is everyone crying, mama?" Finn asks, looking around the room in panic. "I haven't done something, have I?"

"Uncle Freddie was Uncle Georgie's twin brother who passed away 6 years ago and Nana would always make those jumpers for Uncle Georgie, Uncle Freddie, Uncle Ronnie, Uncle Harry, Auntie Ginny, Mama and Daddy along with others" I explain to him, feeling myself welling up in tears. "Seeing you wearing Uncle Freddie's Christmas Jumpers just makes all of us think about him."

"What was Uncle Freddie like? Was he just like Uncle Georgie?"

"Uncle Freddie and Uncle Georgie could light up the entire room no matter how sad everyone was, they played pranks on everyone when they wer younger and they were so funny but since Uncle Freddie passed away, Uncle Georgie hasn't been the same ever since." Arthur explains to his grandson to which we can all see Finn getting all emotional so he quickly hugged George who picks him up and the two of them just continue to cry in one another's arms for a good few minutes...

After we all eventually dry our eyes, George carries Finn over to the mantle piece where a moving picture of Fred and George as they were kids just always sat there.

"That was Uncle Freddie, buddo. My best friend forever and my favourite person in the universe."

"I wish I could have met him, he seemed so cool."

"We all wish that he was still here, he was taken from us way too soon." Braxley comments, pulling his older brother into another hug which eventually leading into everyone joining in a massive group hug-

-And we all knew that Fred's arms were around us somewhere in this embrace, promising to never let us go...

(I'm not crying, you're crying 😭)

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