He's Just Like His Father (Male Y/N) (Requested)

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Year: Half-Blood Prince
House: Slytherin

Tom 'Lord Voldemort' Marvalo Riddle (Father)
Unknown (Mother)
Mattheo 'Theo' Thomas  Riddle (Younger Brother)
Lucius Malfoy ('Adoptive Father'/Godfather)
Narcissa Malfoy ('Adoptive Mother'/Godmother)
Draco Malfoy ('Adoptive Younger Brother'/ Best Friend)

Relationship with Hermione: Girlfriend
Type of Chapter: Angst
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary- The secret son of Lord Voldemort finds out that his girlfriend has been cheating on him with Ron so he goes ballistic.

Y/N's POV-

Being the son of Lord Voldemort isn't always too fun but I guess it has some perks, I've learnt the three Unforgivable Curses. But one thing that I have vowed to keep private is who my family is since I've just been branded as Draco's adopted brother; a title I have come to play recently with the death of Professor Albus Dumbledore.

Everyone is in pain from all of this other than me since I've never really felt emotions -with some people thinking that I'm actually a sociopath or I have antisocial personality disorder- so I just keep a stoic look on my face. Theo has to know what is going on as he has been glaring at me this entire funeral service but I've told him that if he told anyone, I would murder him without hesitation.

But then something else catches my eye and it's my girlfriend, Hermione Granger (yes, that Hermione Granger). She's been sitting next to Weasley this whole funeral and now, I have noticed that they are holding hands. I take a deep breath in, not wanting to cause a scene here, and tell myself to just interrogate her when we're alone.

Or should I? They could be just comforting one another and I am just being possessive and jealous. But then I see something that confirms my suspicions about it, Ron kisses Hermione's hand, they aren't just comforting one another.

They are in love.

I feel a surge of anger coursing through my blood, I have her everything that she could want and she cheats on me with someone like Weasley! What a disgusting mudblood...

After a few days, I give Hermione a couple days to change this situation between her and that carrot top, vowing to myself that if I see her and Weasley together again, I'm dumping her right there and then.

Just then as I am reading a textbook in the courtyard early in the morning as I normally do, I hear somebody calling my name and it isn't Hermione, it's Draco.

"Y/N, Y/N!" I look up at him saying my name and nod for him to go on. "I just saw them again kissing in the Great Hall, they aren't just friends."

I told Draco all about what I saw at Dumbledore's funeral and he told me that he would help me in any way that he could, he has asked other Gryfindors about what they have seen between them but nothing really has come back about anything romantic.

"Take me to them." He swiftly leads me to the Great Hall where I see the two of them flirting with one another while Potter sits there with a proud smile on his face. I hide in the crowd, pulling out an Extendable Ear that I bought from Weasleys Wizard Wheezes out of boredom. I roll it towards where the three of them are talking and listen in.

"Took you two long enough to get together, what has it been, 5 years?" Harry teases the two of them light-heartedly.

"Oh shut up, Harry..." Ron laughs at his words as Hermione sits there reading the newspaper, quipping a few words here and there.

"I hate to ask but what is happening between you and Y/N then, Hermione." There is an awkward silence before Hermione looks over at the Slytherin table.

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now