10 Things I Hate About You (Gender Neutral Y/N)

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Year: Half-Blood Prince
House: Slytherin
Lucius Malfoy (Father)
Narcissa Malfoy (Mother)
Draco Lucius Malfoy (Older Twin Brother)
Relationship with Hermione: Ex-Girlfriend
Type of Chapter: Angst
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️Contains domestic violence⚠️

Summary: After Hermione and Y/N's very public and messy break-up, Y/N constantly tries to get her back but Hermione isn't buying any of Y/N's lies, deciding to humiliate them.
(I'm gonna make these gender-neutral from now on using they/them pronouns for Y/N, specifying if not)

Hermione's POV: As I sit in Potions, a note flies onto my desk, I glance over at Y/N's direction before opening the note.

"I still fucking love you, Hermione Granger

Y/N x"

Of course, it's from Y/N, my ex-partner... Despite having broken up nearly a year ago, it seems like I can't get them off of my back, like a irritating rash.

"Is they still not leaving you alone, bubs?" Ron whispers, referencing Y/N and reading their note over my shoulder.

Me and Ron were secretly seeing each other for 11 months until a few days after dumping Y/N that our relationship went public.

"Yeah, I wish that they would bugger off, babe." I tell him, scrunching the note into a ball and throwing it towards the bin.
"Do you want me to stop them, bubs?" My boyfriend asks me, smiling. "Because I will gladly knock their ass out."

"Nah, I have a way better idea"

After the lesson in the courtyard, Y/N's POV: I genuinely should stop with my attempts to get Hermione back, I'm just being pathetic because I'm the one who made everything the worst that it has ever been... She is obviously more happier with the Weasley boy than she ever was with me.
"Are you seriously still trying to get that filthy mudblood back, Y/N?" Draco snarls at me, using Hermione's name as a curse.

"You call her that again and father will hear about this!" I snap at him, lightly shoving him. He rolls his eyes and both of our gazes lay upon Hermione and Weasley walking outside.

She catches my gaze and just cockily smiles at me, leaving me a bit puzzled.

But then, she walks over to me, hands in her robe pockets and a overconfident smirk on her face.
"What do you want?!" I shoot her a glare, eyeing her up and down. "Can't you tell that I don't want you anymore!?"
"I decided that I am gonna come over here today and reveal some secrets about you." She tells me, my eyes go wide. "Ya know, those deep secrets of yours that you told me all those nights when you had those pathetic nightmares."

"Granger, that is just uncalled for!" My brother defends me, pulling me behind him. "You leave them alone, or our father will hear abo-"
"We don't wanna hear about it, Malfoy!" Ron cuts him off, smiling at his girlfriend. "Hermione, what were you saying, my darling?"

'My Darling'? That pet name seeps into my skin, that was the specific name that I continuously called her and Ron knows that it would cause me pain.
"What do you want to share with everyone, Hermione? It's not like I give a shite anymore..." I sigh, allowing her to win.

"Did you all know that Y/N once told me that they were terrified of their father?" She reveals to everyone. "They had continuous nightmares
"Who doesn't know that?!" Draco continues to stand up for me, but I just tell him to leave it. "Me and Y/N have been terrified of our father for reasons that you wouldn't understand, you disgusting and filthy mudblood."
"Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry appears out of nowhere next to Ron. "Now, will somebody tell me what is happening here?"
"Hermione is telling everyone all about her wittle ex-partner's deep secrets." Ron informs him, a deep rage fills my veins at the red-headed bastard!
"Would you just keep your fucking mouth shut, Weasley!?" I snap at him, lunging at him but Blaise and Draco hold me back.

"Anyway, I think it's time for another secret?" Hermione continues to rip my heart to pieces. "I never loved you, not one bit, in fact I already was sleeping with Ron a month into our relationship!"

And with that one line, I just feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. I look over at the pathetic ginger bastard and lunge at him, tackling him to the ground.

I throw a array of punches at his face whilst Hermione screams for me to stop. Eventually, my brother and Blaise physically pull me off of him before we see Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall rushing outside.
"What on earth is going on here!?" The Gryfindor head of house yells at the two of us. "Finding you two having a scuffle?!"
"My oh my, am I disappointed in you, Mister Malfoy!" Snape bellows, grasping my collar harshly before dragging me out of earshot of the others.

"You are going to raise suspicion about the task that The Dark Lord set you, now get your act together, you're making a complete fool of Slytherin!" He tells me, aggressively. "Detention for you Mister Malfoy!"

I bite my tongue, wanting to murder Ron as I glare at the red-headed wizard with pure hatred. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape leave to go back to their duties and Ron and I have both got detentions...

Could my life get any worse?

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now