My Best Friend (Requested) (Male Y/N)

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Year: Half-Blood Prince
House: Gryfindor

Family and Relationships
James Potter (Deceased Father)
Lily Potter (nee. Evans) (Deceased Mother)
Harry James Potter (Younger Twin Brother)

Type of Chapter: Angst/Smut
Trigger Warnings: ⚠️This chapter contains smut⚠️

Summary: Y/N and Hermione are best friends but Y/N has always had a major crush on her but since she is already with Ron, it's like he has lost his chance. But then, after discovering Ron and Lavender making out in the Gryfindor Common Room, Hermione is absolutely distraught and runs off until Y/N and Harry find her in the Forbidden Forest. As Harry knows about their mutual crushes on one another, he leaves to their business which ends up being a very romantic love-making session in the Prefect's Bathroom.


There goes Hermione and Ron, the two with the (what seems to be) perfect relationship...

They are inseparable with Ron always doing something romantic for his girlfriend like buying her a bouquet of flowers or always holding her books for her in the school corridors, they seem like they're so happy with one another whilst I know the truth about Ron.

Ronald has a secret that he has only told me about, he's been inconspicuously cheating on Hermione with Lavender Brown for the last couple of weeks and has told me not to tell anyone else.

But since Hermione and I are the bestest of friends, you would think that I wouldn't keep it a secret for too long, yes?

But I have, my lips have been sealed about it since as if they have been put under a curse.

I have grown to also notice Hermione getting more and more suspicious whenever Ron leaves her sight but she just claims that it's because of her stupid imaginary thoughts of Ron being unfaithful... It's a bit ironic, innit? I mean... I want to tell her what is going on but you know the fact that you don't reveal anybody's secrets even if they are horrendous and probably will come back to severely bite them in the arse!

You may be wondering to yourself 'Why are you so interested about their relationship?' and the answer for that is I have had the biggest crush on Hermione for years now.

Ever since I was 12 years old, I have had feelings for her and they have only intensified since Ron and Hermione got together so that makes me want them to break up even more! I know it sounds really selfish but the funny thing is that Ron  thought that my crush on Hermione had just disappeared a while ago when that can't be the furthest from the bloody truth.

My younger twin brother Harry is the only one who knows that I still have a major crush on Hermione to this very day...

I just cannot explain why I have this crush on the girl who happens to be my best friend, she just so happens to have everything that I find beautiful in a woman but Ron seemed to have captured her heart long before I had the chance.

"Have either of you seen Ronald? After Defence Against The Dark Arts, he suddenly just disappeared from my sight." Hermione appears out of nowhere behind me and Harry.
"No, we have barely seen him all day..." Harry responds, biting his tongue.

We full-well know where Ron is and what Ron is doing...

"Could you two help me find him? I bought this for him!" She holds up a necklace with 'R + H' inscribed on the trinket which is attached to it.
"Of course we'll help you find him..." I inform her, smiling widely.

"Are you looking for Ron?" Seamus inquires as we stand up from the Gryfindor table in the Great Hall, Hermione nods while cocking her head. "I saw him head off to the common room with Lavender Brown, they both seemed happy enough."

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