Plans For The Future (Male OC)

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Full Name: Charles (Charlie) Alexander Lupin-Black (nee. Malfoy)
Age/Birthdate/Year: 14 year old, Born 5th June 1980, Goblet of Fire
House: Gryfindor

Family and Relationships:
Lucius Malfoy (Estranged Father)
Narcissa Malfoy (Estranged Mother)
Draco Malfoy (Estranged Twin Brother)
Remus Lupin (Adoptive Father)
Sirius Black (Adoptive Father)

Relationship with Hermione: Girlfriend (Dating for a year)
Type of Chapter: Fluff
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary: Hermione and Charlie are down by the Black Lake, hanging out with Harry and Ron, when Hermione asks Charlie about their future as a couple.

Charlie's POV: Me and Hermione have been in an exclusive relationship for about a year now and in that short amount of time, we've gotten really serious... We became quick best friends back in our first year of Hogwarts, sharing our life stories and whatnot, I now already feel like I know my girlfriend more than she actually does!

I met Ron and Harry a few days after starting Hogwarts and we eventually became the Golden Quartet.

Now on the other hand, my biological family have seemed to disown me when I was in my second year for two specific reasons; I was best friends (now dating) with a muggle-born student in Gryfindor and that I'm not a Slytherin like my estranged brother Draco Malfoy. But if I'm being completely honest, I couldn't give any less of a damn about them, I'm happy the way I am with my wonderful girlfriend and amazing friends.

So, since today is Saturday with the Tri-Wizard champions set to be announced on Monday morning, us four have gone down to the Black Lake with Harry and Ron

At the current moment, Harry and Ron are skimming stones and me and Hermione are cuddled up against a tree as she reads a book to me.

Hermione lets out a heavy sigh out of nowhere, shutting her book and looking up at me.
"What's got your wand in a knot, Miss Granger?" I tease her as she puts the book down and cuddles into my chest more.
"I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, about the two of us and our future as a couple." She reveals, interlocking her fingers with mine.
"You have? Anything specific?" I inquire, rubbing my thumb on the back of my hand.

"Do you see us getting married and having children?"

That question takes me a bit by surprise, I mean, I haven't really thought that far into the future, I have always been a more 'living in the moment ' kind of guy...
"I mean, of course I do, darling." I tell her reluctantly, kissing her head. "You wanna tell me about what you want?"

"I want a small wedding in a beautiful city like Paris with all of our loved ones in attendance, the sun will be shining with no chance of rain in sight."

"That sounds amazing, darling... I can imagine it now, you in your beautiful dress and me in my suit."

"We'll have 2 daughters and a son, I hope that they look like you, they'd get all the boys and girls with your looks."

I chuckle at her comment, imagining how our entire future will unfold. I see myself being with Hermione for the rest of my life, hopefully, I love her with every soul of my being.

Harry and Ron eventually come back from their stone skimming session and sit next to us.
"What do you two think about me and Charlie getting married and having children?" Hermione asks them and I swear that I see Harry nearly start choking on his own spit.

"Wait, what?! You're both only 14 and 15 respectively!" Harry exclaims, scoffing at us both.
"And you've only been dating for a year! Don't you think that's a little early to be thinking about that kind of thing?"
"Me and Draco have been together for the same time that you two have and he's still annoyed that mine is bigger when he's the bottom?" Harry tells us, maybe oversharing a little bit...

"You really do overshare sometimes, Potter..." I chuckle, nervously, desperately trying to cut the tension in the area.

"Anyways, why does it matter if we're only 15 and 14 respectively and we've only been together for a year?" Hermione inquires, shrugging her shoulders. "Charlie and I are ready for that type of shit..."

This just keeps getting more and more awkward every second, eh? Well, welcome to our friendship! This is the normal for the Golden Quartet!

(I don't know what this was either)

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