Homophobic Karen (Emma X Female Y/N)

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Y/N and Emma experience a very homophobic Karen when they go out for a meal.

(⚠️This chapter contains homophobia and homophobic slurs being used so viewer discretion is advised ⚠️)

Y/N's POV-

It's a fact that the place that me and my dear wife live isn't the most welcoming to live in for gay people, we recently moved to the United States for a film that Emma is working on at the moment and since our wedding anniversary is coming up soon, I have decided to take Emma out for lunch at one of our favourite restaurants.

"Good evening, folks, how can I help you this lovely afternoon?" A waiter asks us, a bright smile on his face.

"I have a table booked for 12pm under the name Y/N?" I tell him, he nods his head before leading us to our table in the corner of the restaurant with not too many people around.

"I will be back, I just need to quickly finish up with a different table then I will be with you two. Please feel free to get yourselves some food from the salad bar if you are feeling a bit peckish." He tells us before walking off out of sight.

"Happy anniversary, baby." I lean over the table at Emma who smiles back at me, interlocking our fingers together.

"Happy anniversary, my love." She kisses my cheek before I catch the eye of a middle-aged woman staring at both of us, Emma seems to catch the person that I have been looking at.

"What is it?" She asks me, the concern on her face but I just wave it off, not letting it bother me.

"Don't worry about it, just something caught my eye but it's nothing."  I assure her, running my thumb over her hand. "I'm going to get myself some food from that salad bar, do you want anything?"

"Nah, I gotta make a call quickly so I'm gonna step out for a second." I nod my head, kissing her forehead before wandering over to the salad bar.

As I am getting myself some food, I see that woman from earlier also coming up to the bar, I mind my own business and leave her alone but when I go to head back to my table, she catches my attention.

"You and her seem to be good friends, what's the occasion?"

"Oh, I just decided to take her out for lunch sinc-" I go to explain but she decides to interrupt me.

"She looks to be perfect age for my son, do you happen to know if she's in a relationship?"

"She happens to be in a relationship, she i-" I go to explain but she interrupts me again.

"Ah, they always take the good-looking ones, don't they? I hope that her boyfriend or husband is taking care of a girl like her because she looks like a lot of hard work."

"I can promise me that she's not that much to handle, ma'am..."

"I beg your pardon? From the looks of it, you aren't really the kind of person to be answering that question."

"Because she's my wife?"

"You are funny, dear, there's no way that lovely girl is a lesbian from the look of her! I know a lesbian when I see one, what's her name so I can set my son up with her?"

"Your son won't be getting any chance with her because she isn't into men and you are talking to her wife..."

"Ah, she just hasn't found herself a good enough boyfriend! I've seen her in those Harry Potter films and on there, she was kissing all of those fellas so why would that be different?"

"That was then but now, she came out and she has been into women ever since and I don't particularly understand the problem because you obviously have an issue with the fact that my wife would not be interested in your son."

"I have no problem with your kind of people, dear, but you have to be honest to yourself, is this really what the Lord above wants for the next generation? God made marriage for a woman and a man!" Luckily this is when Emma comes back in, noticing that I'm still at the salad bar about to get into a altercation with a middle-aged homophobic bitch.

"What's going on here, sweetheart?" Emma comes to my rescue, wrapping her arm around my waist and pulling me towards her as she glares at the woman. "Can we help you, ma'am?"

"I'm not homophobic or any of that nonsense but can you not be lesbians in front of my children? Your kind corrupts their brains too easily! My children are going to think that they are gay and I cannot be having that at all!"

"My darling wife and I have all the right to show one another love, we have fought and won the right to marry and love one another and I do not understand why it seems to be your business." Emma stands up for the both of us, holding a tighter grip on my waist. "If you have a problem with that, then you're just homophobic scum."

"It's faggots like yourself that is going to corrupt the generation of today, I am not standing for it! I am calling the police!" Me and Emma stands there, bewildered at this woman.

"What is your problem with us!?" My wife continues to get annoyed at her to the point that I have hold her back from knocking this bitch's ass our in a split-second. "Seriously!?"

This woman heads back to her table on the phone with the police and that's when the waiter from earlier returns to find her on the phone with the cops.

"What exactly is going on here?" He asks us, looking over at the table.

"She's calling the police because us two are showing too much affection for one another which is apparently going to harm her children and that we are two gay women in love." I tell him and his eyes widen with shock before heading over to the woman's table, asking her to leave and when she doesn't, he stands there for a long time before the police arrive and when they themselves ask what is going on, we tell them the real problem about what this bitch had said.

There is nothing more satisfying than watching a Karen being arrested for being like this and honestly just soo amazing to experience.

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now