Lunch For The Minister (Male Y/N)

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Year: Post-Hogwarts
House: Hufflepuff

Relationship with Hermione - Wife
Type of Chapter- Fluff
Trigger Warnings- ⚠️Some minor sexual references⚠️

Summary: When Hermione forgets her lunch for work, she can always count on Y/N to bring it to her.

Y/N's POV-

I have always felt quite strange wandering into the Ministry of Magic after what happened in 1997 with the whole Horcrux shit but now being legitimately married to the Minister of Magic, I'm slowly getting used to coming here for one reason and one reason only-

-My wife continuously forgetting her lunch in the mornings

Hermione Jean Y/L/N has a very high tendency of leaving her lunch that I pack for her on the kitchen counter in the mornings despite the fact that I remind her with post-it notes all morning.

I mean, I don't mind the habit getting more and more frequent because I like coming to Hermione's workplace and dropping it off (plus it gets me out of the house for a bit) but at the same time, it's kind of annoying at this point. She does it so often that I could probably walk to her office completely blindfolded; I have managed to learn the entire pathway to the dear Minister of Magic's office.

But today may be different because the Ministry has recently just gotten a brand new receptionist for Hermione's office block who doesn't know that I exist so this is going to be a really fun experience...

The elevator dings as I arrive at the right floor to immediately be met with this new receptionist by the name of Margaret Flint, she was in 7th year when me and Hermione were in our 2nd year so she obviously won't know me.

"Here to see the Minister? She forgot her lunch?" I greet her, a smile on my face but she doesn't look like she's going to let me through so this will be fun...

"You need a appointment with the Minister in order to talk to her, sir, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She smirks at me, believing that I'm just lying to her when it's really the opposite. "Truly, I highly doubt that the Minister would forget her lunch..."

"No, I can promise you that she has a tendency of doing that..." I give her a smug look which just infuriates her even more.

"What makes you think that you have the right to be in here? If you don't give me a valid reason, I am going to call security."

"Call them, they won't do anything..."

"Just get out of my sight!" She waves me off.

"If you don't believe me, why don't you just get the Minister to tell you herself?"

"Minister Hermione Granger is busy so I don't think that would be possible at this time but why don't we see?" She tries to be cocky and act like she's right before turning to her transmitter with my wife on the other end. "Minister, I have somebody here who claims to have your lunch with them, could you come down?"

Not too long afterwards, Hermione appears at the door and notices me there before turning to the receptionist.

"What seems to be the issue?" Hermione inquires, folding her arms.

"This man is claiming to be here to give you your lunch and I'm not believing any of the crap that's coming out of his mouth." The receptionist tells Hermione who just chuckles before turning to me.

"Darling, what are we gonna do with her?" Hermione rhetorically asks me to which I shrug before she turns back to the receptionist. "I think my husband has all the right to be here."

"What?!" The receptionist stammers at her words, flabbergasted at what Hermione just said as my wife gives her a smirk.

"You leave my husband the hell alone in the future, Margaret, or your fired and you know that I don't break promises." Hermione threatens the receptionist which turns me on quite a bit, I never knew that my wife getting frustrated with somebody would turn me on. "Come on, love, follow me."

She leads me past the receptionist to her office where I finally hand her the lunch to which she thanks me with a kiss on the cheek.

"I should have told her about this situation, shouldn't I?" Hermione bites her lip with nervousness to which I laugh it off.

"Nah, it was actually quite hot when you were getting all frustrated." I compliment her, dragging my finger up and down her side. "I just wish you had the same attitude in the bedroom sometimes, darling."

"I can if you want me to... Just say the word. You get your ass home now, thank you for remembering my lunch again, baby"

"Anytime, sweetheart." I give her a kiss before walking out of the building, remembering to give the embarrassed receptionist a cocky smirk on my way past her desk.

Being the husband of the minister of magic is fun sometimes....

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now