He's Just Like His Father (Part II)

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Years later- 1998

Y/N's POV-

I told them that me and Mattheo would leave forever but you know how Riddles live, we don't just give up because somebody asked us to. We've become our father's henchmen and will kill with just a command but recently, Mattheo has been more reluctant to follow his orders.

"My dear sons, tonight, we kill Harry Potter once and for all." Father hisses with a sinister smile on his face, this is it. "But you must remember, that boy is mine..."

"Of course, father, we'll make you proud." I nod, looking at my little brother who doesn't say anything so I hit him in the back of the head. "Won't we, Theo?"

"Y-yes, father." He stammers nervously as he catches my eye.

"You two make your way to the Great Hall and lure the students out of there then our plan will commence, Severus will be there awaiting your arrival." We both nod our heads and wait for the crowd of students to make their ways into the school entrance where we don our robes and act like students all the way to the Great Hall where Snape is awaiting the arrival of his students.

I can tell that Mattheo is nervous about this. I'm feeling alright about this, I don't know if this is the best thing in the world but I also know that my father will kill me if I don't follow his orders.

"Remember what Father told us, brother..."

"I don't know if I can, we spared them last time but now, we have to kill them?"

"Father knows what he's doing, trust me." He doesn't respond but I hope that means that the message has gone into his bony little head. "Just trust the process."

We make it into the Great Hall undetected, the tensions are running high. I can feel my wand in the base of my palm as my eyes scan the room for any sight of Potter but nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. Until I catch the eye of the boy that we have been looking for in the sea of faces. He obviously noticed my presence as I see him tense up and face the other direction, as if he knew what I had been set out to do.

As Snape starts addressing the students, Harry starts confronting him in front of everyone so I take this opportunity to confront Harry as well.

"Potter, nice seeing you around here." I call out, escaping the crowd with a smirk on my face.

"Nice seeing you as well, Riddle." He scoffs, pulling his wand out and staring me dead in the eyes. "What business do you have here?"

"I see that Granger told you about who my father really is, huh? No welcome hug and kiss anymore for Y/N? How sad." I chuckle to myself, glancing around the room. "And if you must know, I do have business here."

"I thought that I tell you to start writing your will because this will be the last night that you're gonna be alive. Tell that girlfriend Ginny of yours goodbye, Granger and Weasley can bid you adieu and everyone will forget the name Potter after you're dead, Harry." I said my words clear and loud for everyone able to hear. "Everyone will have another reason to fear the Riddle name, we'll make sure of it, trust me."

"Y/N, stop this!" I hear Mattheo's panicked voice from behind me. "We can still turn a new leaf."

I don't respond, blocking his voice out of my head, he doesn't mean anything to me at the moment.

"Seems like your own brother doesn't believe in the shit that your father has been teaching you both, huh? Finally, one of you come to their senses."

"There's something that you don't know about dear Mattheo, Harry, I believe Granger can tell us all since she knows exactly what I am talking about." I look across the room at Hermione who looks completely unfazed by my presence. "Care to tell us, Hermione? Or will I have to ask wittle Matty to do it instead."

"He used the Cruciatus Curse on Ron." Hermione slowly admitted to everyone with Ron looking completely bewildered at what was going on.

"You told me to! I'm not the only one responsible for this, Y/N!" I can see the anger building up in Mattheo already which makes me eager to rile him up just that little bit more, to see if he would explode with anger and try and kill me.

"I'm not the one doing the Curse, dear brother of mine, you have no evidence that I instructed you to use the curse, I told you to just deal with Ron." I say with a smirk on my face as I know that I'm right.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Before any of us can react, Mattheo sends the Killing Curse my way but I barely am able to dodge out of the way. The room goes dead silent after that moment but I can't help but smile as my theory happened to be right. No eyes are on me anymore, everyone is just staring at Mattheo.

But before anyone can say another word, there is a big crash in the distance. It sounded like windows smashing and breaking so everyone is sent into a frenzy so I sneak away.

The battle breaks out with Death Eaters  against the Order of the Phoenix and the Hogwarts students. I find myself in the middle of it all, trying to eliminate as many of the opposition while also trying to find my brother to kill him.

It's obvious that he doesn't understand why we have to do this and that's why I have to kill him. Family comes first and if somebody cannot understand that, they have to die.

I find Mattheo trying to fight off Death Eaters with some other Slytherins  so I take the opportunity to sneak up behind him and raise my wand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

I watch my brother's body go limp and fall to the ground with no emotion on my face. But I have no reason to mourn, I had to do it. But they aren't the only people that need to go, Granger and Weasley are next.

I find them in the girls' bathroom, opening the Chamber of Secrets so I get their attentions. "What you two up to?"

"You always are just there, aren't you? You couldn't do it right the first time so why are you bothering now?"

"I didn't kill you back then because I wasn't man enough to understand how much I would grow to hate the both of you but now, I know exactly what I'm going to do to both of you."

"I fucking dare you, Riddle." Ron looks me dead in the eyes, trying to intimidate me but I just find myself laughing at his attempt of trying to scare me. "Do what your brother couldn't."

"You asked for it." A great battle in the bathroom breaks out, I swear that time stood still here and there as curses are thrown left, right and centre until I throw the Killing Curse past my defence that everything just goes dead silent for a second or two. Which one of them have I just killed?

"Ron!" Hermione's screams confirm it as I realise that I have just killed Ron but I didn't come here to kill one of them so I quickly disarm Hermione and choose to make her feel so much more worse out of pure spite. "You monster! I fucking hate you!"

"Sweetheart, I know that already, you know. I don't think that this would have happened if you hadn't cheated on me in the first place."

"This is what this shit is about, you killed him! I loved him for heaven's sake, look what you've done."

"That just sucks, doesn't it? I wish I could feel how you feel but I can't so I'll give you something to remember me with." I cruelly smile at her before standing back to my feet.

Before she can say another word, I throw the 'Sectumsempra' curse at her and just leave her there to bleed out.

I have a father to be making proud, I don't have time for worthless mudbloods like her.

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now