Playing With Fire (Male Y/N) (Requested)

719 16 4

Year: Half-Blood Prince
House: Slytherin

Relationship with Hermione: Stranger
Type of Chapter: Regular
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary- When Hermione comes across a student that she had never seen before with pyrokinetic abilities, she is intrigued.

Hermione's POV-

God! Can Harry and Ron get any more annoying? All I want is five minutes to read and all they keep doing is bloody bickering non-stop and it is actually driving me insane! So I've decided to go for a walk to clear my head before I go back to the common room.

It was on this walk that I randomly started smelling something burning in the distance so I made my way over to where the smell was coming from to not find a campfire or a building with a chimney but a abnormally purple-haired boy in Slytherin robes who looked to be my age, standing on the shore of the Black Lake, looking down at his hands. Then I noticed that there was smoke coming from whatever was in his hands so I let my curiousity get the best of me and acknowledged my presence by clearing my throat.

He must have extinguished whatever was in his hands as he turned to me with no smoke appearing, before saying "Can I help you?"

"I don't mean to intrude but I was just curious about what you are up to." I tell him honestly and he gives a weak smile with a pair of abnormally red eyes greeting me before bekoning me over.

"You promise to not judge me?" I nod my head before to my amazement, his hands catch on fire with a beautiful blue flame dancing on his palms.

"How are you doing that? I don't remember being taught wandless magic that looks anything like this." But all he does is laugh and shake his head at me.

"It's not magic, I have pyrokinetic abilities, even if it sounds like I'm going insane." He explains to me and I am amazed at his words, it sounds like something out of my bloody story books back at home.

"Can you do anything cool?" He nodded his head before turning towards the lake, creating an amazing blue fire dragon in the distance that scurried away into thin air. "Can I ask why you have these powers?"

"I was born with them, my father and mother were Muggle circus performers but even they were stumped when I accidentally set my bedroom on fire at just 3 years old."

"That is really cool." I admire his powers but he shakes his head again, a frown pulling at his lips.

"It's not all that great, I lose control of it when I'm mad or angry. There was one incident recently where I got pissed off at Snape so I accidentally set fire to another person's cauldron and got in serious trouble for it." He sighs heavily but that doesn't dwindle how cool I think the ability is.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm-" But he interrupts me with a smirk on his face.

"Hermione Granger, I know everyone at this school but they aren't too nice to kids like me, Granger, the name is Y/N Y/L/N."

"Could you teach me how to do any of that?"

"I would but it's a skill that is basically impossible to just learn, the closest that you can get is that 'Fiendfyre' spell. I would be happy to teach you that if you would like."

I pull my wand out and try the spell, hoping to impress him but nothing but a few sparks come out. He chuckles and pulls his own wand out, doing the spell flawlessly and encourages me to try again. But each time, nothing happens.

So he grabs my wand and our fingers touch as he shows me the correct wand movement but I'm struggling to listen as the sudden contact had taken me off-guard and I was just gazing at Y/N.

"Is there something on my face or something?" He teases me with a adorable smile on his face. I quickly look away, a sudden blush rushing onto my cheeks when he suddenly blurts out. "You're really cute."

He looked shocked at what he had said as he then suddenly dropped the wand and took a few steps away from me out of pure embarrassment.

"It's alright, Y/N, I promise."

"I don't want to weird you out about that, I'm sorry." He looks dejected so I place a comforting hand on his arm.

"Don't apologize, you're pretty cute as well." I see that smile return to his face with those words so we get back to practicing the spell together until one flick of the wand creates an amazing serpent made of flames. "Woah..."

"Pretty amazing, isn't it? Brilliant what magic can do." He comments as we both admire the mythological creature dancing in the sky above our heads. "I found that spell in a dark magic book that I found in the Restricted Section of Flourish and Blotts, they were hesitant to sell it to me but I managed to persuade them with the promise that I would never use them to hurt anyone else."

"Dark magic, like the Unforgivable Curses and stuff like that?" He hesitantly nods his head but swears that he had never used one of the Unforgivable Curses and just practiced the other spells that were in the book. I trust my gut and choose to trust his honesty

"You don't have to use any of the spells in there if you don't feel comfortable but I would be happy to start teaching you of you are interested. I just like using them in private for a bit of a coping mechanism." I nod my head, telling myself to keep this a complete secret from Harry and Ron.

So over the next couple of weeks, he teaches me many spells that create some really cool effects, it is wonderful and Y/N is happy to have finally found a friend in me, I am honoured to be named the first friend of his.

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now