Rude (Female Y/N)

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Year: Post-Hogwarts
House: Gryfindor

James Potter (Deceased Father)
Lily Potter (Deceased Mother)
Harry Potter (Older Twin Brother)

Relationship with Hermione: Girlfriend
Type of Chapter: Fluff
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary- Y/N asks Hermione's father for permission to marry his daughter and she doesn't get that good of a response.

Y/N's POV-

So I have been dating Hermione since we were 14 and 13, and it has been bliss. I've met her parents (although I'm pretty sure that they don't like me). But today I wanted to ask her father whether or not I had his permission to take me and his daughter's relationship to the next level and I'm starting to rethink whether I should follow up with this decision.

I practiced for hours and hours in the mirror before arriving at the Grangers' residence. I can see that something is happening on the inside, I peek through the window to see Hermione talking with her parents. I take a deep breath in, ring the doorbell to which I am greeted by Mrs Granger.

"Could I speak to Mr Granger?" I hold the bouquet of roses by my side and before I know it, I'm standing in front of Hermione's father.

"What do you want, Potter?" He asks, huffing at my presence in front of his house.

"I was wondering whether or not I could marry your daughter Hermione?" I ask him, holding my breath.

"Not happening, now get off my property!" The door slams in my face, I turn to walk off the property, seeing Hermione in her bedroom window looking down at me.

I do feel really bad for her and myself at the same time because this affects both sides of the relationship because she is more than likely going to get chewed out by both of her parents about still being with me after all of these years.

"Y/N, wait!" She opens her window, managing to climb out of the window. "I'm sorry about him."

"Why be sorry? I know that I'm still marrying you with or without his permission so I'm not butt-hurt from his response." I shrug my shoulders. "You know, why don't we run away together? We'll go live in Hogsmeade and get married, I was thinking of applying to teach Defense Against The Darks Arts at Hogwarts."

"I like that idea, give me five or so minutes." She disappears through the window again and emerges back out with a suitcase in hand.

"Toss down the case and I'll catch you afterwards." She throws down the suitcase and I catch it before she jumps into my arms from the roof.

From then on out, Hermione's parents don't have a word about what she says as we live out in Hogsmeade for the rest of our lives. I get a job at Hogwarts teaching and Hermione gets employed at the Ministry. We even have 2 kids that we send off to Hogwarts and it's all because we didn't listen to those parents of hers.

Hermoine Granger/Emma Watson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now