They Can't Love Me Like You (Male OC)

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Full Name: Edward-Lee Remus Lupin-Black
Age, Birthdate, Year: 19 years old, Born November 12th 1979, December 1998 (Post-Battle)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Family and Relationships-
Remus John Lupin (Deceased Father)
Sirius Orion Black III (Deceased Father)
James Potter (Deceased Godfather)
Lily Potter (nee. Evans) (Deceased Godmother)
Harry James Potter (Cousin)

Relationship with Hermione: Ex-Girlfriend
Type of Chapter: Angst
Trigger Warnings: None

Summary: When Edward found out about Hermione and Harry seeing one another behind their separate partner's backs , he immediately fell out with Harry and broke up with Hermione; but when Ron decides to be a two-faced bastard and backstab Hermione, will Edward feel sympathy for his ex-girlfriend?

Hermione's POV-

There goes the boy that I was once madly in love with before I made the dumb mistake of sleeping with Ron while still with him, I just had to go and mess every fucking thing up, didn't I?

I've never felt so guilty about an ex-boyfriend in my life, it feels as if a whole chunk of me was suddenly and violently ripped away from me when he broke off the rocky relationship 7 months ago during the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts.

I mean, I love Ron but he isn't like Edward in a bunch of ways; especially not in the bedroom... There's a massive difference between how I was with Edward to how I am around Ronald and I just cannot seem to be happy in my current relationship because my mind is constantly on Edward and the fact that he's out there looking for love, something that I will never be to him again.

But now, it seems as if he has found love with Pansy Parkinson which baffles me to the core because Pansy and Edward hated each other when we were all at Hogwarts but they have now made up and are wandering around Hogsmeade holding one another's hand, looking at all of the shops.

"You alright, love? You seem quite dazed... Something up or what?" Ron emerges from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, shutting the door behind him. "It's quite cold out here, what are you looking at?"

"Just some of the shops' decorations for Christmas, a lot of them are very pretty, aren't they?" I fool him into a lie as Edward and Pansy wander out of sight which makes me remember that there's no point in me bothering with Edward anymore.

I pull Ron into a passionate kiss, his arms wrapping around my waist as he pulls me in closer

"I love you, Ronald Billius Weasley."

"I love you too, Hermione Jean Granger."

I just have to close my eyes and pretend that Edward is the one standing in front of me sometimes to get my mind off of him...

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