a rant- Chris Bates (Not Harry Potter related)

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There's been something on my mind recently and I just need somewhere for an outlet because I can't really talk to anyone else about this because they keep telling me that it's nothing to be worried about but anyways here it is-

So I'm an author, you know that right? My paternal uncle was over on Sunday to visit my sick grandfather and whatever, I wasn't really that bothered by why he was there until he was preparing himself to leave and my dad's girlfriend decided that it was a good time to show him the book that I had written. Now I was panicking about anyone really finding it because the name on the front cover is different to what everyone else calls me, he asked me if I had written it to which I told him that I had written it and then he asked me about my future career plans since I'm out of college now... I told him that I wanted to be an author and for some reason, he decided to laugh at me and said that I basically had no chance being successful in that field at my age.

Then came a twenty minute long lecture about how I need to be getting a job and that I needed to be contributing to the family bills/paying my grandparents money to be living in their house with the money that I earn from that job. Let me remind you that I am sixteen years old and I have just gotten out of fucking college two weeks ago!! Then my dad's girlfriend decides to join in the conversation and telling me that he was right and that I need to do something and compared me to my 18-year-old brother who has a job down the road! She never had mentioned the fact that I was going to need to pay for monthly rent for living in this house so what the fuck were they on about?!? All I can say is fuck both of them for being like this with a 16-year-old who's suffering with mental health and just wants to be left the fuck alone!

Am I overreacting about this or is it justified?

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