2. The space that makes people feel suffocated

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Su Su came in and glared at their father and daughter pretending to be dissatisfied, "The children are spoiled by you. Since you are going to the city, why don't you borrow a bicycle and wait for the bus that won't make it to 8:30."

"Hey, I'm here. Go, it's only after seven o'clock, don't worry." Tang Mingyuan smiled at his daughter-in-law, and hurried out to borrow a bicycle.

Soon he was riding an old black 28-weight bike with peeling paint and a basket hanging on one side.

Su Su put the cloth pad she had prepared in the back and tied it up, so that her daughter would not be uncomfortable, she put the blue cloth bag containing herbs in the basket, and gave her a military green water bottle, and warned her worriedly. "Baby, go outside and follow your dad, don't walk around, you know that even if you can't see your dad, you can't walk around, just stand there and wait for your dad to come back to find you."

Tang Bao was very depressed and she put herself As a three-year-old child, he still smiled and nodded.

Su Su told her man a few more words, and Tang Mingyuan left on a bicycle, and from time to time asked her daughter, who was sitting in the back, whether she was feeling well.

Tang Mingyuan rode his bicycle for about half an hour to get to the station in the town. He parked the bicycle and locked it. He paid five cents for the parking fee to the uncle who was watching the car, and then he took his daughter to the bus.

At this time, there are only two buses from the town to the city. It takes about an hour to drive to the city at 8:30 in the morning and 12:30 at noon.

Not long after Huaguo was established, all the cars are blue and white minibuses with only a dozen or so seats. Of course, now there is no need for overloading. In addition to the seats, there can be more than a dozen people standing.

However, many people take mule carts or bicycles to the city, don't they just get up an hour early, anyway, there is time, and this car costs two cents.

Tang Mingyuan spent 40 cents to buy two tickets, and soon, the bus swayed towards the city on the pitted yellow mud road.

There were still five vacancies in the car. There was a kind old man in a Chinese tunic suit and Tang Mingyuan knew each other. They were separated by the middle aisle and began to talk about the situation outside, such as which one was beaten by landlords, or which one was cut off from capitalism. The tail is gone, and whoever married a daughter-in-law has used it for three turns and one sound

. Tang Bao looked at the scenery outside, the green sky, and the mud houses as far as the eye could see, and also mixed with blue brick bungalows. SHe couldn't help it. depressed.

This time and space is really not the time and space that I once lived in.

Over the years, she has found some very shocking news from what she has heard and seen.

For example, in the Marshal Jianguo she was familiar with, there were several unfamiliar faces, and some events, big or small, were different in time and result, not matching what she remembered.

What's surprising is that even though some historical events are deviated from the events in her memory, those key things have not changed, such as the time of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the current Cultural Revolution. Same.

It seems that no matter what, it will not change the original historical process, just like a parallel space, it will continue to develop along the original history.

Unfortunately, no matter what the future holds, this is the world she needs to live in right now.

Yes, she turned out not to be from China.

She didn't travel by accident either. In her own memory, she lived to the end of her 80s in her last life.

In the past, she was not the proud child of heaven, and everything was ordinary.

Born in 1976, she has remembered that when she was a child, she had younger brothers and sisters at home. She was not the most favored, but they also let her study when she was admitted to high school.

Later, he worked as an ordinary staff member of the family planning office of the municipal government. SHe married a husband who thought was honest, but after she gave birth to twin daughters, he had other thoughts and opened a small supermarket with some money in his hand. Later, he cheated, secretly gave birth to a son with a widow, and divorced herself.

At that time, the two daughters had just entered high school. Although she was hit hard, she still managed to survive. After all, she was already forty years old at that time.

However, her two daughters survived this blow but worked hard. They both went to college and started their own businesses. When she was 50 years old, her two daughters were already successful people in the town, and they allowed her to live in a villa and have food and clothing. Hassle-free.

Maybe it was her unhappy marriage that made her two daughters extra picky and cautious about their husbands. Fortunately, they both met good men.

Her later life can be said to be very happy, her daughters and sons-in-law are filial, and she also brought up two grandsons and granddaughters.

As a result, when she was eighty-three years old, when she woke up, she found that she was a newborn baby.

Of course, she is also a very ordinary baby, she will cry and make trouble, except she loves to be clean.

Before she could figure out the reason, when she was one year old, there were unforeseen circumstances, and she could not survive because of the cold and high fever. At the juncture of her daughter's life and death, Tang Bao was the remnant of feudal thought and the inheritor of traditional dross. .

In fact, the abbreviation is the half-assed goddess. At the juncture of her daughter's life and death, the dead horse became a living horse doctor, and she took the expired medicinal pill that was said to have been circulating for a hundred years.

Although she saved her a small life, unfortunately, it may be that God is jealous of Tang Bao's luck, or that the medicine is too much. Tang Bao, who has recovered a small life, finds that her limbs have become uncoordinated.

It should be said that her mind is clear, but her hands and feet are on strike, and they don't listen to her mind. Even if she tries hard to discipline her hands and feet, her speech and actions have become slow.

To be honest, when Tang Bao first knew about her condition, she really had a dead heart.

However, looking at parents who regard themselves as eyeballs, even if they cry, they don't dare to cry in front of them, especially when others say that their mother bleeds heavily when she gave birth to her, even if she is rescued, she will never cry in her life. There are more children.

How could she bear to leave her soon, she found that she was not really stupid. When she was in a sleepy state, she could come to a space where she could speak and dance normally.

However, this is a very embarrassing space, only about three square meters, and without his consent, he will take himself in in his sleep, and send himself out when he dislikes her.

That is to say, the owner of this space has no human rights at all.

She remembered that in the novels she had read, people's space was very good, there were countless gold and silver treasures, and all kinds of materials were innumerable.

However, when I was seven or eight years old, I quietly put a jade pendant, a few herbs, and a vegetable dumpling that I accidentally picked up.

As a result, the next time I went in, I found that only the vegetable dumpling was left in the space, and the herbs and jade pendants were gone. Isn't the space supposed to be the safest place to disappear , but her space made her want to cry without tears.

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