The Beauty Saves the Hero

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  Although He Zhihan didn't know what method Tang Bao used to get the man in the car sick, but she saw Tang Bao shoot at another man with her own eyes. At that moment, her eyes were astonishingly bright, especially dazzling, so that He felt that his heart was beating uncontrollably.

Does this count as being saved by a hero? It is a beauty who saved the hero.

Seeing Tang Bao's caring eyes at this time, he felt that he was a bit of a hero and didn't dare to look at her, so he smiled reluctantly, "It's okay."

In fact, He Zhihan felt uncomfortable all over. He blocked a shot for Tang Bao before, and left He suffered a gunshot wound to his shoulder and is still bleeding, and after soaking in the cold water for so long, he already felt dizzy in his head.

He reluctantly swam to the shore, and when he saw Tang Bao reaching out and trying to pull him up, he didn't think much about it. He held her cold little hand. When he tried hard, he was not pulled up by Tang Bao, but dragged Tang Bao down instead. He bumped into his arms and didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing that his wound was still bleeding, Tang Bao trembled with fright, and said in a crying voice, "He Zhihan, don't be scared. Me, you must not be in trouble, let's go to the hospital quickly." This is the first time she has killed two people, and when she was already worried, she overestimated her strength and did not pull him up. , but was pulled into the water by him.

It was only now that he realized that he was injured.

"Don't cry, I'm fine," said weakly, the whole person had already closed his eyes and fainted.

Tang Bao hurriedly hugged him, shivered when he saw his ugly face, and said indifferently, "What should I do, I have to send him to the hospital as soon as possible",

but he was hugging him and couldn't climb ashore by himself.

Release him, he has already fainted, and it will sink into the water.

Tang Bao couldn't help asking Eggy for help with his thoughts.

It's a pity that Eggy is helpless in the face of this situation.

Tang Bao looked around and could only hold him and swim slowly downstream, where the terrain was relatively low.

At this time, the sound of a car came from afar. Tang Bao didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend. He looked nervously at the approaching car, ready to take a gun from the space at any time.

Zheng Wei was in a very depressed mood during this period of time. The matter of the pharmaceutical factory was stuck. If it did not pass in the end, the factory could still be used for other purposes, but their hard work was in vain.

He drove the car to the outside of the pharmaceutical factory again, leaned against the door to smoke, and looked stupidly in front of him, when he happened to see Tang Bao sitting in the car with a panic-stricken look on his face, feeling that something was wrong.

And there was a car behind him, as if running for his life.

He was stunned for a while, then threw away the cigarette and drove after him.

But he chased the wrong way. When he realized something was wrong and turned around to look around, he saw a car parked here. When he got out of the car and heard Tang Bao's cry for help, he hurried over and said nervously, "Tang Bao, are you alright, reach out, I'll pull you up."

Tang Bao only asked for help when he saw that he was the one who got out of the car. As soon as he blew, he sneezed, "Fortunately, you are here, hurry up and take him to the hospital."

"Okay, put on my clothes first."

Tang Bao quickly refused, "No, I'll find a blanket."

In fact, he took the opportunity to go . The man's pistol was in the car.

She admired herself. At this point, she could ignore the dead and the smell of blood in the car, and still remember that a pistol was a good thing.

When He Tang was in a meeting with the city leaders, after hearing the news of He Zhihan's accident, he hurriedly took Gu Xingjin and the others to the hospital. Hearing that his nephew was still in the operating room, he couldn't help but worriedly asked the doctor next to him if he was injured. Is it serious?" The doctor was also a little worried. "The patient's wound is on the left shoulder. It is not fatal. The bad thing is that he bleeds too much and is soaked in cold water. Now he is afraid of complications after the operation."

He Xingjin grabbed Zheng Wei who came with a teacup, and asked nervously, "Where is Tang Bao and how is she?"

Zheng Wei's arm was sorely pinched by him, and he quickly said, "Tang Bao is frightened, not injured, but She is soaking wet, and now there is a doctor taking care of her." When Tang Bao came to the hospital, Wu Aihua saw him, and he quickly asked his wife to take care of her.

Ge Hongxia brought her hot water and clean clothes. After she was done changing, she asked her to go to bed quickly. She filled her with boiling water from an IV bottle and put it in the bed, and took her temperature. take good care of her.

Gu Xingjin came in and saw Tang Bao lying on the bed well, and he was relieved. He came to her bedside and asked nervously, "What happened to you?"

He wanted to put the pale-faced little girl into his arms. But there are too many light bulbs on the side, I'm really embarrassed, and I can't make such a frivolous move.

Tang Bao stretched out his slightly trembling hand, held his warm big hand, and said with a little weeping, "He Zhihan said that the car was manipulated, and some people wanted to kill him."

Although Zheng Wei thought this scene was annoying, but they They were husband and wife, but Ge Hongxia was very politically aware of what she could say.

She felt that there were some things that she could not listen to, so she called Zheng Wei to leave the ward together, and closed the door for them.

Because Tang Bao had to change her clothes before, Ge Hongxia deliberately found a small room for her in the corner where there was no patient.

Seeing them go out, Tang Bao looked at him with fear and worry and said in a low voice, "Xingjin, I killed someone, I"

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here." He sat on the hospital bed and put his arms around her, Only then did he ask in a low voice, "Tell me the whole thing, and I'll take care of it."

People are biased. If Tang Bao killed someone by mistake, he would wipe away the traces himself, so as not to be found out.

Only then did Tang Bao recount what he had experienced and what he could say. Thinking that he had really killed someone, he didn't feel very scared. After all, if they didn't die then, he wouldn't be able to live.

However, her body trembled uncontrollably, and the bloody smell and deadly eyes still made her feel uneasy.

"It's alright, wife, you're right, don't be afraid." Gu Xingjin patted her trembling shoulder comfortably, and said softly, "I'm just glad that you are in my arms, and now I'm going to personally take someone to check it out. This matter, you are taking care of yourself in the hospital."

Tang Bao nodded obediently in his arms, then remembered and asked, "By the way, how is He Zhihan now?"

"He is still operating, but The wound is not dangerous." He didn't tell the truth, thought for a while, and then whispered, "Tang Bao, Weiyang City is staring at too many people now, for your safety, I will shoot you. Push it to Zhihan, because the more inconspicuous you are, the less conspicuous you will be, and the safer your life will be."

Tang Bao also understood what he meant, but he didn't expect him to think so well for himself, so he quickly responded. "I know you're doing it for my own good, and I won't mention this to the second person."

"My wife is so smart," he reassured her softly, touching her bed, which was already very warm. , and then whispered with confidence, "You have a good night's sleep, I'll go to work first."

Tang Bao nodded, knowing that he would definitely go to the scene now.

After Gu Xingjin went out, he saw He Tang's serious face that could not be concealed, and went to the side to talk to him about the matter, and then whispered, "Chief of Staff, I want to personally take someone to the scene to see if we can find anything. ."

He Tang's eyes sank after hearing this, and he exclaimed, "Okay, let me find out about this matter, and Lin Yao will cooperate with you to go to places to transfer people."

Gu Xingjin bowed before turning around and walking out with Lin Yao. .

Now that they know that the people in the dark place have been plotting bad things, they naturally won't take out their own people. Once the two of them are together, they go to the Public Security Bureau to borrow people.

And Gu Xingjin was about to walk out of the hospital's door, thinking about how he could let Zheng Wei stay by his wife's side, asking him to be courteous, and simply asking him to lead the way, to help them better.

Tang Bao slept for a while, and when he was awakened by the nightmare, he found that his nose was stuffed, and he couldn't escape the cold. He touched his head and felt a little feverish, so he put on the blue cotton jacket prepared for him by Ge Hongxia and Cotton pants, only then did I dare to get out of bed and go to the toilet, then I went to the front to get myself some medicine, and by the way, I went to see how He Zhihan was doing now.

He was hurt to save himself.

And later Tang Bao thought about it, fortunately, He Zhihan saved him at that time.

If that person couldn't kill him if he shot him, he might have thought he was a monster, so he might as well hide in the space and lie to them that his water is good, and he would have traveled far.

The main reason is that I don't have enough experience. If there is a next time, I will not be so inconsiderate.

When she came out of the toilet, she saw Wu Aihua hurried over in a white coat and greeted with a smile, "Fourth brother, what are you doing walking so fast?"

"I'm not looking for you, I don't think you're in the ward," he looked worriedly. "I heard your voice as if you have a cold. Hongxia has a patient now. I will take you to the pharmacy to take your temperature and get some cold medicine."

Tang Bao followed him to the pharmacy, and the temperature was already 30. It was more than nine degrees. Wu Aihua quickly gave her some antipyretics and cold medicine, and whispered worriedly, "You better not blow your hair like this, or stay in the hospital and go back tomorrow"

Tang Bao rarely Taking western medicine, her body is usually well nourished by her parents, but this time she was frightened and soaked in water for so long, and her relatives only leave every month, so she couldn't resist getting sick.

Maybe she was familiar with the smell of traditional Chinese medicine. She was not used to the smell of disinfectant in the hospital, so she quickly said, "I'm fine, don't tell my parents, or they'll be scared and won't worry about me coming in the future. It 's in the city."

"You." Wu Aihua didn't know if he should hide it for her, so he could only sigh helplessly.

Tang Bao found that his colleagues were looking at him and felt that he was disturbing their work here. He got up and smiled, "I'll take it as you agreed, then I'll go back and lie down for a while, fourth brother, you are busy."

A male colleague of Wu Aihua came. When he came to him, he asked in a low voice embarrassedly, "Is the girl who called your fourth brother your relative?"

The colleague's eyes lit up instantly, "So how old is she this year?"

Wu Aihua understood what he meant, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said with sympathy, "She is already married."

Tang Bao didn't know He accidentally got into trouble and bumped into someone at the corner, even if the other party was walking too fast, but Tang Bao still subconsciously apologized "Is that right?"

When he saw that the person in front of him was Zhao Aizhen, the rest of the words I can't speak anymore.

Zhao Aizhen glared at Tang Bao in dissatisfaction, and sneered bitterly, "Tang Bao, are you jealous of me, that's why you bumped into me on purpose, I knew why it was in the first place today."

Tang Bao had already put on cotton-padded clothes and trousers, Ge Hongxia She is plumper than her, so she doesn't fit well. In contrast, Zhao Aizhen, who is wearing a white coat, black pants and leather boots, looks much more foreign.

Zhao Aizhen originally regretted her rashly marrying Liu Xiaojun, but now, looking at Tang Bao's appearance, she feels fortunate that she married Liu's family.

Even if she was going to suffer a little grievance in the Liu family, when she walked out of the Liu family, she was the daughter-in-law of the Liu family, representing the face of the Liu family, and her dress was definitely enviable.

Tang Bao felt that he was about to be amused by her, "I think it's time for you to come to the hospital. You seem to be very ill, or you will talk nonsense."

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