Yang Yi's Reversal

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Jiang Yin raised her chin and said, "Our lawyer said, you are a frame-up, and we believe in justice."

Yu Shitang approached her and said with a bit of viciousness, "Jiang Yin, even if he can escape this time. Go out, but this kind of thing will happen in the next three days and two ends, do you think you can stand it? Do you think he won't blame you for being so ugly?"

Jiang Yin's face turned white, and she glared at him angrily, "You are despicable. Shameless, you are not a human being"

Yu Shitang laughed, "You are too simple, but I like your simplicity, and I will protect you in the future."

Jiang Yin lost her mind instantly, waved and gave him a slap, "I swear , even if I die, I won't be with you."

Yu Shitang didn't guard that she dared to do something to him, the pain on his face almost made him turn his face, raised his hand to fight back, and looked at her stubborn little face and felt reluctant. , simply grabbed Jiang Yin's wrist, pulled her and sneered, "You dare to do something to me, it seems that it is time to teach you the rules."

"You let me go." Jiang Yin glared at him angrily.

"What are you doing?" Tang Bao said calmly on the side, and quickly stretched out his hand to flick Yu Shitang's wrist, he felt his wrist numb, and unconsciously let him go.

He couldn't help but want to curse, but when he looked up, he saw the girl with almond-like eyes, pretty features, and a bright and moving smile looking at him.

At this moment, the sun shines on her body, making her like a jade person, which is really eye-catching.

"Miss, do you want to act according to your appearance and temperament, and I can make you popular?" Yu Shitang couldn't help but be amazed, and kept talking to her about a bright future.

This girl must get it herself, although she has seen more beautiful than her, but she does not have the special charm of her.

Of course, he is a very gentle, rich and affectionate man, and he is already thinking that his house is empty and he can come to the golden house to hide his beauty.

"Thank you, I'm a doctor." Tang Bao felt that he hadn't met such a silly and sweet person for a long time. He especially liked his tone of voice as a nouveau riche. He was just trying to make some extra money, so he couldn't help grinning at him, "I see. The whites of your eyes are stagnant yellow, mixed with yellow and red veins. It is a symptom of excessive consumption of liver qi. Lust hurts the liver, and excessive alcohol color is very dangerous. Do you want me to prescribe some medicine for you?"

Yu Shitang instantly became angry and embarrassed, "What nonsense are you talking about, Mr. Don't mention the two of you, even if it is seventeen or eighteen, I'm fine."

Jiang Yin was ashamed and angry, and wanted to rush up to fight with him.

However, Tang Bao calmly said to the side, "Comrade Public Security, he is a hooligan in broad daylight, and his thoughts are very corrupt, which has had a great impact on my body and mind."

Zhuge Lan and the deputy director were waiting on the side. Yu Shitang should have seen it, but his eyes were glued to the two beauties. Now that he heard Tang Bao's words, he looked at them in surprise.

The deputy director felt that Tang Bao's hole was dug too smoothly, squeezed out a smile, and asked someone to bring Yu Shitang in, "Liu, you bring this comrade in to record a statement."

Yu Shitang was taken away by two police officers. Still struggling to give up, he turned back and shouted, "Do you know who I am?"

Tang Bao looked at him with a pity, "Not only is lust hurting the liver, drinking too much alcohol, even the brain is not good, and he is no one. Got it."

Immediately, with a pretty face, "I'm going to sue him for falsely accusing my younger brother, Lawyer He, is here?"

Two middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes quickly got off the car and came to greet Tang Bao.

The deputy director looked at the gentleman with gold-rimmed glasses who was talking to Tang Bao, but his heart trembled. This is the most popular lawyer in Kyoto. I heard that there is no case that he can't win. It seems that the son of the Yu family can take good care of himself in prison.

Jiang Yin followed, watching Tang Bao put Yu Shitang in so easily, her mouth widened in surprise.

When he saw Yang Yi walking out again, he couldn't help rushing up to hug him and cried, "It's great that you're alright."

Yang Yi also filled her up tightly, so he held her shoulders and took advantage of the situation. She pushed it away and said softly, "I'm sorry, I made you worry."

Jiang Yin looked at him with tears in her eyes, crying and laughing.

Tang Bao asked Yang Yi and the others to pick up Jiang's father and Jiang's mother. He felt that people would definitely not want to see outsiders now, so he thoughtfully arranged the time to visit at night.

It's also the time to prepare gifts for yourself. You can't take things out of the space. In the afternoon, Mother Jiang called Tang Bao politely and invited her to dinner at home.

In the evening, Tang Bao came to the Jiang's house for dinner with several gifts. The Jiang's parents were very polite, the dinner was prepared very well, and they spoke very kindly. The Jiang's parents were intellectuals who had lived abroad and were funny. Kind and pleasant to chat with.

After the meal, Tang Bao, as the man's parent, formally sat down with the Jiang family's parents to discuss the marriage of the young couple.

"We are already looking for the wedding room. We will try to decorate it before the engagement on May 1. The October National Day in the second half of the year is also a good day. If you have no opinion, you can get married."

Tang Bao, a house in Kyoto, also bought Several places, even Yang Zheng bought several places, but they were far away from Jiang's parents, so they all decided to toss them out near Jiang's home.

Yang Zheng has also arranged for the real estate in the sea market to go to Kyoto. He is definitely an expert in the area of ​​the house now.

"Sister, we don't want a new house." Jiang Yin was a little shy, after all, she was talking about her marriage, but thinking about her hometown's house, and thinking that the house in Kyoto was going up every year, she still blushed and said, "I will live with him at the school then. Just go inside." When the Jiang family's parents saw Tang Bao, they felt that Tang Bao's speech and temperament were unusual, especially calm, not like an ordinary worker, but they didn't think much about it.

Hearing her daughter's words at this time, she also nodded, "Yes, it's fine to arrange it over there."

Anyway, if the daughter is not used to living, just let them go home.

Tang Bao smiled. So far, Jiang's family has given her a good impression, and said with a bit of ridicule, "It's okay, we have many children in our family. If you come to study in Kyoto in the future, it's better to live in their uncle and aunt's house."

In the past, Jiang's parents were afraid that they would be like vampires and would haunt Yang Yi, but now that they saw Tang Bao, they felt that it would be good for relatives like her to move around more.

And what people say is to come to Kyoto to study, that means good grades.

Therefore, Jiang's father agreed, "This is necessary, we will be a family from now on."

Jiang's mother also smiled and echoed, "Isn't it true, we are just have this child, Yinyin, and I am very envious of a big family like you. It's lively and lively, and we must keep coming and going in the future."

No matter what, what they said was beautiful, Tang Bao took out two boxes from the small bag and handed them to Jiang Yin, and said with a smile, "This is mine. The greeting gift from the eldest sister, you are wearing it to play."

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