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 It was the first time for Gu Ningjin and Yang Yi to do such a big business. It was a completely different excitement from the usual way of selling eggs and private salt.

Anyway, just be careful, the liver is thumping.

When they came back, the eldest brother said that there was something else to do, and asked them to take the train back first. They didn't think much about it. Body baby, afraid of encountering thieves or pickpockets.

After finally returning home, they are also familiar with the black market here, so they went to the black market to find buyers when they came back.

Now cigarettes do not have filters. The most expensive is Zhonghua cigarettes. They bought one for 10 yuan, and sold it on the black market for 15 yuan. There are also plum blossom brand watches for men and women. Those who have some money or want to get married , This watch is a best-seller, but it is difficult to buy it in department stores. Even if it is more expensive on the black market, there are still many people who want it.

When they carefully collected the money and went home, they were shocked to see their eldest brother coming back, lying on the bed with an ugly face.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Gu Ningjin looked at him worriedly, the joy of making money was gone. Gu Xingjin didn't want them to worry. He had already spoken with the Tang family, saying that he was sick, and smiled gently, "I scare you, I still have a fever, and my stomach problem recurs

, so I just lie down."

The clothes were thin, and Yang Yi's eyes fell on his bulging shoulders. Although he saw that the bulge was not right, he didn't dismantle it. Instead, he talked about how much he and Ning Jin sold. "Brother, this time we As soon as I went out and entered, I made more than 60 yuan, and I have to go again in a few days."

"Brother, you can keep the money." Gu Ningjin also quickly took out the money. Three hundred yuan, and now the bills are the largest of ten yuan, which is really a thick stack.

He still remembered a few years ago that he really wouldn't take this amount of money into his eyes, but it's been a long time since he saw so much money.

Gu Xingjin showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, "You will share the money equally, and you will have a chance to go for a trip in the future, but I suggest that you should go out once a month. This time I have a letter of introduction to take you out. You need a letter of introduction from the brigade to stay outside for two days."

Yang Yi quickly refused, "Brother, I can't ask for this money, I'm very satisfied if you can take me out to broaden my horizons."

"Since you called me Big brother, then take it." Gu Xingjin looked at him with serious eyes, very gentle and serious, just like looking at his younger brother, "I can only give you this amount of money now, and the road in the future will depend on you. Only by supporting each other can we get better and better."

He thinks that he still has a good eye for people, these Yang brothers are very good, don't bully the poor, it's good to use this money to have two more brothers, even if you go by yourself In the army, they can help each other, and they can feel more at ease.

Although taking them to the black market is indeed not a serious way to make money, and there will be certain risks, but for their own sake, this is the fastest way to get money.

Under the persuasion of their brothers, Yang Yi collected the 150 yuan in an extraordinarily solemn manner, and then sighed, "Unfortunately, we need a letter of introduction when we go out. We really can only go outside once a month."

Of course, If Tang Bao was here, he would definitely be very interested in this method of making money, and he would be able to take out a stack of letters of introduction.

As soon as Tang Mingyuan and Su Su got home, they took a good bath, talked again, and then went to rest.

On the second day, Tang Mingyuan hurriedly went to the clinic to work. They were away these days. Some people had to go to the town when they got sick. Not only was the journey long, but it was also expensive. Knowing that they were back, most of them went to the clinic, and some aunts and sisters-in-law came to look for Su Su. Everyone was a woman, so it was better to say it.

Tang Bao was thinking about Gu Xingjin's body, and also wanted to check his favorability in front of him. He specially cooked red dates and peanut porridge at noon and sent them a large pot.

He Zhihan took the letter of introduction from the army and stayed in the Chen Lian brigade in the name of visiting his comrades. Although he had no fatal wounds on his body, there were quite a few minor wounds. I didn't sleep well, but now I'm relaxed and I'm lying down gloriously.

Tang Bao took his pulse, raised his eyebrows, and said teasingly, "Doctors don't heal themselves, we only have the bitter and deadly Artemisia annua, Shuanghua, Forsythia, Arctium, Scutellaria and other traditional Chinese medicines. Are you sure you can drink it?"

In fact, there are still antipyretics from western medicine in the clinic, but who made him look disgusted when he saw Gu Xingjin drinking Chinese medicine yesterday.

He Zhihan was lying on the bed with messy hair, but when he heard the words, he was still mean: "Hey, I am being bullied by a dog and I can only let you deal with it."

Tang Bao laughed angrily at him, "Don't worry, I will wait. I 'll definitely put more yellow lotus."

Today, Ning Jin and Yang Yi both went to fight for centimeters and haven't come back, Shao Jin and Yang Zheng are also pulling weeds and turning over the ground in their private plot, only Yujun is at home to take care of them, very worried He took Tang Bao's hand and asked, "Sister, then I'll go get the medicine with you. I will cook Chinese medicine."

Tang Bao raised his eyes and looked at the humble house. Except for two wooden beds, a wooden table, and two wooden boxes on the side, there is nothing else in the whole house.

Originally, Ning Jin and Shaojin shared a bed, and Yujun shared a bed, but now there are two big men of them, and the three young ones can only make the floor.

She pondered for a moment, and then said, "It's too crowded for five of you to live in one room, why don't you just go and live with us? Even if it's summer now, Yujun and the others are still easy to get cold when they lie on the ground.

" The two patients looked concerned, "And my mother and I are at home. We can take care of you more. Your body will be better soon, so that they will not be worried."

If it was only Gu Xingjin, she would be embarrassed to let people go. With more He Zhihan, it would be easier to speak.

It is said that the moon is the first to get the moon, and I have to seize the opportunity to show more in front of Gu Xingjin.

Anyway, after listening to Tang Hongjun's words, she still felt that her marriage should be decided as soon as possible. After all, this military marriage was still a good shield, and he was not at home, but she was free.

He Zhihan was very moved when he heard this, half sat up from the bed, winked at Gu Xingjin with a smile, "Boss, let's go over and disturb Sister Tang's house. I'm not ashamed to watch my younger brother and sister laying the floor."

He didn't say anything. What he said was that he was greedy. For some reason, he subconsciously thought that the food of the Tang family must be better than that of the sister of the Gu family.

It's a pity in my heart, in fact, Gu Xingjin's cooking tastes very good, but unfortunately he is too injured and he has no good food.

Gu Xingjin really felt a little guilty about his younger brother and sister sleeping on the ground. Looking at Tang Bao's sincere face, he said hesitantly, "Then why don't you ask your parents first"

"Well, I'll let my mother clean up first. Let's go to the room." Tang Bao smiled at him, took Gu Yujun's hand, and whispered in a warm voice, "they will wait at my house, and I will make them medicine, you take care of the food and drink of Ning Jin and the four of them. That's good."

With two more patients, Gu Yujun was really worried that she would not be able to take care of herself, and looked at her gratefully, "Then I will go to work with my sister in the afternoon."

Tang Bao nodded with a smile, and walked back home briskly. I said hello to my sister-in-law who left with the Chinese medicine bag. Seeing that my mother was still taking the pulse of the third aunt, I went to think about where they came to live

. The outside of my room was empty, but my parents were definitely not happy, then Only in the living room or in the cubicle behind the kitchen is the bed.

After sending the patient away, Su Su saw her daughter, sweating profusely, cleaning up the straw and wood in the cubicle, and asked in confusion, "Baby, what are you tossing about?"

"Mom," Tang Bao wiped the sweat with his sleeves without image, and looked at her coquettishly with bright almond eyes, "The five people in the Gu family are too small to squeeze into one room, and Brother Gu and Brother He are both sick, I want to put this Let them come and stay for a few days, and I would like to thank Brother Gu for his previous help."

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