Drug Factory Explosion

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  Tang Bao asked a few rooster-like joint defense members with their heads held high and proud. When they heard that she was looking for Zheng Wei, the son of the deputy mayor, they were willing to talk to her and show her the way.

She followed the instructions of others and found an office outside. Through the hidden door, she could only see Zheng Wei's back standing in front of the desk. His voice was very angry, "Yu Jianwei, do you agree or not?"

The other man's voice seemed more casual, "How many times have I told you, I can't make the decisions here, especially now that the enemy's special affairs have not been found out, it's useless for you to yell at me."

Tang Bao Hearing the person's surname Yu, I felt a little uneasy in my heart. What Yu Cheng had said to him before came to my mind, but I couldn't understand how they could have a conflict with the mayor.

Zheng Wei suppressed his anger, "Forget it, I beg you, you can help me, even if you can't let people out now, you can keep an eye on them so they don't beat them."

To Tang Bao's surprise, at this time, Hearing Yu Cheng's smoothing tone, "Jianwei, you are helping Zheng Wei. If Bhutandan knows you won't help Zheng Wei, it will definitely cause trouble with you."

Zheng Wei seemed to be reminded by his words. The voice suddenly realized, "You are avenging private revenge, Tang Bao is my savior, and besides, she is married to a soldier, there is nothing between us at all, you are too much"

Tang Bao's mind instantly emerged last night. The girl who appeared in the Zheng family was afraid that she would have something to do with her, but she didn't expect it to be the mayor's daughter.

She originally thought that what happened this time was that Chen Wei was clearly doing something wrong, but now it seems that even if the arrest was Chen Weimin's idea, the beating did not rule out the Yu family taking the opportunity to avenge the public.

Tang Bao was really angry in her heart. Originally, she was still hesitating whether she should blow up the drug factory, but now she has made up her mind.

Since they confuse black and white and want to slander people out of nothing, then I don't mind helping the enemy special and causing them to turn upside down.

In fact, at the position where Yu Cheng was standing in the room, Tang Bao could be seen outside, and his words were mentioned on purpose.

He didn't want Tang Bao to get involved in this matter, and deliberately pointed out that it was the mayor's daughter who offended her, so that she would avoid Zheng Wei in the future. At the same time, he also used Zheng Wei to tell Yu Jianwei that Tang Bao was married.

He didn't expect now that Tang Bao made up his mind because he knew the inside story, and he really helped him a lot.

When Yu Jianwei heard Zheng Wei say that Tang Bao was married, he felt that his sister was really making a fuss.

Yu Jianwei responded, "Awei, I really don't know what happened last night, otherwise I will definitely stop them, and I can't be the master of letting people go; but don't worry, I won't make it clear until I find out. Let them do it again, that's it."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you to take care of it." Zheng Wei has no other way now, it's about the enemy, even if his father is here, he can't rush people out. , also knew that he couldn't make trouble with the Yu family now, and smiled, "We haven't seen each other for a long time, let's have lunch together at noon."


Tang Bao heard this and left quietly.

She returned to the small room here, and gave Gu Ningjin a pulse to make sure that his trauma and internal injuries had not deteriorated.

After a while, Zheng Wei also pushed the door in and said embarrassedly, "Sorry, the enemy's affairs are too involved, you can't leave until you find out, but don't worry, they won't do it again, it's just an ordinary Question, while I'm here now, hurry up and buy some food to bring in."

After speaking, he took out some money and a few tickets from his pocket and handed it to Tang Bao, "Hurry up and buy a blanket, buy some Food, and anti-inflammatory drugs."

Tang Bao only took a few tickets in his hand, said thank you, and hurried out to buy things.

Yang Yi was going to follow him, but Tang Bao asked him to stay, "Ask them if there is anything else they missed, my parents and I went to buy things separately, and we will be back soon."

Anyway, she has all the things she wants to buy in her space, so naturally she doesn't need to buy the same thing again.

The most important thing is that she wants to take the opportunity to buy things to explore the way to the pharmaceutical factory first to see the situation there.

The newly built pharmaceutical factory is just a little past the station. Tang Bao counted the time on his bicycle, looked at the sun in the sky, and looked forward to the moon at night, so that he would not fall into the ditch while riding his bicycle.

When Tang Bao came back, he brought them a blanket, some clothes, and some biscuits and canned meat. Knowing that their money had been confiscated, he stuffed them with loose money and a few packs of cigarettes. , keep it for them to manage people, and they can suffer less.

After Zheng Wei and the others left the defense team, they saw Tang Mingyuan and Su Su who were still waiting outside and smiled, "Uncle, auntie, it's getting late, why don't you guys go back after lunch?"

Tang Mingyuan smiled and declined, "stay. We will eat later. There are still people at home waiting for news, so we will go back first. Thank you very much for today's matter. Someday you will go to our countryside when you are free. "

Okay, then be careful on the road." Zheng Wei thought that he was going to have lunch with Yu Jianwei and the others at noon, and he didn't stay too much. Seeing that the four of them had just left on two bicycles, he leaned against the door and lit a cigarette, wrinkled. He frowned and wondered how he told his parents that he didn't want to be with Yu Qiaodan.

In fact, it is ironic to think about it. His mother is now working in a women's union, telling others that a woman can hold up half the sky, that marriage is free and everyone is equal, but she still wants to control her own marriage.

In order not to worry Gu Yujun, they didn't say that Gu Ningjin was injured, they just picked a good one and said that Zheng Wei came forward. Although people couldn't come out, all the food and food were sent in, and the matter could be checked out.

Seeing that she finally smiled, Tang Bao patted her on the shoulder and said, "You can go see them with me later."

"No," Su Su denied, "If Yujun goes to the joint defense team and meets someone named Chen What to do with the villain, she's been staying at home recently."

Their mother and daughter sang together like this, but Gu Yujun did not suspect that Gu Ningjin was injured, or Tang Bao would not have allowed himself to see them, and Su Su was right, she was really not suitable to go.

He quickly said, "I'm not going, my food is ready, let's have lunch quickly."

Before lunch was finished, a villager called Tang Mingyuan, saying that the old man from his family went into the mountains to cut firewood and lost his waist, and now it hurts Great, please go and see it.

Tang Mingyuan hurriedly finished the rice in the bowl, and went out with him with a simple medicine box on his back.

After Su Su had finished eating, the little girl from the village, Huifang, also came to call Su Su, and said anxiously, "Auntie, my mother flashed her waist while she was working, and now my stomach hurts, my grandma said she was afraid she would give birth early. Now , let's go take a look." When

Su Su heard this, she hurriedly walked away with her medicine box, and asked Tang Bao and the others to take advantage of the sun today to dry all the herbs that should be in the sun.

After a while, another villager came to borrow a bicycle.

Yang Yi agreed, feeling that if he borrowed the bicycle, Tang Bao would not go to the city secretly, and he could go to fight for centimeters in the afternoon with peace of mind.

Neighbors who came to borrow bicycles felt that this young man Yang Yi was too real. He borrowed one for himself, but he insisted on lending him two bicycles.

But this is also good, you can go out with the little ones at home.

Only Tang Bao and Gu Yujun were left at home. She had cleaned the house long ago, and the two simply hid at home to make peanut candy.

Gu Yujun also understands the relationship between people. "Sister, are these peanut candies going to be given away and leaving four or five pounds at home?"

Usually, the home-made candy is sold quickly, and there is no stock of this peanut candy.

There aren't many peanut candies in Tang Bao's space, so he nodded, "Yeah, take some when you go to see them tomorrow, and give some to the Zheng family."

"It should be." Gu Yujun sighed, "I heard that Wu Xiaoge and the others quietly went to the black market to sell the hares and pheasants. Can we continue to sell them in the future?"

"We won't sell them for now." Tang Bao felt that when he went to blow up the drug factory at night, he would definitely make people panic. He guessed that the whole city would be under martial law for a while, and it is better not to do this business in the near future.

Seeing that Gu Yujun was a little disappointed, she said warmly, "Don't worry, the family has plenty of money, and it is impossible to cancel the black market. Maybe it will be able to do business in a few years."

"There will be such a day . Why ?"

After dinner, Tang Bao lived at Tang's house a few days ago, but today he whispered to Su Su that he wanted to stay here to sleep so that Yujun would not be afraid.

Su Su didn't doubt her daughter's words, and she didn't know that she wanted to do big things boldly, so she told her a few words, and went back to sleep with Tang Mingyuan.

Yesterday, Gu Ningjin and the others had an accident, and everyone hadn't slept well. Today, they can finally sleep peacefully.

Tang Bao didn't tell his parents that he was going to blow up the drug factory, lest they worry too much.

Some things are better for one person to do.

But when Yang Yi saw Tang Bao staying at the new house at night, he had doubts in his heart, and he didn't dare to sleep too dead, and listened carefully to the movement outside.

After his parents left, Tang Bao urged Yang Yi and Gu Yujun to go to bed, and saw that the lights in their room were off. After a while, he rode his bicycle into the city by moonlight.

Little did he know that Yang Yi, who was riding a bicycle, was following in the distance.

If you ride a bicycle during the day, you can get to the city in half an hour, but this night is naturally a bit slower. Fortunately, Tang Bao went out early. When he came to the pharmaceutical factory, he looked at his watch and it was almost nine o'clock.

The pharmaceutical factory was not fully built, the machinery was not brought in, and there were no vigilantes.

She looked around cautiously, except for the sound of the strong wind blowing the branches slightly, and occasionally hearing a dog bark or two, the surroundings were deserted and silent, inexplicably reminding people of the night black wind killing the night .

Half of the moon in the sky gave off a bleak light. After Tang Bao put the bicycle into the space, she went in quietly.

Yang Yi, who was behind, didn't dare to follow too closely. He parked his bicycle in a remote grove, and he couldn't see Tang Bao's bicycle in the space from a distance, but when he saw her slipping in, he felt uneasy.

He had previously heard that Zheng Wei was working on this new pharmaceutical factory. Could it be that Ning Jin and the others would not be able to come out because of the enemy's special affairs, forcing Tang Bao and Zheng Wei to secretly plan to rob people or that Zheng Wei was in fact was the enemy special. Tang Bao who wanted to save people and seek skin with the tiger.

No matter what the answer was, he couldn't let Tang Bao go in for the adventure alone.

But there were no lights in the red brick buildings with one floor and two floors. He didn't know where Tang Bao was and was worried about her safety for a while, so he broke out in a cold sweat.

Suddenly, there was a dull thunder and a loud bang like explosives. He felt that where he was standing, the ground under his feet almost trembled. The two-story building was also razed to the ground in the blink of an eye. He didn't care about his own safety, so he ran over there, worried about whether Tang Bao was in danger.

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