Wishful Thinking

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 As the saying goes, it's not that enemies don't get together, but the peers are enemies.

Zhao Meixiang could think of how well-known Tang Bao, a genius doctor, was after Zhou Shenglei's trouble.

Hua Guo has been suppressing traditional Chinese medicine in the past few years, which has led to many Chinese medicine practitioners switching to Western medicine. After all, they have a little medical knowledge. It is still very fast to learn injections and take body temperature. With a medical certificate, they can be assigned to work. After all, now The only thing missing is medical staff.

For example, Tang Mingyuan and his wife were squeezed out of the team this time because they did not have a medical certificate and offended Mayor Yu again, so they were forced to lose their jobs.

Yu Zhonghua thought that this would make their life difficult, but Tang Mingyuan and Su Su were very grateful to him for his gift.

They treat the villagers in the Chen Lian brigade. Western medicines are normally charged, but the traditional Chinese medicine is a subsidized loss-making business. If these traditional Chinese medicines were not prepared by themselves, they would not be able to subsidize them long ago.

And now that someone from the small clinic has taken over, they don't have to worry when they come out, they are really at ease.

As soon as Zhou Shenglei's grand appearance, he stepped on the Zhao family hospital and held Tang Bao, and it was instantly rumored, making many people wonder if the Zhao family would say anything, and also wondered what kind of person Tang Bao was able to hold the Zhou family like this.

Zhao Meixiang almost fainted, but she couldn't refute Zhou Shenglei's words. She was so angry that she had a headache, so she could only lie on the bed and rest.

"Mom, this Zhou family is too much." Zhao Qiqi didn't expect Tang Bao to be so powerful, and she could be optimistic about the Zhou family's child, but still complained resentfully, "Tang Bao can't stay here and not go home, next time they Don't even think about coming to our hospital to see a doctor."

Gu Xiu'an came in with a cup of ginseng tea. Hearing her words, he was very dissatisfied, and said lightly, "When you refused the patient to go out, you offended the Zhou family, even if Tang Bao was not there. , it is estimated that people now believe in military hospitals more."

This person is more likely to communicate with each other in times of crisis.

The hospital coaxed people away, although it was to avoid being smashed and to avoid the infection of chickenpox, but it also set off the nobility of the military hospital.

The people of the Zhou family are all human beings, and it is estimated that they will not want to deal with their own family in the future. Taking a step back, even if they come from their own hospital, it is difficult for them to be able to drive them away. On the contrary, it is for today's sake. In this matter, I have to do my best to see a doctor, so as not to lose the reputation of a Zhao family hospital that is not as good as a rural Chinese medicine doctor.

Zhao Meixiang took the ginseng tea handed to her by her man, and saw that although there was no unpleasant expression on his face, his tightly pursed lips let her, who was familiar with him, know his mood at the moment. It was very bad, so he sent his daughter away, "Qiqi, go to the hospital and watch, pay attention to your attitude, don't lose face."

Although Zhao Qiqi was in a bad mood, she lived in a relatively decent place outside, so she answered depressedly , and left the room.

"What you did this time was too rough," Gu Xiu'an couldn't help complaining when she saw her stepdaughter leaving, "Our hospital is going to be affected a lot now."

Zhao Meixiang didn't dare to tell him that there was more, it's her daughter's idea, just looked at him with a sad face, "I know I'm too impatient, but I'm afraid that the infection of chickenpox is too severe, and Tang Bao and the others don't respect you so much. They have learned a lesson, but it helped them become famous."

When Gu Xiu'an heard her words, no amount of anger disappeared, and he said helplessly, "Know yourself and your enemy, you can win every battle, we all underestimate them too much."

Yes, in fact, although chickenpox is ferocious, as long as it is properly cared for, it is really not dangerous. Moreover, Chinese medicine practitioners did have prescriptions for chickenpox more than a hundred years ago, mainly because the boy from the Zhou family is too weak. Zhao Meixiang didn't dare to take him in."

Zhao Meixiang didn't think Tang Bao was very powerful, but felt that they were lucky. "If there is acute appendicitis, they must be helpless, and we can only have our western medicine to perform surgery, do you think? "

Gu Xiu'an also nodded in agreement, "Yes, it's true that the blind cat met the dead mouse. The higher you hold her now, the worse she will fall in the future; let's not worry, although the Zhou family is holding her this time, why not? If she harmed her, the sign of this genius doctor will definitely make her sullen."

Zhao Meixiang's eyes lit up, "What do you mean?"

"We just have to wait." I told Qiqi, "The Chen family is the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, and it is indeed a very good family. The Chen family originally had three sons. Well, even though he is now the deputy security captain of a cardboard factory in the city, his reputation is not good.

Zhao Meixiang was a little hesitant, "I seem to have heard that he has an unclear relationship with a few women in the factory, so why don't you look at other people?"

This was nothing to Gu Xiu'an, but smiled instead. "When this man was young, he was full of energy, so it was inevitable that he would have some romantic affairs. Now that he has established a family, he will naturally restrain himself. Besides, Chen Hongjun also likes Qiqi, and naturally he will treat Qiqi well. We are not saying that Qiqi must marry. Give it to him, isn't this a meeting with their young people?"

He wanted to have a relationship with the Chen family, so that they would be much more convenient in New Ontario, especially now that the investigation of overseas relations is stricter, but the imported equipment in their hospital is still All imported medicines must come from overseas, and Deputy Secretary Chen is in charge of signing and approving this aspect.

Moreover, he also felt that Zhao Qiqi was really not very good-looking. She was sickly and weak as if she could be blown away by the wind. If he missed this family, he didn't know if there was any such good family.

Zhao Meixiang hesitated for a while, but still couldn't bear to reject her man's intention, and nodded, "Okay, let them meet."

Gu Xiu'an looked at her gently and said, "Don't drink the ginseng tea quickly, I soaked it for you myself, I'm worried about your bones, you rest at home, I'll go to the hospital first."

Zhao Meixiang instantly felt that her heart was sweet, and hurriedly drank the ginseng tea, and then looked at him and said softly, "Then come back with me early at night"

"Okay, you have a good sleep first," he said. Looking at her with a deep smile, "Or you must dislike me for being too noisy, and you won't have the strength to deal with it."

These words made Zhao Meixiang's cheeks red in an instant, but it was more charming.

When Gu Xiu'an returned to his office, he called a few people to ask questions. After they all left, the little nurse came in with a cup of tea. Gu Xiu'an took the opportunity to put her in his arms, pinched her waist and smiled softly, "Fangfang, You seem to have gained a bit of weight again, is it because of not enough exercise recently?"

Although Fangfang is not amazing, her figure is very good, the waist is waist, buttocks are buttocks, the most important thing is that she is young and fair, and she hugs him when she hears it. SHe looked at him with sadness on his shoulders, "I hate it, it's not because you didn't come to accompany me."

"I'll accompany you today." He got up and locked the door, turned around and hugged her eagerly to make out .

He is romantic by nature. Although he is now the son-in-law of the Zhao family, he does not want to treat himself badly, but he also knows that Zhao Meixiang is jealous, and the women around him do not dare to find too good women with Appearance, as well as money, still fascinated the little girl next to her.

Outside the door, a passing male doctor heard an inappropriate movement. He quietly put his ear to the door and listened for a while. Now, the charming humming sound inside became more and more clear. 

It was the morning of March 11. After Tang Bao and Su Su went out to pick up clothes from a private tailor shop, they happened to see meat pie and wontons not far away, so the mother and daughter went in and asked for two bowls of wontons and two meat patties.

They waited for a while, and the meatloaf and ravioli were served. At this time, a young man in a Chinese tunic suit came in and asked for two bowls of wontons and two meatloaf. He sat there and kept looking at the watch on his wrist. , obviously waiting for someone.

After a while, a young girl in a light beige Lenin suit came in.

"Fangfang, sit here" the young man hurriedly greeted him with a particularly attentive smile, "I ordered meat patties and wontons, and it will be ready soon."

Fangfang didn't appreciate it at all, and said lightly, "Is there anything you want to do with me? Tell me in the hospital, what is this mysterious?" The man said with a hilarious smile, "I heard that we are going to adjust the salary. Can you help me and say a few good words for me?"

"No, how can I interfere with this kind of thing? Talk about it." Fangfang couldn't say that he was not skilled, but she refused. "Besides, I'm just a little nurse, why don't you talk to someone yourself?"

"Although you are a little nurse, you are still familiar with the vice president above." The man looked at her maliciously, and said in a low voice, "This kind of thing, when you are with the vice president, it's better to blow the wind in your ears."

Although his voice was very low, he also deliberately asked for a friend to leave. Tang Bao and the others were farthest away, but Tang Bao's ears were too sensitive. He thought that they were making a match. He was curious about what young men and women would say when they were together.

But I didn't expect to hear such a big gossip.

However, she was also curious about which hospital they belonged to.

It would never be the hospital she thought of. If she could guess correctly, the world would be too small.

The woman's voice was clearly panicked, "You, what do you mean by that?"

"I just passed by the vice president's office yesterday and heard something I shouldn't have heard." The man's voice was a little smug. I can also think that the vice president who joined the Zhao family would dare to play tricks in the hospital. If the president finds out, then I guess the president is reluctant to embarrass the vice president, but it should be very easy to clean you up."

"I, you , I promise you" Fangfang also knew that if this matter spread, her life would be ruined, she responded in a panic, and after thinking about it, she threatened him, "I'll go and tell him tomorrow if you If you don't keep your mouth shut, you won't be much better off."

"I know if you don't tell me, and I don't want to be hated by the vice president. Isn't it because I want to make more money every month?"

Su Su saw her daughter eating slowly and absent-mindedly. I urged her, and only after I finished eating did I see her come back to her senses.

After Tang Bao and his mother left the shop, they told her what they overheard, with a wicked smile on their face, "I'm worried that I can't find their fault, but I didn't expect to hear such a big secret. "Mom, tell me, what's the best way for me to tell her?"

"No hurry, wait." Su Su shook her head, "Zhao Meixiang, this woman obviously likes her current man. It's just a cry, Gu Xiu'an can stay with her, and if she sends him away, she will probably be able to calm down. Let's wait and see if we can have another good time."

"Okay." Tang Bao It also reflected that in this day and age, men are still very tolerant, and it is impossible to make them into a mess based on this matter. My wishful thinking was wrong.

Su Su sighed worriedly, "I didn't expect Xingjin's own father to be so virtuous, and I don't know if Xingjin and the others would be as messy as their father."

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