Yang Yi Fanwai 3

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The Jiang family had foresight to go abroad before the turmoil began. Later, Jiang's father belonged to a group of talents hired by the state.

Jiang Yin also went back to China to study in high school. It can be said that she has never suffered any hardship abroad or at home, but because of her own family, she has become the object of envy.

Jiang Yin often eats delicious chicken, duck, beef and mutton at the dining table, but she has never seen a live, dirty animal. It is really impossible to get used to it for a while.

Fortunately, when I entered the yard, it was clean and smelled of meat.

"Uncle, auntie, I'm back." Yang Yi put the luggage aside, and introduced a little shyly, "Uncle, this is my partner, Jiang Yin."

He brought her back this time, just to want Uncle Tang They look at their subjects to see if they have any opinions.

The most important thing is to let Jiang Yin see where she grew up and see if she feels inappropriate.

It is not as prosperous as Kyoto, but it is the hometown that I have always dreamed of.

I will definitely want to come back to develop in the future. If I hide her from her and deceive people first, then I will be too unhuman.

Jiang Yin saw Tang Mingyuan, who was wearing a blue padded jacket and cotton trousers, black thick cloth shoes, and a medium height. Although he was wearing a bit soiled, the pair of red phoenix eyes were extraordinarily bright and agile, with a warm breath all over

her body. She was a little shy, but He greeted politely, "Hello, uncle, I'm Jiang Yin."

At this time, Su Su came in with a basket of green vegetables, celery or something given by others, and was surprised to see Yang Yi, "You don't call first when you come back, They're not at home anymore."

Yang Yi took her basket and said with a smile, "Auntie, I'll be able to see my sisters after staying at home for a few more days." I

introduced them to them again.

Jiang Yin saw that although there were a few lines of smiles at the corners of Su Su's eyes, her fair skin, picturesque eyebrows, and almond eyes with autumn water made her look extraordinarily beautiful.

She doesn't look like someone in her forties at all, and I think she's prettier than her mother.

Entering the room, Jiang Yin brought the gifts she brought, and the wool scarves bought according to the number of people. The material is good and can be used in winter.

Su Su thanked her with a smile, said some gossip, and asked Yang Yi and her to go upstairs to rest. "Although you guys have been cleaned, but there is no one there, just live here and let Jiang Yin live in Yujun's room. , you live in Ning Jin's room."

"Okay, I'll take Yin Yin to rest first."

Yang Yi did not treat himself as polite as an outsider, and took her upstairs to Yujun's room.

After Yang Zheng and Gu Yujun got married, everyone seldom came back to live here. This place was what it looked like a few years ago. Inside was a bed with a pure pink quilt cover, a wardrobe, a writing desk and two wooden stool.

Yang Yi picked up the blue and white towel and wiped the table before looking at her and said, "Although it's a bit old, it's very clean."

This small room is very simple and simple, and naturally there is no way to compare it with Jiang Yin's own girlfriends. But Jiang Yin is not in the mood to care about these now, and looks at him nervously, "What should I do? I think my aunt doesn't like me, doesn't she?"

"How could it be that if my aunt doesn't like you, she won't let you live here? At home, we must go back to live."

Yang Yi also looked at her nervously, "Don't you think that the countryside is not used to that, don't force it, we can live in the city."

Although Jiang Yin was spoiled by her parents Point, but he's not a fool, naturally he wouldn't dislike the countryside at this time, and smiled at him like "No, I think it's pretty good here, the scenery is beautiful, no wonder I can raise excellent people like you"

She blushed when she praised Yang Yi, bowed his head and kissed her red lips, looking at her with burning eyes, "Yin Yin, I will be good to you in the future."

Although it was a touch away, it was the first time that the two were so close. The only thing is to pull the little hands, and now Yin Yin feels like a little deer in her heart.

She felt that she must behave well and leave a good impression on them, lest they hinder her from being with Yang Yi.

So, she rested for a while in the warm quilt with sunshine, feeling that she was full of strength now, so she diligently went downstairs to sweep the floor.

But when the broom raised the dust, it was definitely the same as if it was not swept. The leaves that were finally swept up could not be swept into the dustpan. When she was hesitating whether she should just pick it up, Yang Yi hurried to help.

After a while, she saw Yang Yi fetching water from the well, and she thought it was easy, so she went to learn to fetch water by herself.

Well, before the water comes up, the well bucket has fallen.

Fortunately, Yang Yi was already prepared, and used a rope to tie a hook to hook the well barrel.

She felt that she should find the easiest thing to do. When Yang Yi was cooking, she rushed to make a fire. It was normal at first, but then there were too many needles in the pine tree, and the fire couldn't start. The whole kitchen was filled with smoke

. Coughing, Su Su outside the door smiled and pulled Tang Mingyuan away, "This girl has a good temperament, Yang Yi is not too young, and it is time to get married."

Tang Mingyuan looked at her in surprise, "You don't dislike her and she won't do it. Housework"

"Yang Yi likes it if he likes it." Su Su gave him a look after finishing speaking, "Besides, you dislike other people's daughters who can't do housework, why don't you think that your own daughter can do housework, but she's too lazy to kill herself.

" He glanced at him, "You still dislike me and don't know how to do housework."

Tang Mingyuan looked at her tenderly, "My wife is the best, I like you too late, I want to cook for you all my life."

Jiang Yin is in the countryside After living for seven days, I slowly got used to it. I can calmly bypass the excrement of cows, sheep, chickens and ducks, and I can also calmly listen to the big cock crows outside and eat the fragrant chicken.

After the new year, Tang Mingyuan and the others will go to the hospital for a period of time.

It's not that they are sick, but Li Shang and Wu Yuanyuan are going to rest for a few days, and Tang Bao and the others haven't come back. This hospital can't be without his own people.

Tang Mingyuan invited Jiang Yin to live in the city for a few days, after all, that was his current home.

But Jiang Yin heard from Yang Yi that Tang Mingyuan's family opened a Chinese medicine clinic, for fear that the place to live would be inconvenient.

After all, Yang Yi's younger brother is also married. They are not there, so they live in it by themselves, for fear of being disliked.

And she also misses her own home, so she is ready to say goodbye and go home.

Yang Yi sent her back first.

Tang Mingyuan said to him, "Since you have already established a relationship, then we should go to Kyoto ahead of time and talk to future relatives about the wedding."

Yang Yi nodded and replied, "Okay, we will work hard then. Uncle and auntie."

Jiang Yin was a little embarrassed to hear this, her face was always red, she was very nervous, but more joyful.

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