40. Calculations 1

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An aunt sighed there, "Hey, now it's a good thing, it's just messing around, it's not us who are unlucky, so I didn't dare to go to the town last time.

" Change"

"Oh, I'm going to die, you give me a little light, and I dare to say it here, I'm not afraid of being spread out, and I will give you something, then"

Although Tang Bao has not fully recovered yet, he is normal. When she was normal, she still followed Su Su or Tang Mingyuan into the mountains to collect herbs. Everyone thought that she had really recovered from a misfortune.

Of course, when she is not well, she simply hides at home, and no one knows whether she has not fully recovered yet.

Today, she also came over with Gu Yujun and the others to stand in the back for a meeting. She happened to hear this on the side. She turned her head and whispered to Gu Ningjin behind her, "Is the investigation very strict now?"

She remembered that they often took arrests . The fish that arrived or the eggs were collected and sold on the black market, but the money earned was enough.

Gu Ningjin looked at her worried sister and Tang Bao with complicated eyes, but she swallowed the words that came to her lips. Although the voice of the boy who was still changing his voice was a little hoarse, his eyebrows were very warm, "Yes, for safety, we have recently I won't go to town."

Gu Yujun's ruddy face also wrinkled with worry, and quickly nodded in agreement, "That is, we have a good life now, and safety comes first."

Tang Baoxing narrowed his eyes, then glanced at Yang Yang . Yi and their faces were not very good-looking, and they knew that he must not tell the truth.

However, the timing was not right now, and Tang Bao didn't say much, thinking that he would find another opportunity to ask them.

The captain told everyone that his mouth was dry, so he signaled everyone to leave.

The villagers talked about going home in twos and threes. There was a young man in the village named Wu Xiaobin who liked to travel in the mountains and hunt. At this time, he got close to the captain, dragged him to his side and said in a low voice, "Captain, I was in the evening a few days ago. When I woke up at night, I seemed to see Wu Youtian sneaking back."

The captain frowned and stared at him for a moment. "It's really him."

He knew that Wu Xiaobin was diligent in running up the mountain, and he often caught things like hares. He must have seen Wu Youtian, the bastard, come back in the middle of the night.

Wu Xiaobin felt that the captain's eyes were a bit penetrating, and he shrank his neck and slapped with a smiling face, "I didn't deal with him before, it's definitely not wrong."

Wu Youtian was because his hands and feet were not clean a few years ago. He also likes to stare at women and move around, and was caught by people in the village, who unanimously demanded that they be sent to the police station.

However, as soon as the captain discussed with the village party secretary and other cadres, they all felt that if they sent people from their team to the police station, it would be bad for the reputation of Chen Lian Brigade.

Now, Wu Xiaobin dared to come back, he suddenly felt a little uneasy, and quickly called a few village cadres for a meeting,

"Yang Yi, please stop for me" Tang Bao found that in addition to Gu Yujun, the other four boys were hiding from him these days. Today, when I came back with my mother collecting herbs, I came to the pigsty to arrest people. Seeing Yang Yi shoveling the pigsty with sweaty sleeves rolled up, he jumped out of the pigsty and wanted to slip away. The pole on top stopped the door, and threatened him with his head tilted, "If you dare to run again, believe it or not, I will tie you in the pigsty."

Yang Yi's smile was worse than crying, "Sister, I don't want to run, I'm not afraid The stench on your body haunts you, so do you want to stay away from you?"

Not only was he afraid of Tang Bao's inquiries, but also because he was at the age of young Mu Ai, so it's hard to lose face

? The pigsty is really not too dirty or smelly. Everyone is staring at this fertilizer. Besides, they are also diligent, and they are particularly fond of chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep in this era.

That's all delicious meat.

Tang Bao leaned against the door, with his hands around his chest, and looked like a hooligan, "Don't try to coax me, tell me honestly, have you been up to anything recently?"

Yang Yi looked at her clear and bright almond eyes, which seemed to be able to read people's hearts, looked away with a guilty conscience, and muttered, "Everyone is very good to us, we are here"

"You know what I mean" Tang Bao Straightening her body, hiereyes were gentle as if she was looking at her disobedient brother, "Don't make trouble with me, tell me what happened, okay?"

Yang Yi couldn't resist Tang Bao, who was soft-spoken, and glanced at him. Aiming at no one around, he approached her two steps and said in a low voice, "It was the Chen family who found out that Yujun is all right now, and wanted her to go back to be a cow and a horse. Naturally, we didn't want to, and now the Chen family is staring at us. , obviously wanting to take advantage of the fact that we are going to the black market and get all the stolen goods."

Even if he wears old patched clothes, he is as tall and straight as a small poplar. Although he is young, he is not too extreme when encountering such an injustice. Seeing her biting her lip and her face full of unpleasantness, she comforted her, "Thanks to our foresight, we can fight for centimeters every day when we come here, and we can still live on. Tang Bao restrained his anger , raised his chin with a bright smile, and his eyes were vivid and picturesque. "That's right, we are using static braking now. If it really doesn't work, then we'll just hit the sap with the sack of the person secretly."

The astringent teenager couldn't help but smile, "This idea is good, don't worry, sister, we have grown up."

In fact, both of them know that the current policy, the Chen family is not something they can compete with, they can only endure it write.

Tang Bao nodded with a smile, but he was laughing in his heart, boy, wait until you are taller than me to say this.

In life, there are a lot of involuntary things, and there are also many powerless things. If you can get through it, you will be tempered. If you can't get through it, if a few people die in this era, it will be like a wave, and there will be no trace in the future.

Tang Bao asked what happened, fed him a pot of chicken soup for the soul, and then turned to go home.

When he turned around, his smile disappeared, and he frowned sullenly. He kept telling himself to endure it for a few more years, and when the turmoil passed, he would be able to find a way to make some money and live a peaceful life. day.

But people are in the arena and can't help themselves.

The only fortunate thing is that the Chen Lian Brigade is still relatively remote, and it is a poor place that outsiders think, there are no big landlords, and there is no place for the people above.

The captain is in charge of everyone reducing the number of trips to the town, wishing to hide the entire village so as not to be affected by the storm outside.

But some people have long thought of them, and naturally they will not miss such a good opportunity.

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