46. Save People

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 There are many men, women and children wandering around the Mantou Mountain and its vicinity. It seems that no one pays any attention to anyone, but they all look around like they are engaged in guerrilla attacks.

Because this period of time was too strict, plainclothes pickets appeared to arrest people yesterday. Everyone became extra cautious. Occasionally, two or three people said a word or two together and walked behind the big tree. Not lush trees shaded to start trading.

When Tang Bao, who was neatly dressed, with a fair complexion and a pretty face, appeared here with a bamboo basket on his back, it was obvious that he was not a person who specializes in arresting black market transactions.

Noticing that the basket on her back seemed to be light, an old lady in her sixties came up to greet her. Although she was wearing old clothes, she was clean. Although her face was wrinkled, it was rosy. She was carrying a bamboo basket. He lowered his voice and said hello, "Daughter, do you want good brown sugar, white sugar, and fruit candy?"

Tang Bao stopped and asked in a low voice, "What price is the brown sugar? Are there cigarettes?

" Son's." The old lady motioned Tang Bao and herself to go to the side, and after putting down the bamboo basket, she lifted the cloth on top, revealing the packs of brown sugar and other rare things below, and there were two packs of cigarettes from the front door and Pegasus. cigarette.

Her face couldn't hide her pride and said, "Four packs of cigarettes are three yuan, do you want it?"

"Yes," Tang Bao put his hand into the satchel, but actually took out the money from the space and handed it to her, and asked with a clever face, "Milk, Are you still coming tomorrow? My father likes to smoke, and these packs are not enough."

"My house is gone." The old lady was in a good mood after receiving three yuan, and her face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile. "Unless you meet a factory There must be a lot of people from the cadre's family here."

After Tang Bao separated from her, he asked several more people, but none of them had cigarettes, but bought some cakes to eat.

After she left the black market, she came to Liu's house and wandered around again to see where she could climb over the wall and go in. She was going to walk around tomorrow night to see if she could find any clues.

Of course, what I want most is a blank letter of introduction, so that I don't have a hard time running away with my parents.

She really has no clue of saving people now. In her previous life, the biggest blow to her was divorce, but her two daughters were very good. They went to school with scholarships, and later started a business and started a company. She enjoyed the blessings of her two daughters.

In this life, I have been spoiled by my parents again. Except for not being able to eat delicious and spicy food, I really have no grievances.

The world is impermanent. Who would have thought that my parents are in such a difficult situation, and they only hate that they have no martial arts, and no marksmanship.

Fortunately, there are still hundreds of green bricks and four large stones in the space.

She thought in her heart that when she went back, she went to the quarry to find some big stones to fill the space. When

Tang Bao returned to Tang's house, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

When Mrs. Tang saw her, her eyes looked like she was going to eat people, she pointed at her and scolded her with a high-pitched voice and a very strong momentum, "You are a spoiler and you still have the face, get out of here."

Tang Bao took a look From her posture, she knew that the old man Tang hadn't come back yet, so he would definitely not go in, so as not to suffer a loss, he gave her a cold look, and then turned around and walked out.

Her look was full of condescension, and Madam Tang hated it even more. She picked up the broom at hand and rushed up to fight, "You unruly mother, I gave birth to your father's unfilial son in vain."

Tang Bao He ducked with his hands and feet flexibly, and while running out, he screamed out, "Mother, don't hit me."

There are quite a few neighbors on this side. Even if most of the young people go to work or go out to work, they stay at home and take care of their children. There are a lot of old men and old ladies, and they all came out to watch the fun when they heard this scream.

While Tang Bao was running, he pulled down his head rope, his hair was covered with tears, and his pitiful appearance was like being beaten.

Some neighbors knew Tang Bao, and when they saw her running quickly, they were surprised, "Tang Bao is really good, what are you doing?"

Tang Bao saw that the kind-faced old lady was a little familiar, as if she was secretly going to the country to find her mother for medical treatment, and quickly hid behind her with a scared look on her face, "Auntie, my mother sent my parents to the picket team. , and also said that he would send my money-losing goods in."

"You are talking nonsense." Although Mrs. Tang had this idea, she saw through it before she said it. She was so embarrassed that she blushed and had a thick neck. "You You should be arrested if your whole family has a conscience."

Most of the people who lived together knew Mrs. Tang's temperament, but when they heard this with their own ears, it was not worth it for Tang Mingyuan and the others.

In the eyes of the neighbors, Su Su and Tang Mingyuan are both good people. When they heard Tang's words, several old ladies stepped forward and pulled her to persuade her to say, "If you have something to say, you can say that your granddaughter is about to get married. Why? Can I fight?"

Tang Bao continued to choked up, "Milk, I was wrong, I am willing to marry into the Liu family, and you let the Liu family release my parents, okay? I will definitely listen to you."

"Shut up for me . "Mr. Tang was going mad when she heard this. She had never expected Tang Bao to be the same stammer as before. This eloquent appearance was so disgusting that she, who was accustomed to being good at speaking, had no idea what to do. No, she couldn't admit defeat, she patted her thighs and opened her posture, then howled, "You still have the shame, you still have the face to cry, and you can marry into the Liu family because you are like this, that's your blessing, if you didn't offend The Liu family"

The people watching the lively next to each other looked at each other in dismay, and they all made up for a bitter drama.

At this time, the old man Tang came back with his hands behind his back. Since Tang Hongjun married the daughter of the deputy factory director, the Tang family's work has been well arranged. Neighbors are very envious of them, and naturally some people gossip about them behind their backs.

When he heard his old woman's words, he was so angry that he shouted, "Shut up for me, what nonsense are you talking about, let me in."

Tang Bao followed him in with an obedient face. She deliberately made a big deal out of it. She was afraid that they would kill her parents silently for Tang Hongjun's sake. The family didn't dare to do anything at this juncture. As long as they gave herself a few days, she would find a way to secretly leave with her parents.

Madam Tang also realized that she had said something wrong before, and did not dare to make trouble. She entered the door with a guilty conscience and slammed the door shut, shutting all the curious eyes outside.

The old man Tang walked into the hall, glared at the old lady Tang, and then said to Tang Bao genially, "You stay for now, I have asked your elder brother to inquire about your father's affairs, and it will be all right.

" Big brother has been bothered," Tang Bao seemed to be relieved, wiped his tears with the back of his hand, and choked up, "I'd better go home first, the chickens at home are not fed well."

"What is there to worry about? Yes, bring me tomorrow to help you feed." Madam Tang is a completely subconscious interface.

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