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 "What surgery?" Gu Xiu'an looked at her in disbelief, pointed at her and scolded, "You can't see whether our family is good or not bewitching her and ruining my family's wealth. Is it you a vicious woman who has been born in this life? No son."

He seemed to have forgotten that the child in her belly was also his grandson or granddaughter, or maybe she felt that she was still very young and was not looking forward to her grandson or granddaughter.

Tang Bao suddenly felt that her kindness might be better than feeding the dog. She just thought that the little girl was innocent after all, so she reminded him, but he didn't expect that he only thought about money and cursed herself like this.

Although she knew for a long time that she had two baby girls in her womb.

She simply turned her head and shouted, "Xiaobai, bring Wangwang over here and drive the bad guys away."

Xiaobai finally came out to get some air, and by the way, he rode the big wolf dog in the factory to show off, when he heard Tang Bao shouting He jumped off the back of the big wolf dog in an instant, brought the big wolf dog over with vigorous steps, and barked at Gu Xiu'an.

Of course, Gu Xiu'an could not be reached by the gate separated by the iron railings.

However, Gu Xiu'an was still very angry and felt very ashamed. He wanted to put on the air of father-in-law and scold her, but found that she had turned around and went in for a while.

He was concerned about his own face again, and it was impossible for him to curse like a shrew.

But at this moment, he could not wait to kill her.

When he turned around and wanted to leave, he saw a truck coming quickly not far away.

He didn't pay attention at first.

It wasn't until the van didn't slow down when it was very close to him that he realized something was wrong.

He wanted to escape, he wanted to escape, he wanted to live.

But the gate of the factory is very spacious, and there is no place for him to hide.

Even if he wanted to dodge, his hands and feet were already weak and he had no strength, his face was pale, his heartbeat was ridiculously fast, he subconsciously widened his eyes, and shouted "Ah no" in a shrill voice

. The car stopped after making a harsh sound, and at this time, Gu Xiu'an was already ashen. He fell to the ground trembling, panting heavily in cold sweat.

Immediately, the car door was opened, and then Gu Xingjin came to him with his long legs, looking at him like an ant, and said indifferently, "I warn you for the last time, I can't bear it anymore for you, If you dare to appear in front of me again, I may not be able to control it."


Gu Xiu'an gasped to celebrate his escape, and when he heard his words, he cursed sharply, "You unfilial thing, I should have I'll kill you."

"But it's too late now, you're already old." Gu Xingjin took out a cigarette from his pocket and bit it in his mouth, without lighting it with a match, with a wicked look. "And your only good son is dead, Maybe he is very scared by himself now, and he really wants you to go down with him."

Gu Xingjin's eyes fell on the concrete floor of the wrong color, he took two steps back, and said sarcastically, "Perhaps, you can also try hard and say no. I'm going to have another son."

Gu Xiu'an looked up at his short black hair, wheat-colored skin, indifferent eyes, and tight skin; thinking that his black hair already had a lot of white hair, and his skin was slack. , he is really old.

There is no way they can do anything about it anymore.

But I still want to live, I don't want to die, these three sons can't help them anymore, maybe I can really think of a way to have another son

Gu Xingjin suddenly passed him like a wind.

Gu Xiu'an shivered subconsciously, thinking that he was going to beat him, but he didn't feel any pain. He turned around and saw that Gu Xingjin had already climbed in neatly, smiling like a fool talking to Tang Bao inside.

"Why are you back?" Tang Bao heard Xiao Bai's complaint, and only then did he know that he almost killed someone, so he hurried over to see the situation.

If he really hit someone to death, he would have to help destroy the corpse. Is Tang Bao and Gu Xiu'an on the ground looking at each other? He seemed a little surprised, "He's still alive, what a scourge for thousands of years."

Gu Xiu'an felt that he was about to be killed. Mad.

He swore he saw regret in her eyes.

How much she thought of her own death, they are not human, and Gu Ningjin and Gu Shaojin who they raised will not be good stubble, and they don't have to hope for them.

Gu Xingjin smiled at Tang Bao, "No, he wants to touch porcelain, I'm not a fool, how could I do it to him in the clear sky and daytime?"

Then he held her hand and walked inside, "I'll be back when I miss you, and things outside make me feel bad. Ning would like them to do it, otherwise what's the use of raising them?"

He felt that his idea was very good. If the little ones were there, they would always pester his wife, and now let them follow his own. People go out for a walk, not only to increase their knowledge, but also to keep them away from their wives.

Tang Bao touched his belly and said with a bit of regret, "It was already agreed that I would take them to Kyoto during the summer vacation, but now I"

Gu Xingjin smiled and comforted "it's okay, there will be more opportunities in the future, and now they are also very happy. Ah"

Xiaobai cried out angrily from behind, it was too much, Tang Bao said he would play with him, but now that the bad guy Gu Xingjin is back, Tang Bao only sees him, not himself.

While Gu Xiu'an outside watched their figures disappear, he realized that he was still sitting on the ground, and he didn't know when he peed his pants.

At this moment, Gu Xiu'an wished that he could burrow into the ground, wish that he could grow wings, fly away immediately, and disappear.

"Here comes the braised pork ribs." Wait until Gu Xingjin puts a plate of braised pork ribs full of color and flavor in front of Tang Bao, who has become fat.

Tang Bao was about to put down the chopsticks when she felt an oily smell emanating instantly, which made her frown very depressed. She and her family praised the two babies in her belly for being well-behaved and sensible, and she didn't have morning sickness before or after three months. .

But now it's been almost five months, and this disgusting feeling suddenly came.

She swallowed her saliva, she really wanted to eat meat, but her stomach didn't cooperate, the smell was really unbearable, and it made her nauseous.

Gu Xingjin looked at his wife who suddenly got up and left, and quickly followed, "Baby, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you, Dad, Mom, come and have a look."

Su Su heard the sound of retching, but she was still eating vegetables without moving. His husband was about to get up anxiously, he grabbed him and gave him a roll of eyes, "I took my pulse in the morning, and it's still fine. Now this is morning sickness. What's the use of you going?"

Tang Mingyuan is still very worried" Then prepare some sour plum soup for her to try."

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