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Gu Xingjin looked at her smug little appearance, and said hesitantly, "Of course it's great, but the army doesn't expect to give you too much money"

"Am I the kind of person who only stares at the money in front of me? "Tang Bao twisted his body hard.

Gu Xingjin, who was in pain, couldn't help but let out a low hiss, begging for mercy and said, "It's my fault, Doctor Tang, you are hanging a pot to help the world, Bian Que is reborn, in the world Huatuo, saving the dying and helping the

bereaved, with a wonderful hand, you are kind and beautiful, and selfless dedication" Tang Bao let go of him, Look at him like you're a fool, "I mean, I won't just stare at the money in front of me, I can't bear to let the child catch the wolf, mother, I use a few local recipes, maybe I can catch a few. What about the big fish?"

After saying that, he pushed him away and stood up, humming happily, "I smile proudly, and smile proudly, laughing at the immortality of people in the world; I smile proudly, smile proudly, and seek a happy life. Seeing her excited little appearance, Gu Xingjin swallowed the words in his mouth. His wife guessed that he forgot that this is not Xin'an Province. There are many rich people there, but in this remote mountain pass, how can there be any rich people? Don't remind her, lest she don't want to accompany her, but go to Xin'an Province to relax.

If Tang Bao knew what he was thinking now, he would definitely tell him that Jiuxiang was not afraid of deep alleys.

Dr. Yang often came to check on Commander Ye's body. Even if Commander Ye said that he was fine, he would only leave after a thorough examination.

Therefore, Ye Tingting knew that Dr. Yang's temperament was a bit stubborn, and deliberately said in his ear that Tang Bao was delicious and lazy.

But I didn't think so, the political commissar and him went, but in the end there was no other voice.

After all, she is not mindless, and she won't chase after and ask what the result is, then she will be exposed. If the trouble is big, the old man will be sad, and they will not hurt her, then the gain will outweigh the loss.

But for several days, she didn't hear any notice of criticism and punishment from the Political Office, so she couldn't help but ask Dr. Yang involuntarily when Dr. Yang came to check on her grandfather's health, "Dr. Yang, last time the political commissar and you gave That military sister-in-law sees a doctor, did she get sick because she was not acclimatized to the soil and water, but I heard a local recipe, saying that if you wrap some tea and rice in a cloth and carry it close to your body, you can cure the soil and water."

She was still thinking about the distant future. Now that he saw that there were people like him who were so kind to his wife, it made her feel very uncomfortable. He just wanted to make them quarrel and break them up.

Since she can't get happiness, seeing Gu Xingjin being so kind to Tang Bao, she just wants to destroy.

Dr. Yang really didn't know what Ye Tingting was thinking. Hearing her mention Tang Bao and put away the stethoscope, he said to You Rongyan, "No, Dr. Tang herself is an amazing Chinese medicine doctor. Her parents improved hemostasis. The hero of medicine these days, Dr. Tang knows that many people in our army have suffered from frostbite, and now he is pondering a few prescriptions, when the time comes, the soldiers in our base will be free from the torment of frostbite."

After he finished speaking, he still felt It's not addicting, and I don't mind exposing its shortness to continue, "When I went back, the political commissar was not feeling well. I didn't see it yet. Doctor Tang just looked at it and said that the political commissar had a fever, at least 38 degrees. Believe me, who knows how to measure it with a thermometer, I really only know now that Chinese medicine is really extensive and profound, but it is me, sitting in the well and watching the sky, I don't know how thick the sky is."

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