21. Scam

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Tang Bao felt that her current body was like a convulsion. For five or six hours a day, he could always speak and act like a normal person.

Every day, she took the attitude of wanting to go to college, and read those books seriously, especially the scribbled autobiographies. She even tried to figure out the meaning of them word by word, for fear that she would miss some news.

However, occasionally mentioning the universe or the space in the sleeves in the books, they all talk about the glorious achievements of the ancestors in an envious tone, and they have said a few words, which makes Tang Bao very helpless.

Anyway, Tang Bao's body is much better now than before, and it's useless to be in a hurry, she can only take it slow, lest her parents get angry too.

When she acted as usual, she followed Su Su to pick wild vegetables and medicinal materials.

After lying in bed for a day, Gu Yujun had to get out of bed to dig wild vegetables and herbs together.

She remembered that when her father was there, she was the young lady Yilai stretched out her hand to eat and open her mouth, but the two years that even her own mother despised her, made her understand the warmth of love.

Yang Yi and the others are still running in the town for the matter of going to the countryside. Under the management of Wu Aiguo and the others, they will soon be able to go to the countryside with the delegated stinky old nine.

In the blink of an eye, on the morning of March 28, Tang Mingyuan went to town alone with a red bed sheet, quilt cover, pillowcase and two dollars after breakfast.

Although it is not a big wedding now, it is not uncommon for my family to sit at a few tables to have some fun.

Tang Mingyuan's new house is very lively today, the small yard is full of people, laughing constantly.

Sister-in-law Tang was very excited about the good day of her son's marriage, and she was very satisfied with this good daughter-in-law who was about to enter the house.

Of course, when I took the gift and two dollars from Tang Mingyuan, I still thought he was too stingy, but looking at him wearing the gray work clothes that were washed a little whitishly, I cursed inwardly, and tugged on myself. The dark red corduroy new clothes, the smile is extraordinarily public, and the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes are crowded into a ball, "

Qiaoyue has to make me some new clothes, by the way, where are my sister-in-law and Xiaobao?" Tang Mingyuan thought instead Be vigilant, everyone here dislikes their daughter as a fool, and they are not willing to look at her more often, but they smile easily, "Now there are a lot of things on the team, Su Su takes care of me, and Xiaobao can't help either. I was busy, so I didn't let her come."

"How could Tang Bao not come?" Her voice was a little sharp, seeing Tang Mingyuan looking at herself with a puzzled face, she forced a smile, "Today is a good day for the Hongjun, Xiaobao. It's also my sister, how can I not come." She knew her son's plans, naturally she wanted the Liu family to take a fancy to Tang Bao, and today she also wanted something to happen to the Liu family's idiot and Tang Bao.

Wearing blue work clothes, when he saw his younger son coming, he walked over and said unhappily, "Third, your eldest nephew has a good day, why are you here so late?"

Sister Tang watched their father and son talking, and hurried to find her son. .

Tang Hongjun was wearing a brand-new light white tunic suit, with a cigarette from the front door in his hand, with a proud look on his face, talking to some friends he knew, seeing his mother hurriedly looking for him, and came to the side with her, Hearing her words, Danfeng had a chill in his eyes, "It's true that you don't eat or drink for a toast. Leave this matter alone. I'll let someone help pick them up."

Anyway, he must not let his father-in-law and mother-in-law disappoint him . , he walked over and pulled a man in a green military uniform to say a few words in a low voice, the man nodded and turned to leave.

Su Sujiner really went to the clinic in the brigade to earn work points instead of Tang Mingyuan.

Gu Yujun went outside to dig wild vegetables. He thinks this is a really good place. There are a lot of wild vegetables, and they are very fresh. Thinking that the weather is good now, he can dig more and come back to dry them. In winter, he can have more bowls of vegetables. .

When Tang Bao woke up today, he found that something was wrong with him again, so he simply read at home.

Today, she turned to a broken book without a cover, but found some clues about her own space.

I don't know which ancestor it is. In this autobiography, my grandmother once said that the white jade ruyi buckle is the favorite pendant of the ancestors. She can store all things of the yin and yang of heaven and earth, but unfortunately she can't see it with her own eyes. She only hopes for the destined people of the Su family.

Well, she read it carefully several times, but still couldn't find any other clues, so she could only sigh and continue reading. .

At about ten o'clock, Tang Bao heard footsteps coming from outside, and he hurriedly thought about it and put the book in his hand into the space. When he looked up, it was Aunt Chrysanthemum who was supporting his family with a pale face and red and swollen eyes. Su Su came in tears.

"Mom," Tang Bao was instantly worried, "what happened, what, what happened?"

Su Su had already forgotten that she had a handkerchief in her pocket at this time, so she wiped her tears with her sleeve in a rare rude manner, and choked up, "Your dad. He was hit by a car, so let's go to town."

After speaking, he hurriedly went inside to pack his clothes.

Chrysanthemum was also very worried and said, "A Red Guard drove by outside, saying that he accidentally touched your father, so he came to take you mother and daughter to the hospital all the way."

"My father, is he alright?" Tang Bao listened. When she received the bad news, she was also very panicked and scared. She really regarded Tang Mingyuan as her father.

And, if he was slightly injured, he would definitely not be hospitalized.

Chrysanthemum quickly comforted her, "It's okay, it's okay, it's just that I touched your dad's leg."

Su Su came out soon, and didn't forget to tell Chrysanthemum to wait and tell Yujun later, and pulled her daughter up with a worried look on her face. small truck.

The young man driving the car looked at their mother and daughter presumptuously, then he kept his face calm, bit his cigarette and drove, looking like he was the most proud of himself.

Su Su was worried about her man, and couldn't help but ask, "Comrade, my man is just injured in his leg, is it alright elsewhere?"

The young man driving frowned, "It's alright, it's just that the left leg is bleeding a little bit"

Tang Bao felt nervous, no, This man must be lying.

If my dad was really hurt this much, he would definitely have taken his car home instead of going to the hospital.

Either he concealed his father's injury or he was a liar.

Because Su Su was too worried, she couldn't react for a while, and she was so frightened that she burst into tears, "It's okay, it's okay."

Tang Bao thought that he was really too careless. Do you want to do something? She lowered her eyes, used her consciousness to check the space, and put aside the chili powder and blue bricks she had prepared for a long time, thinking in her heart whether to take the opportunity to kill him, but she saw that he was still driving . , Tang Bao still didn't move, reached out and quietly touched the mother beside him, and wrote in her hand with his fingers

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