Is it Silly or Fake Silly

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Zhao Meixiang saw him come in with two young boys, and after seeing their appearance, she felt unhappy in her heart why they could grow so good-looking even in the countryside. The

big one is about 1.7 meters tall and has very good skin The healthy wheat color, although the boy is still a little green, but the handsome eyebrows and phoenix eyes, even wearing a half-old blue work clothes with patches, can not hide the handsome features.

The little one looked white and chubby, looked around curiously, and looked very lively and honest.

"That's your grandma, and this is your mother, this is your brother and"

Before Gu Xiu'an finished speaking, Gu Shaojin had already grabbed Gu Ningjin's hand and cried out loudly, "Second brother, let's run, Didn't you say that our grandparents died long ago? It's a ghost in the daytime, and if they don't run, they'll be eaten by ghosts."

The old lady Zhao, who was sitting on the stool with a kind smile, can't laugh now. The words "death" and "ghost" are the most taboo at age, but they hold their own identity and can't care about teenage children, so they can only take a deep breath. , I'm asking you to call Grandma Zhao"

Gu Ningjin pulled his brother, frowned and explained, "It's not like you haven't seen the photos, our grandma is as old as her, this is not a ghost, it's someone else's grandma."

Okay . She is also very taboo about this old word, and Mrs. Zhao feels that she can't stay any longer. After taking a deep breath, she got up and left, and said firmly, "I have a headache, go and lie down for a while."

She was afraid that she would not leave again. SHe vomited blood in a fit of rage, but she couldn't help but beat someone

"almost scared me to death" Gu Shaojin patted his chest, heaved a sigh of relief, and hurried to the table to sit down, looking at the casserole on the table. Chicken, I used chopsticks to find the drumsticks, and I started to nibble on it with my hands, and said vaguely, "I'm starving, it's delicious."

God, it's really not easy to be a naughty child what

The second brother explained to him on the way. If he finds something wrong here, it depends on his performance.

When he left the station and didn't see his elder brother and elder sister-in-law, he knew that they were not visiting relatives, but rather a hostage. After he received the second brother's eyes, he began to spare no effort to express himself.

Fortunately, he has also been used to being bullied by his brothers in the past few years. It is rare to have a chance to be arrogant. Naturally, he will not live up to the expectations of the second brother.

Zhao Jianhua and Zhao Aihua, the twin brothers and sisters, saw him nibbling on a chicken leg next to him. He also put another chicken leg into the bowl. They looked at each other and rushed over to beat him. "Bad man, don't want you in our house."

"You are not allowed to eat our food. Get out.

" The brothers and sisters are usually favored by Mrs. Zhao, and their temper is naturally not small, and the children are protected by food. From childhood to adulthood, this chicken leg is one of their brothers and sisters. If someone else robbed them, how could they give up?

But they are Only seven years old, Gu Shaojin is four years older than them, and his meals in recent years have not been free. When he was in the black market, he slept with a kitchen knife under his pillow. Two little brats, that's not an easy thing to do.

He was originally sitting on the stool, and when he saw them rushing over, he was about to make a move, and his eyes caught sight of his brother smiling at him, and he reacted instantly, hiding under the table, and then rushing out from the other side, He hugged Gu Xiu'an's thigh and shouted, "Dad, didn't you say this is my home? Why don't my younger siblings like me? Everyone says we're little bastards with no father and no mother, you old bastard, I haven't eaten chicken for many years. Now, why don't you let me eat?"

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