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Chapter 178

 Tang Bao felt that he should be a little obsessive-compulsive.

When she saw the messy medicinal herbs in the sack, she felt uncomfortable. She took out a few cloth bags and began to clean it up. Forgot about having to prepare lunch.

Gu Xingjin came home for lunch at noon, and when he opened the door, he smelled the pungent aroma of traditional Chinese medicine, and saw that the table was full of medicinal herbs.

His first reaction was that his wife was going to have a showdown with him, and she was going to tell herself her secret.

For a while, I was very excited, just like the moment when I and her bridal room spent candle night, careful liver thumped violently.

To be honest, he was also curious about his wife's secrets, and thought she would be willing to tell him one day.

She originally thought that she would have to wait a long time, maybe she would have to wait until she had a child before she would tell herself.

But I didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly.

He made up his mind that even if Tang Bao said she was a goblin, he would not be surprised.

It turned out that he was thinking too much.

Seeing him coming back, Tang Bao reached out and patted his forehead, "Oh, bad, I forgot to cook lunch, and the person who delivered the medicinal herbs should arrive at this time."

She still felt that it was okay to eat late, let others take a long time. It's not good if you wait, so go out quickly, "I've agreed with the person who delivered the medicinal herbs, go down and have a look first, do you want to eat in the cafeteria, or cook a few boiled eggs at will."

Gu Xingjin also did not care about eating . After lunch, I went with her, "It's okay, I've already finished training the boys in the morning anyway, I don't need to lead the team in the afternoon, it doesn't matter if I go later."

Tang Bao thought that it would be a good thing for you to follow, lest you think these herbs are me Conjured out of thin air, Xingyan smiled narrowly and brightly, "That's a good feeling, and I don't have to carry sacks anymore with the free labor."

The young man has been waiting on the side for a while, and he has not seen Tang Bao come out.

But I also felt that the beautiful little girl spoke softly and had a good temperament. If she ran away, what would she do if she was scolded by the adults at

home The hot money is returned to her.

When he wanted to go in and find out by himself, he saw that Tang Bao had come out, and behind her was a tall and handsome man in military uniform, who was looking at her as sharp as a knife, let him Don't dare to look at him.

Tang Bao naturally noticed Gu Xingjin's eyes, glared at him, but turned around and put on a gentle smile, "I'm sorry, I'll just take care of packing up the herbs you sold to me earlier, and forget our appointment time. Oh, it made you wait for a long time, you brought all the medicinal herbs from your family, right?"

"Yes, yes," the young man saw her smiling brightly, his almond eyes seemed to contain a layer of water, and he smiled like a crescent moon. Sweet and gentle, he looked particularly endearing, so he couldn't help but be dumbfounded, and when he heard the man's unpleasant voice "what's the matter", he suddenly came back to his senses, blushing and messing around. He opened the sack and stammered, "Everything is here."

Tang Bao looked at the medicinal materials inside, and two medical books that had been turned to tatters. He didn't read the contents carefully. Fan, it seemed that acupuncture points were made by gold needles, so he took out money from his pocket "Thank you, the medicinal materials are 500 yuan, and the two books are worth 10 yuan."

"No, no," the young man hurriedly shook his head. Rejecting with both hands, he said very simply, "I, my medicinal materials this time are not as many as last time. This book was also thrown by my mother into the stove, and it almost burned. I can't ask for your money if it is worthless."

Gu Xingjin But I'm not happy that this stupid boy looked dumbfounded at his daughter-in-law. He reached out and took the money from Tang Bao's hand and stuffed it into his hand. When the medicinal materials are delivered again, I just said to find Gu Xingjin."

After he finished speaking, he picked up a sack in one hand, looked at him and said, "Why don't you go to my house for lunch and then go back?"

"No, no, thank you." The young man felt that he and them should not meet again, because He didn't know how to take medicine, so he quickly picked up the pole and turned around and left quickly, for fear that Gu Xingjin would let him in for lunch.

He was very happy in his heart. With this windfall and the money at home, he and his mother would be able to live a lot more well.

Gu Xingjin carried the sack with both hands, and returned to the room on the third floor without blushing or panting. He put the sack aside, and found the flour and eggs by himself, ready to make gnocchi. Tang Baole made him cook, so he continued to pick the herbs, and said sweetly, " Xingjin

, I like the food you made the most. It tastes very good. How about we eat noodles in the evening?"

The flour, which was about to bottom out, responded, "Okay, then you can knead the flour and wait for me to come back to burn it; by the way, He Zhihan may come over to eat rice, so you should prepare more." It is

difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, If she really does too much, she can use this to remind her at night, so that when she goes out, she is also careless, and it is not good to be seen by others.

"Hey, okay." At this time, Tang Bao didn't realize that he had dug a pit for himself, and he really jumped into the pit without any defenses at all.

Gu Xingjin made the egg gnocchi soup and urged Tang Bao to have lunch first.

When it's a little cold, eating a bowl of hot and fragrant egg gnocchi really warms my body.

After Gu Xingjin finished lunch, he looked at the wind and rain outside and reminded Tang Bao, who was still eating gnocchi, "It's going to rain heavily in this weather, so don't go out in the afternoon to avoid getting wet."

"Understood, I After all this is done in the afternoon, go to sleep."

Of course, Tang Bao was just talking about what she said. Before she had picked out the herbs, Mrs. Zhao brought a pen and paper, a few pounds of taro, and came to the door to ask for the size of the cloth shoes. .

Tang Bao reported the code of his parents to three pairs for each person, and his code of seven people was two pairs for each person. Sister-in-law Zhao carefully wrote it down in the notebook, and then she

looked at the bags of Chinese medicine and asked in surprise, "Sister, where did you get so many Chinese medicines? "

Said, "sister-in-law, sit and wait, I'll get the medicine for you, and then you can decoct the medicine with three bowls of water over low heat, pour it out when the remaining half of the bowl is left, drink it when it's warm, and fry it again tomorrow morning. The dregs can be poured out in one go."

Sister Zhao listened very carefully, for fear that she might have missed something.

Tang Bao had taken out some mulberry paper from the space before, and then went inside to take out the medicine scale, and started to take medicine in front of her.

In fact, when she was idle at home when she was a child, Su Su asked her to memorize the prescription or pick up the medicine, and then weigh each medicine separately. Neither.

The amount of each Chinese medicine is calculated in "grams", more or less will have an impact on the efficacy of the medicine.

Su Su talked about some irresponsible Chinese medicine dispensing. She poured the already weighed Chinese medicine into several batches very casually. She didn't know how much and how little. The distribution of medicines was all based on feeling, trembling of hands, and confusion. , but the amount of medicine poured will affect the medicinal properties.

Tang Bao held the scale in his left hand and grabbed the medicine in his right hand.

She has a good feel in the hand, and her movements are dexterous and pleasing to the eye.

Sister-in-law Zhao felt that she was dumbfounded. She had never seen the beauty and addictiveness of taking medicine.

When Tang Bao grabbed the medicine and put down the medicine scale, there was a crisp applause from outside the door. A young woman wearing a red plaid wool coat with bright eyes and teeth on a round face said in surprise, "Everything has been said. It's better to see her, I always thought my father and second brother were exaggerating, but today when I see my sister-in-law, I feel that my sister-in-law is a powerful person."

He Zhihan smiled behind the little girl, "You yellow-haired girl has only seen so many people, so you think you are very powerful. Now you know what is outside the sky, what is called someone outside the person, and there is a mountain outside the mountain?"

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