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State-run restaurants ask for money and meal tickets. They don't have tickets, so they can only go out to eat.

After the father and daughter went out to eat the fragrant wontons, on the way back, Tang Mingyuan felt uncomfortable when he thought that his future son-in-law had flown away. How's it going?"

"Aihua should have a wedding soon." Tang Bao silently summoned Shenlong in his heart, no, summoned Dandan, but there was no response, so he just held the back seat of the car and chatted with his father. With such an intimate act, the girl's family doesn't seem to be easy to provoke, and the best outcome of this matter is to get married."

Tang Mingyuan heard that his daughter was not sad, so he was secretly relieved, "According to me, Aihua himself It's also wrong, do you think it's true?"

"Yes, he shouldn't drink too much outside, so as not to lose his self-control." Tang Bao sat behind the bicycle, feeling the uneven dirt road, looking at the roadside Zhan Jia, slyly blinked his almond eyes, and said crisply, "But his brother is too careless. If he was careful, he could have avoided it completely."

She didn't think about it at first, but listening to him all the way, he looked like he was sighing. I understand why he is sorry.

Tang Mingyuan listened to his daughter's words without regret at all, and sighed, "My mother and I thought that Aihua was a good child before, and we still thought about your childhood sweethearts, and we knew the bottom line, but we didn't expect this to happen today." Afraid that her daughter would be shy, she changed the topic, "Even though we can't make dumplings today, I'll make rice for you tonight."

The black smoke came out of the chimney, so I quickly walked home, saw their father and daughter busy in the kitchen, came to my daughter and asked with concern, "Baby, aren't you tired, what did you eat for lunch? Is everything going well?"

"Mom, I'm not tired at all, it's going well." Tang Bao grinned sweetly, and said coquettishly, "We eat rice, pheasant meat, and steamed eggs at night."

He took out the suet jade bracelet and presented the treasure again, and explained the matter vividly.

The pheasant was not big at first, and the meat was a bit cumbersome, so Tang Mingyuan simply cooked it with soybeans, which was very delicious; the egg custard was tender and delicious, and the white rice exuded an attractive grain fragrance, and the family was full and full. , that's just sitting there gossiping.

Su Su smiled a little smugly, "I don't see anyone in the clinic today. Yujun dug up a lot of purslane for me. I've picked them all out, and they can be eaten in winter even after they're dried.

" Do you know if Yang Zheng is back?" Tang Bao thought of that boy Yang Zheng. Tang Mingyuan shook his head and laughed, "I'm not complimenting him, that kid is as slippery as a loach, and much smarter than you."

Having said that, he got up and said, "I'll go over and see those children."

Although they are young, they cut grass to feed pigs, mules, chickens and ducks every day, but they are only five centimeters a day, but that's how, their five children dig wild vegetables, fish and shrimp when they have time, and don't forget to give Tang Bring it home for a taste.

Su Su hurriedly said, "By the way, at noon today, Wu Sansao replaced the medicine money owed last time with ten kilograms of cornmeal. You can bring half of it to them, so as to make cornmeal wild vegetable nest."

Liu's family.

Liu Zhihua looked at the table on the table, his usual gentle and smiling face was now covered with dark clouds.

"Dad, the Su family started out by looking at Yin-Yang Fengshui, and some rumors are very mysterious." Tang Hongjun whispered with a worried look, "Some things, we would rather believe them than not, you say yes or No. "

Liu Jiayue didn't say that, but she always felt uneasy, Mei Mu looked at him with anger and choked, "Red Army, what do you mean by this, this matter is not your first idea, how can our Liu family do it?" Swallow this breath; if you look at Feng Shui, don't you just engage in feudal superstition? Then you can justly arrest them all"

Tang Hongjun felt that although this aunt was good-looking, her temperament was too strong. The old lady of the Su family had been lying in the coffin for several years. Can she still grab people from the grave and fight them?

Liu Qiaoyue loves her man. She quickly explained, "Sister, the old lady of the Su family has been dead for many years. It's not easy to do this." How could Liu Jiayue know that the old lady Su was dead, and felt that she couldn't come down on stage. You are really a married daughter, and the water you poured out will tell you a good word for your man."

He glared at Tang Hongjun and said rudely, "You can't say that you have a bad idea. Yesterday, you boasted that you know yourself. There are so many people, isn't there anything you can't handle in this town?"

Tang Hongjun was dissatisfied, but he said with a smile on his face, "Sister, look at what you said, I am also being promoted by my parents today, and I can't compare. Mom and dad are so good at the town."

After flattering, seeing that the faces of his father-in-law and mother-in-law looked better, he said "However, I have asked some people in the past two days, but I heard that one of the joint defense team" The team leader and my third uncle are a little bit conflicted, I just thought about this matter, why don't we let him do it, so as not to get our hands dirty."

Jin Xiufang, who had been holding the enamel jar with a gloomy face, looked up at him and asked, " Who is it? Then you can find out what is the conflict between them?"

Tang Hongjun was still very angry with his mother-in-law, and quickly said, "I heard that the wife and daughter in front of Chen Weimin died, and he married the youngest daughter-in-law of the Gu family last year. I also brought an oil bottle. I didn't want to keep the little girl from the Gu family for two years, and now the Gu family wants to go back.

In order to avoid the Chen family, the Gu family asked my third uncle to go to the relationship, and now they all go to the Chen Lian brigade. , the Chen family is preparing to go to the Chen Lian brigade to ask for someone."

Jin Xiufang snorted meanly, "According to you, then the girl from the Gu family is really an idiot. The past two years have been so sad, it's not easy for people to support her, and it's not easy to leave now. It's really ungrateful."

At the beginning, because Gu Yujun was seriously ill, the Chen family was afraid that it would be unlucky for someone to die at home and bumped into the child in Jin Lingling's stomach, so they drove the person out, and the housework fell on Jin Lingling.

But Jin Lingling is lazy, she just wants her fingers not to touch the spring water, and her work is not as neat as her daughter, so she lied in the room and hummed under the pretext of being pregnant and feeling uncomfortable.

Chen Lao Niang looked down on her daughter-in-law, but she was looking forward to her eldest grandson, so she could only do the housework by herself. Later, she heard that Gu Yujun was not dead, so she wanted her son to call him back as a cow and a horse.

Liu Jiayue raised her eyebrows and raised her eyebrows, "Is Chen's mother the home of Aunt Chen we know?"

Jin Xiufang and old lady Chen knew each other, and nodded when she heard the words, "Yes, it's the Chen family."

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