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 Chapter 251

When he woke up the next day, Tang Bao didn't want to get up at all in the warm bed.

If it wasn't for the thought of having a guest today, she would definitely be able to stay in bed all day.

Although their side is a new military area and the terrain is relatively remote, the conditions are not very simple, and the houses are all new.

More than a dozen three-story buildings are collective dormitories for military personnel, and there are five family-owned buildings on two floors, which look quite imposing.

Tang Bao and the others were assigned an east-facing suite on the second floor in the middle. After she got up, she smuggled a bowl of dumplings from the space and ate it. Then she nibbled on the apple and went out for a walk, smelling the aroma of the food. , only to find that everyone is preparing lunch.

In this way, she was embarrassed to go to Liu Xiaohua's place, or else they would keep her for dinner.

At this time, she saw a tall and plump young woman walking towards her. She was wearing a black wool coat, dark blue flared trousers, and a pair of black leather shoes. She looked very fashionable.

However, her complexion is not fair enough, her eyes are not big, and her eyebrows are too thin. When looking at people, she gives an inexplicable feeling of arrogance, "You are the wife of Company Commander Gu.

" All are disgusting.

Tang Bao nibbled at the apple without caring at all, and nodded lightly, "I'm Gu Xingjin's lover."

She is not a bun, no matter who she is, just take her attitude, Tang Bao doesn't want to have anything with her what the hell.

"My name is Zhou Yuzhen, my mother's name is Yu Fengya, and my father is the secretary. You ask Gu Xingjin to wait for lunch." After she finished speaking, she snorted, raised her chin, turned around and left.

Tang Bao continued to bite the apple, thinking that the logistics director was a big official. Could it be that she fell in love with Gu Xingjin at first sight and fell in love at first sight, and wanted Gu Xingjin to break up and marry her

. I am a crow's mouth, a good or bad spirit

Gu Xingjin came up with two heavy bamboo baskets and saw her outside, with a smile on his face, "Come in, it's cold outside, do you miss me? I'm going to buy vegetables."

Tang Bao felt that he was getting more and more The more she will add drama to him, where can she see that she misses him, she is staring at him with bad intentions, but for the sake of him returning from shopping, she still follows him in obediently.

"I'm going to the cafeteria to eat," Gu Xingjin put two vegetable baskets in the kitchen, and came out with two aluminum lunch boxes, and said with a smile, "It's windy outside, it's a little cold, you just wait here, I'll go Come back to eat from the cafeteria."

Tang Bao looked at him and smiled at himself, and then strode away, feeling a little depressed that he was so diligent, even if he wanted to make trouble with him, he seemed embarrassed to make a fuss about it.

Gu Xingjin trotted . When he came back, Tang Bao had already taken out the bowls and chopsticks and waited for him. While picking up the rice from the lunch box, he looked at him and said, "I forgot to remind you. Someone invited you to lunch today, so hurry up and leave now.

" Don't make trouble." Gu Xingjin picked up the braised pork, bit the fat part, put the thin one in her bowl, and said with a smile, "Hurry up and eat it, it won't be delicious when it gets cold."

Said After finishing, she put a few thinner pieces of braised pork into her bowl.

"Enough, I don't want it." Tang Bao asked him as he ate, "By the way, how old is the chief secretary, does he care about you?"

Gu Xingjin was amused by her words, shook his head and sighed, "Fortunately you asked me, I'm not sure I'll be laughed at, my company is in charge of the logistics management by the deputy instructor Xiao Qiang, and the specific execution is mainly managed by the secretary."

Tang Bao gave him an angry look. "Just tell me how big the secretary is."

"The secretary is the company ." The non-commissioned officers in charge of all kinds of daily life, food, accommodation, and the company's financial affairs are all under the charge of the chief secretary."

Gu Xingjin finished speaking in one breath, and added, "The chief secretary is not big, but he is not in charge of things. Less, but it's not on my head."

Tang Bao took a chopstick and swallowed the Chinese cabbage, and then he said suspiciously, "That's weird, a young girl came over and said her name was Zhou Yuzhen, her father was the secretary, her mother's name was Yuya or something Fengya, and said Let you go to lunch."

She couldn't remember the name, and Gu Xingjin didn't think in any other direction.

Gu Xingjin ate the food in a big mouth, "I don't know them. If you don't go, you can eat more. I read it before, and you didn't eat the eggs left in the pot for you. Can you eat more?"

"I really I'm full." Tang Bao saw his suspicious eyes and could only whisper, "I was too hungry before, so I ate a plate of dumplings and hid at home."

After speaking, he quickly took out another one from the space. Plated the dumplings and said with a smile, "Try it, these baked dumplings are tender and delicious."

Gu Xingjin looked at her with a smile on her face, and she couldn't say what she wanted to say. She "I won't tell you anything at home. If you dare to take out candy from your pocket, or apples and oranges, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Got it" Tang Bao took a dumpling Feed it into his mouth, not to mention how well-behaved and cute the cute little appearance is. "Little husband, you eat two more."

This husband is a husband, and a small word is added in front of it, making it seem like she has a big husband.

Gu Xingjin glared at her, "If you are diligent, you will know that you have done something wrong."

"Gu Xingjin, you are enough." Tang Bao instantly restrained his smile, glaring at him and said rudely, "It's not that you went too far last night. Oh, I can't get up in the morning, what's the matter, you still want to clean me up, but I want to see, how can you still be rude to me."

Gu Xingjin squinted his eyes, and his eyes fell on her rosy red On his lips, like a cat seeing a fish, he chuckled lightly, "You will know in the evening, you will know that I was polite enough last night, and we can try it tonight. That kind."

Tang Bao was at a loss for words, and simply got up and went to the kitchen, "You are so shameless."

Gu Xingjin laughed like a mouse stealing oil to eat. He swore that he was not mistaken, Tang Bao blushed just now, hehe.

After he had eaten, he borrowed two briquettes, and they stuffed him with some dried vegetables, or green onions and garlic.

The family building here has two stairs going up and down, and there are ten households on each floor. Now there are only more than ten households living on this floor, and the two households next to Tang Bao and the others are unoccupied.

Gu Xingjin simply borrowed the table and chairs and put them in the empty house next to his house, so as not to be too crowded.

Today I'm inviting acquaintances who are a little closer, as well as a few people I met yesterday.

However, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. For the eight families who live in this floor now, she also prepared about a pound of nougat peanut candy.

Liu Xiaohua lives downstairs, her belly is still not obvious, and she has lost a lot of weight because of morning sickness, but she is in good spirits, and she is grateful to see Tang Bao.

Tang Bao handed the candy to Xiuchun and said with a smile, "This is a good thing. I heard that you are very upset. I will give you a pulse."

"That's really good ." Take the pulse yourself.

Tang Bao smiled and nodded after taking the pulse, "Don't worry, the child is almost three months old, and the pulse is very good. You just need to eat more so that the child will be nourished."

Liu Xiaohua was worried that she was a little older now. This child doesn't know what's going on. If Tang Bao doesn't come again, she wants to go to the hospital to check her body.

Even if she is usually frugal, the money is still worth it.

But she became pregnant after taking the Chinese medicine that Tang Bao prescribed to her, and she believed in Tang Bao, a Chinese medicine point.

She took out a few cloth bags, which were filled with ready-made cloth shoes, and said with a smile, "I originally wanted to send it to you, but I didn't know the address. Fortunately, Anbang said that Company Commander Gu was also here, so I thought about it. It's okay to give it to you face to face, but the shoes inside won't be able to be worn until next year."

Tang Bao was just joking at the time, saying that all his shoes would belong to her in the future, but now he is embarrassed when he sees more than 20 pairs of shoes: "Sister-in-law, I just said that, how can you take it seriously?"

"This It's necessary, you didn't take my medicine money at that time." Liu Xiaohua was very persistent, "I said at the time, if I can get pregnant, I will cover all your cloth shoes, do you think that these cloth shoes are not as good-looking as leather shoes?"

Tang Bao could only shake his head, "The money for medicine has been paid for with your cloth shoes, I can't ask for your shoes for nothing, I'll count your money."

"Don't count money with me, even if you give me money, I don't want it" Liu Xiaohua said Very persistent "I just need a little effort. If you give me money, I won't give you the shoes. Isn't this a forced sale?"

The cotton shoes on Tang Bao's feet were made for herself in the first half of the year. Those pairs were really comfortable to wear, and the shoes she made were all made according to the size that she had given her before. She finally accepted them, but also agreed with her that she would only have a pair of single cloth shoes and a pair of cotton cloth every year from now on. Shoes, I don't want too much.

Anyway, I took her shoes for nothing, and next time I will give the two children more food, and give some fabrics.

Liu Xiaohua smiled when she saw that she had put away her shoes, and told her about things here, "Some chickens, ducks, fish, etc., some people also brought them to sell, just by the side of the non-staple food store on the outside.

There are no passing buses here. But every day the logistics procurement truck will go to the town, just go to a fixed place and wait. If you want to go to the town in the future, just ask me to go with you, and we can go directly by the procurement truck."

He lowered his voice and said, "This way. There are a few families of people who are not easy to get along with, their mouths are broken, and there are other families whose hands and feet are not clean. Isn't that what I would rather offend a gentleman than a villain? I'm just saying, so that you won't suffer when you meet them in the future, right?"

Liu Xiaohua told her the situation here in detail. She came more than three months earlier than Tang Bao, because the child in her womb was conceived here, and she liked it very much.

Gu Xingjin is about to start training tomorrow. Among the more than 1,000 people under his command, there are his former subordinates, and most of them are the top players in each company.

Of course, there are also eight companies in total, and there will be eliminations at that time.

According to the previous plan, each company will eliminate some people.

Although Gu Xingjin didn't arrive, Xiao Qiang, the deputy instructor beside him, and several platoon leaders were selected to supervise the daily training of his company when he didn't arrive.

However, when he starts training tomorrow, it is estimated that he will not have time to accompany Tang Bao for a while.

Therefore, he has done all the cleaning work today.

His cooking is actually better than Tang Bao's, and he is very quick to shoot. Tang Bao wants to help pull the chicken feathers, but he is reluctant to "don't get wet, go soak the fungus and mushrooms, and then chop the ginger and garlic, here. Just keep me here."

"Okay," Tang Bao squatted beside him, bit his chin lightly, and said sweetly, "Good comrade, good man, keep working hard and keep this A good habit."

Gu Xingjin felt that his wife was too attractive and too entangled, but she was so beautiful in her heart, she asked with a smile, "What do you want to eat?"

Tang Bao's eyes lit up, "Sour and spicy potato shreds. Gu Xingjin responded with

a good temper, "Okay, you can eat everything you want."

Now that you can live in the family building and come to accompany the army, the level of the men in the family can't be too low, but the hospitality The guests are rarely as generous as the head of Gu, and they have all the chicken, duck, and fish.

Tang Bao felt that they couldn't get past Head Gu, so they didn't buy duck, chicken, pork, and fish, plus potatoes, peanuts, Chinese cabbage, celery, radishes, etc.

There are more than ten dishes in this preparation, which can be considered very rich.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Bao and Gu Xingjin started working together.

Gu Xingjin made pork belly with vegetables, stewed chicken with mushrooms, fish head tofu, braised fish nuggets and braised pork, as well as hot and sour shredded potatoes.

Tang Bao was just a bit of a coincidence and made a pot of stewed radish with bones, fried peanuts, fried meat, fried Chinese cabbage, shredded celery, and shredded fungus. After

they were done, there was a sound of footsteps outside. There was a man's loud voice, "It's delicious, open the door quickly."

When Gu Xingjin was about to open the door, he turned to look at Tang Bao, patted his forehead, and whispered, "No, I forgot to buy tobacco and alcohol, what about you? Is there still stock in the space?"

Tang Bao nodded quickly, his mind moved, there were six more bottles of Erguotou and more than a dozen bottles of beer on the table, and he took out two large front doors, and then saw him smile proudly, "These are enough. Are you not afraid that I will be exposed now, right? You have to repay me well, do you know that I am the fairy of the snail in the legend."

Gu Xingjin lowered his head and gave her a strong kiss on the lips, and said ambiguously, "Yes, I will definitely repay well at night. You."

After saying that, he hurried to open the door. "Come on, come on, come and help bring these dishes to the next door."

"My dear, this tastes really good." Head Gu couldn't help but inhale when he came in. Nose, looked at Luo Wei next to him and said, "If you have nothing to do, come and learn from your younger brother and sister."

Luo Wei glared at him, "Didn't you say I'm stupid? You have to learn first, and then you can do it well after you learn it. Teach me."

The men behind all laughed and coaxed, "It's better for my sister-in-law to pay attention, that's how it should be" There were so

many people, they quickly brought a portion of the food here, and the men were chatting and laughing over there. Began to eat.

There was a table of female family members in the living room here, and the children who brought them stood by their mother's side to eat, took a few bites, and then went to the man's side to eat.

Liu Xiaohua still didn't come. She couldn't smell the smell of tobacco, alcohol and meat. However, Zhao Youbang came with his two daughters. Xiuchun and Xiuping sat obediently on the side. Both of them had braised pork in their bowls. Chicken mushrooms or something.

Wang Yuxian also brought her son together today, and her man was also the company commander. When she came to this unfamiliar place, she naturally came together.

As soon as she came, she looked around and saw that the house was clean and neat, and said sourly, "You're still smart, let the man go to eat next door, you don't know, the last time I entertained guests at my house, the room was full of smoke. The smell of wine, it's really me."

Then he said hypocritically, "It's a pity that you didn't come at that time, otherwise I would definitely not leave to invite you, anyway, it's just a matter of two more pairs of chopsticks, do you think so?"

Tang Bao thought to himself No matter how impatient she is, she won't know her in the same way, she nodded with a smile, "You're right, everyone eat the food quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold, don't be polite."

Now she just wants to stop her mouth with food , so as not to say things that you don't like to hear.

Luo Wei ate a piece of braised fish and kept boasting, "Your fish tastes really good, there is no fishy smell.

" They hurried to eat, and no one spoke for a while, just burying their heads and eating.

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