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 Yang Junyi thought she was afraid, narrowed his eyes, and snorted, "Why are you afraid?"

Political commissar Jia felt that he was a little aggressive towards the little girl, frowned slightly, and said, "Everyone has something to say, Yang Doctor, you are a big man, don't be so cruel to other little girls."

Tang Bao felt that she knew the truth of the matter a little bit, but this also made her even more angry.

He is so diligent that he dares to say that he is lazy, and that he has to let him know that he is not wronged.

However, she put on a cautious look at the moment, "No, it's because you haven't said the doctor yet. What if you lose?

" Yue's training ground."

"No, I want to change the conditions." Tang Bao smiled embarrassedly, "If you lose, you can call my master when you see me, okay?"

"Okay, then it's settled, Political Commissar Jia, you testify." After Dr. Yang finished speaking, he first threw the mercury column of the thermometer below 35c, put the thermometer on the top of Political Commissar Jia's armpit, and asked him to clamp the thermometer with his upper arm, looking at his watch. Start counting time.

"At least five minutes, I'll go to dry clothes first." Tang Bao seemed to be talking to himself. Before he finished speaking, he took the washbasin to dry clothes.

Political Commissar Jia thought that the little girl's performance was very interesting, and he was indeed a little uncomfortable today, but he was also a soldier, so he could bear it more.

However, Dr. Yang felt that he was despised by his opponents, and like a fool, he believed her nonsense, and now he is still staring at his watch to check the time.

Gu Xingjin was really taking a fighting bath, especially when he heard the voices outside, it didn't seem right. If it wasn't for the fact that his wife's voice had always been calm, he would have rushed out long ago without taking a bath.

However, he hurriedly took a shower and walked out, putting on a gray sweater while looking at Political Commissar Jia sitting in the living room, and the ugly military doctor staring at his own watch with murderous eyes, And the wife who was drying clothes on the balcony felt that something was wrong and he was about to speak. Tang Bao had already finished drying his clothes and came in, he smiled when he saw him, "Still stunned, what are you doing in the casserole in the kitchen? Mushroom and thin meat porridge, you haven't eaten lunch yet, so don't hurry up and eat it, eat one of the scallion white boiled eggs first, and then drink the porridge."

Gu Xingjin's stomach was already croaking with hunger, and now he saw After seeing that his wife was obviously not at a disadvantage, he went to the kitchen with confidence.

Dr. Yang stared at his watch from time to time, making sure that ten minutes had passed. He glanced at Tang Bao coldly, and took out the thermometer himself. After seeing the temperature data, his eyes widened in disbelief, "It must be the thermometer that is broken, I will try again. Take another thermometer once."

He really couldn't believe that the current temperature of Political Commissar Jia was actually 38.5 degrees, but he believed that the thermometer was broken.

Tang Bao smiled softly and sweetly, "It doesn't matter, you can measure it again."

So, Dr. Yang replaced Political Commissar Jia with a thermometer, wiped the thermometer that Political Commissar Jia used before with a handkerchief, and measured it for himself.

In fact, his heart was beginning to feel uneasy now, but he really couldn't believe that Tang Bao was so young that he could know the general situation of him just by looking at people without taking the pulse.

Political Commissar Jia now really believes that this little girl Tang Bao is amazing, and said with a smile, "Tang Bao, right, I brought that box of cookies to you, thank you for the candy you gave me yesterday.

" In the square big tin box, there is also a little white and fat boy printed on the tin box, which is quite cute.

Tang Bao smiled and thanked, "Then I'm welcome, Political Commissar Jia, you are so generous, I just gave you a dozen candies, and you will give me this big box of biscuits."

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as you like it, I don't like to eat these snacks." In fact, his lover specially asked his daughter to bring him two cans from the city, and let him put it in the office and eat two when he was hungry. He liked it so much that he couldn't bear to eat more. Gu Xingjin came out with a big bowl and heard Tang Bao thanking Political Commissar Jia, but Political Commissar Jia and the military doctor were taking their temperature at home, and asked "what's the matter with you?"

It has been placed on the sealed coal ball stove, and it is still steaming, but the aroma of rice, lean meat, mixed with the aroma of dried shiitake mushrooms is really tempting.

Political commissar Jia has no appetite today, so he ate a bowl of porridge in the morning, and didn't go back to the office at noon to prepare materials for the meeting.

Now smelling the fragrance, my stomach began to sing the empty city plan.

Tang Bao smiled, "Political commissar, you are not in good health, so it is suitable to eat some porridge. I will give you a bowl. After you measure the temperature, you can eat a bowl of porridge to cushion your stomach."

Tang Bao was very scheming and used a large white bowl. A bowl of porridge was placed on it, and some chopped green onion was deliberately sprinkled on it, and it was deliberately placed in front of Political Commissar Jia, so that he could stare at him to death.

The rice grains in the bowl in front of me were all boiled and bloomed, and I could still see pink minced meat and green onions.

Political Commissar Jia glanced at it, couldn't help swallowing, and resolutely looked away, and if he looked at it any longer, he couldn't help but start eating.

But after looking away, seeing Gu Xingjin eating with relish, it was really bad.

He decisively looked away again, but what he saw this time was Doctor Yang pursing his lips tightly, staring at the time on the watch with a bitter look on his face.

If it weren't for him, he would be able to drink porridge by himself, his skills are not as good as others, and he didn't hit the south wall and didn't turn his head. I really don't know what to say.

Seeing the look in his eyes, Dr. Yang thought he wanted to know the result. He pursed his lips and tried to calm down his flustered heart. First, he took out his thermometer and looked at it. It was 36 or 5 degrees, which was normal.

But in the face of this result, his face is not good, and his temperature is normal, which means that there is nothing wrong with the thermometer.

This result made him a little afraid to face the other thermometer under the arm of Political Commissar Jia.

However, he still took it out and took a look. It was still 38.3 degrees. Although there was a little error before and after, it was normal.

He clenched his fists and stared at Tang Bao.

Seeing his expression, Gu Xingjin thought he wanted to hit someone, and stared at him with phoenix eyes.

Dr. Yang moved his mouth before he mustered up all his courage and said loudly, "Master."

"Pfft, cough, cough!" Gu Xingjin choked on himself instantly when he heard this, and turned around quickly, carrying them behind his back for a heart-wrenching break. of coughing.

Tang Bao nodded reservedly, looked at him imposingly and asked, "I want to know now, why do you say I'm lazy and why do you want to treat my lazy disease."

Dr. Yang was actually a bit rigid. But this character is still good, he didn't tell Ye Tingting, and whispered, "I heard rumors that your master is lazy, and you have to wash your clothes yourself, don't buy vegetables, don't grow land, I know what to eat and drink all day."

After saying that, he looked at Political Commissar Jia who was drinking porridge beside him.

Jia political commissar saw his eyes, but he said in a very bachelor, "Hey, that, the rumors are all wrong, like I believe what I see, I have heard about it, but I came to see it yesterday and knew it. Tang Bao is a good girl, this is all misrepresented."

After speaking, he smiled amiably at Tang Bao, and continued to eat with his head down, this is really delicious, and I don't know if there is any more , can you get the second bowl.

Tang Bao gave Political Commissar Jia you a very insightful look, then raised his chin and looked at Yang Junyi's crackling words, "I am lazy to learn, and the ocean of learning is endless. I have to read medical books every morning when I wake up, that doesn't exist. , prepare to apply what you have learned, so as to save people and treat diseases, but also to keep practicing."

"I can't deny that Western medicine is indeed effective, but our traditional Chinese medicine is not useless, just like my parents worked hard to develop hemostatic drugs. , and now they are still thinking about researching better medicines that can reduce casualties on the battlefield.

I was taught by them since I was a child that there is a country before a home. Only when soldiers guard the country can we live a stable life. In the days, I only want to do something for the soldiers, why do you call me lazy"

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