Finale 1

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"Put that pork ribs in front of me." Su Su waited for him to bring the plate of pork ribs over, watching him fidgeting, nibbled two pieces calmly, and said calmly, "What's the hurry, every time A person's physique is different, and your daughter might not be able to drink that. When I'm full, I'll go get her some wild vegetables."

Gu Xingjin just helped Tang Bao out.

When Tang Bao heard his mother say wild vegetables, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He felt that his stomach was grumbling instantly, and his eyes lit up and said, "Mustard dumplings are very delicious."

After that, there was an extra basket of mustard vegetables in his hand . , with a proud look on his face, "Dangdang, fortunately, I was prepared, Xingjin will see you." As

soon as Gu Xingjin heard that his wife wanted to eat, he quickly took it and said with a good temper, "Okay, then I will go make dumplings, you first Sit down and eat something you like."

Su Su hurriedly stopped her, "No, shepherd's purse has the effect of inducing labor, it is not suitable for pregnant women to eat, it will cause fetal discomfort.

" It has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, but you can't eat it." Tang Mingyuan saw his daughter's face was bitter for a moment, and he quickly said, "How about some celery dumplings or gray and gray vegetable dumplings?"

Tang Bao is like a little daughter-in-law who is angry. Looking at her parents, she said weakly, "That shepherd's purse should be fine, right? The sisters-in-law of the neighbors in the village were pregnant, didn't they all still eat wild vegetable porridge or something?"

Su Su glared at her daughter, "No way. , this kind of thing can't be taken as a risk, you give me some peace of mind."

As soon as he heard that there would be a miscarriage, Gu Xingjin didn't dare to be careless, and quickly coaxed her "I'll make you celery dumplings, okay? This taste is similar to shepherd's purse. ."

Tang Bao had no chance of winning with one against three, so he could only sigh, "Forget it, I don't want to eat anything else, I just want to eat some hot and sour pickled shredded pork." He

was very vigilant. Looking at them, "You guys won't let me eat pickles, right?"

"Pickles aren't a good thing," Su Su said helplessly when she saw her daughter staring at herself, "It's okay to eat once in a while."

Gu Xingjin also breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly went to the kitchen to get vegetables. If his mother-in-law was not allowed to eat, he was afraid that his daughter-in-law would cry.

There was meat in the big refrigerator at home. He quickly cut the meat and grabbed a large handful of pickles from the pickle jar. Thinking that his mother-in-law said that the pickles were not good, he loosened his hand and dropped a small half.

He quickly cooked a plate of shredded pork pickles and brought it to his wife, with a gentle expression on his face, "Come and taste this."

Tang Bao saw that there were pickles in the shredded pork, as well as green peppers and red peppers , It is really full of color, flavor, and appetite. "It's so fragrant." I

ate a large bowl of rice with spicy pickled vegetables and shredded pork, and proudly held my belly and praised "Your craftsmanship is really good." It's great, it tastes great."

Gu Xingjin showed his white teeth after being praised by his wife, and felt that today's meals were a little sweet.

But in the evening, he fried another plate of pickled vegetables and shredded pork and put it in front of his wife, but Tang Bao covered his nose with an uncomfortable look on his face, "No, this smell is too pungent, take it away quickly, I can't stand it. It 's gone."

Gu Xingjin finally understood what morning sickness is, and since then, Tang Bao wants to eat grilled fish at noon, sweet cakes at night, turns around and wants to eat sour beans, can't sleep at night and wants to eat spicy rice cakes. From shock at first, to calm later.

Fortunately, after ten days, Tang Bao returned to normal.

This family is all Chinese, and naturally they pay special attention to the bodies of pregnant women and children.

Su Su herself is good at delivering births, and feels that it doesn't matter if she is born at home or in the hospital.

Gu Xingjin thought it would be better to go to the hospital, but he didn't dare to say this in front of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he just blew the pillow wind.

It's a pity that Tang Bao doesn't like going to the hospital, so he just said it when it's time.

By the middle of the night on October 17th, the weather was neither cold nor hot, and the couple slept soundly. It was estimated that they both went to buy a pig to fight the landlord with Duke Zhou.

In his sleep, Gu Xingjin dreamed that Tang Bao wanted to eat eel. He went to the field to fish in the ditches. For some reason, someone kicked him and kicked him into the channel.

Somehow, this channel turned into a big lake, and he tried to swim and swim, but couldn't swim to shore.

The most terrible thing is that Tang Bao was also kicked off the lake, calling for help there. That small appearance is really pitiful.

As soon as he panicked in his heart, he suddenly woke up. Before opening his eyes, he felt that his pants were wet in the bed. This was because he had not been like that for a long time, so he couldn't help it.

His handsome face instantly changed. blacken.

But it's not right, that's not so much. It can't be so wet. However, Tang Bao has been going to the toilet a lot lately. Maybe it's because she wets

her pants uncontrollably.

It's to save face. If she knew about this, she would definitely not want to see herself.

He thought about changing the quilt before she woke up, and then changing the pants for her, so as not to embarrass her.

But this movement is a bit big, and it's a bit difficult to keep her from waking up in the middle, unless you make her dizzy first.

It's easy for him to stun a person, but facing his wife, he dared not start, for fear that his attack would not be serious, and it would be bad if he hurt her.

He was in a dilemma for a while, not knowing how to do

this, Tang Bao opened his eyes, blinked as if he didn't know what was going on, and looked confused.

Gu Xingjin was afraid that she would be shy, so he quickly put down the pot and whispered shyly, "Well, I drank too much tea in the evening, and I accidentally broke it."

"My amniotic fluid broke." Tang Bao still knew his current situation and said calmly. "It's too late to go to the hospital now. You go and call your mother and go and boil hot water."

Hearing her words, Gu Xingjin was at a loss like a headless fly, maybe he wanted to get out of bed, but he fell under the bed with an uncoordinated thud.

Tang Bao watched him get up and go out with hands and feet. He hurriedly shouted "Mom, come on, I'm going to give birth" in the middle of the night.

Tang Bao's stomach was already twitching. It hurts, looking at his silly appearance, when I heard that I was going to give birth, I really couldn't help laughing.

She laughed so much that her stomach hurt.

Then, she felt as if she had given birth to two little babies and didn't bother Tang Bao, the unreliable mother. One after the other, she soon came out of her mother's womb, crying loudly to express her concern for the outside world. dissatisfaction with the environment.

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