Warm Home

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 After his wife and daughter left home, Tang Mingyuan was really frowning, what he ate was not delicious, he was worried about their mother and daughter all the time, and was almost on his toes, expecting them to come back quickly.

People in the village looked at him and thought he was worried about Tang Bao's body.

After all, their excuse to go out was to review Tang Bao's body.

Anyway, all the men, women and children who met him deliberately stopped to comfort him, which made Tang Mingyuan dumbfounded.

He waited left and right until the evening of July 7th, he was still scraping Jia Er Shu in the clinic, Yang Zheng rushed in like the wind and said with a smile, "Uncle, auntie and sister are back, everything is fine. , they are going home now."

"It's good to come back." Tang Mingyuan finally let go of his heart that had been hanging, and a long-lost smile appeared on his face. Tell your aunt, and I'll go back later."

Yang Zheng responded with a clear and loud voice, turned around and ran away.

Uncle Jia also laughed, "Mother and daughter are back well, you can rest assured now"

"Yeah, our villagers are easy to get along with, so don't you worry that they will encounter bad people when they go out?"

Tang Mingyuan said I chatted with him, but I scraped my back with my hands, until my shoulders and back were all red and purple, then I stopped, wiped the sweat with the towel around my neck, and said warmly, "Second uncle, go back and drink more. A few bowls of salted boiled water, I can't work hard when the sun is hot, and I have packed my second aunt's five pairs of traditional Chinese medicine, you can take it back to her later."

"Hey, okay, I feel relaxed when I scrape it out. , I'm getting old, and I can't use it anymore. I used to work all day long, and I wouldn't suffer from heat stroke."

Second Uncle Jia picked up the gray jacket on the side and put it on, took out two crumpled five-cent coins On the table, looking at the sky outside, carrying a few sticks of Chinese medicine that he had wrapped up, reminding him, "You can go home too. I'll ask those two bastards from my family to send you a few fish some other day."

Most of the country people are simple and honest, knowing that Tang Mingyuan's traditional Chinese medicine is very cheap to sell to them, so if the Taoist boy in the family can find fish or game, he will send them some.

Tang Mingyuan had long since returned to his heart. After he left, he locked the padlock and hurried home.

He opened the door and saw that his wife and daughter were back, grinning stupidly, "You guys are back."

In fact, he wanted to have a good talk with his wife and daughter, but Yang Zheng, Gu Shaojin and Gu Yujun were already surrounded by his wife. Pour tea and water fan with my daughter, I feel like an outsider.

Su Su glared at him, "What's the matter, I don't want us to come back yet."

Tang Bao said with a smile, "Dad must think we're not at home, and his ears are clean."

Gu Shaojin and the others all snickered when they heard it.

Hearing the teasing of their mother and daughter, and seeing their smiling faces, made Tang Mingyuan feel that this was the complete home.

Gu Yujun said reluctantly, "Sister, let's go back first, and come over and talk to you tomorrow."

Yang Yi and Gu Ningjin are still working outside to compete for centimeters. Go back and prepare meals before they go hungry.

"Okay, bring this." Tang Bao opened a rattan box in front of them, pulled Yujun's rough little hand, and said warmly, "These are the clothes and pants I picked for you, one for each, and a few more. Eat, take it back and eat it quickly, it's hot this day."

He picked up green and white shirts, and gray and black trousers, all five of them had a share.

Tang Bao looked at them all looking happy but embarrassed, and smiled playfully, "You don't know, it's just because I bought a lot, and they gave it cheaper, I bought it on purpose to bribe you, and I'll just wait for it later. When you make money, buy me delicious food too."

Gu Shaojin nodded sharply to her, "I will give all the money I earn in the future to my sister."

Tang Bao got up and patted their tender shoulders, and said with a wide-eyed smile, "Okay, everyone is still working in the field at this time, you quickly take the boxes together, and I'll find you tomorrow."

Tang Mingyuan also went outside to keep his own plot . He picks vegetables from here, most of which are home-cooked vegetables such as beans, tomatoes, and water spinach. He is too lazy to cook every meal at home by himself. He cooks a pot of rice in the morning, and eats cold rice with this vegetable at noon and evening.

Now that the two of them are back, they naturally have to cook more dishes.

The disadvantage of burning firewood in the summer is that it is hot and sweaty. Tang Bao put up a few pieces of firewood and fanned the wind. By the way, he told Tang Mingyuan, who was busy cutting and cooking vegetables, about interesting things outside.

Su Su took a shower and came out. She was eating in the yard with a bowl. She stopped by to see their villagers, and repeatedly said that Tang Bao was in good condition after the re-examination.

Because of the people coming and going in the family, Tang Bao didn't dare to take out the good dishes in the space, but the dishes grown by himself tasted good too.

Now everyone is tired from farm work. After 8 o'clock, the temperature has also dropped, so they go home and get ready to sleep.

Su Su and her daughter told Tang Mingyuan what had happened these days.

Tang Mingyuan was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. He couldn't even eat the delicious fruits they brought back. He looked at their mothers nervously, and said, "I won't be with you in the future, but you are not allowed to go out. I didn't expect to go out. It 's so messy."

Tang Bao quickly added, "Dad, there are a lot of good people out there. Besides, this incident was an accident. It's impossible to encounter bad people every time. You can't give up food because of choking."

Tang Mingyuan looked helplessly at his rebuttal. My daughter, she was reluctant to say a single heavy word, so she could only mutter, "Then you can go out, I have to follow." As a

parent, a father who travels a thousand miles is worried. Even if he knows that his daughter has the ability to protect himself, he still feels in his heart. Worry.

In the middle of the night, when Tang Bao was woken up from a nightmare, he turned on the light bulb and saw that the light bulb with a little orange glowed brightly, so he wiped the cold sweat off his face.

After Hu Laosan and the others died, even if she wanted to forget their miserable appearance, her mind was disobedient, but she still had a deep memory in her mind.

There might be a lot of people sleeping on the train last night, so she didn't have nightmares and slept well, but sleeping alone tonight still scares her.

She was wondering if she wanted to make a giant light bulb that would glow and illuminate her parents. She wanted to go to her parents' room to make a floor, but she felt that this would be a cure for the symptoms rather than the root cause.

At this time, I envy my mother, I can sleep with my father in my arms, and I guess I won't have nightmares.

There was some evil thought in her head, maybe they met again after a long absence, and her mother fell asleep when she was tired.

After thinking about it for a while, subconsciously reaching out to check the time, only to find that their watches have been kept in the space in order to not attract attention.

As soon as she thought about it, there was an extra watch in her hand. When she saw that it was just after one o'clock in the morning, she simply entered the space.

The space is full of fruits, but there is not even a hint of fruit aroma. It is a boxy space, and there is no smoke at all. The coldness makes her even more uneasy, so she simply carries a bunch of lychees. After leaving the space, I really didn't want to be alone, so I got up and walked to my parents' room next to me wearing slippers.

Before she opened the door, she heard the door open, and Tang Mingyuan's warm voice sounded "Baby, are you awake?"

Before going to bed, anyway, after the couple reunited, they naturally became very close. Su Su felt that he was exhausted, but before going to bed, he still vaguely told him, "You'd better get up and see your daughter later, I'm worried that she will have nightmares.

" It will be hot, and you will almost fall asleep when you close your eyes.

Tang Mingyuan naturally kept his heart on his mind. At twelve o'clock, he had quietly come out to see it. Seeing that the lights in his daughter's room were not on and there was no movement, he went back and hugged his sweet and soft wife to continue. sleep.

But he didn't dare to sleep for a while. He seemed to hear something, so he quietly got up and took a look. Seeing that the electric light in his daughter's room really turned on, he was afraid that her daughter would be left alone, so he opened the door and called her daughter. .

It cannot be denied that hearing his voice at this time really made Tang Bao feel very at ease.

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