7.Every family has a hard-to-read scripture

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 Madam Su was a beautiful woman when she was young, and the Su family was not short of money. What they liked was that Father Su was handsome, and he could punch and kick, and just happened to help Madam Su.

When she was willing to marry her, she naturally liked it. At first, she thought it didn't matter if she didn't have a son. Later, when he was about forty years old, when he was buying medicinal materials outside, he met a beautiful woman who came and went. Still have other thoughts.

Although Granny Su said she could only read Feng Shui and fortune-telling, she also knew a little about face-to-face. Seeing that his peach blossom eyes were scattered and the crow's feet at the end of his eyes were messy, he was obviously overindulgence and hurt his liver qi; the tears under his eyes were slightly black. , it was the phenomenon of a great loss of kidney qi and liver and gallbladder qi, which made her instantly vigilant, and when he left home again, she led someone to follow him quietly.

Anyway, she caught him, so she simply separated from him.

In terms of widowhood, widowhood, loneliness, loneliness, disability, money, life, and power, she would rather be a widow.

Tang Mingyuan's family has three sons and two daughters, with many descendants.

At first, he wanted Tang Mingyuan to learn medical skills, but later he was thinking about the Su family's family business, but they hadn't married yet. At the beginning of the founding of China, the policy changed.

The Tang family wanted to oppose this marriage again, but Tang Mingyuan was not happy anymore. He liked Su Su from the bottom of his heart. After knowing that Mrs. Su meant this, he liked it so much that he would marry Su Su if he died.

Madam Su took out ten small yellow croakers, four gold ingots, and gave Madam Tang all the gold bracelets she was wearing, saying, "As long as you are willing to let Tang Mingyuan be the son-in-law of my Su family in the future, These are all yours."

Madam Tang saw the money, she had never seen so much gold in her life, she agreed for her son to be a son-in-law, and she still pondered in her heart that the son was born by herself anyway, and she could still be able to do so in the future. Get benefits from the Su family.

Madam Su's move was not ruthless, it allowed Tang Mingyuan to see his mother's true face, and the fact that she had so much gold in her family showed that she really valued him.

Madam Tang thought she had made a fortune, but only in the past few years did she realize that this little yellow croaker could only be exchanged for one bag of grain.

Later, because the composition of the Su family was not good, Mrs. Tang did not want to see the Su family, and was afraid that her family would be implicated.

Later, when they saw that Mrs. Su was dead, and Su Su was not in good health, they naturally wouldn't move around much. When they knew that Tang Bao was a fool, they disliked it even more. This place, five dollars a month is a lot.

No amount of family love can't afford to squander. Tang Mingyuan now disappears when he really can't see his grandmother, and when we meet, he listens to her despising himself, his daughter-in-law, and even his daughter.

When Tang Mingyuan heard Su Su say that his eldest brother's son was getting married, his face was not happy, and he said lightly, "Then I will go there tomorrow, and take advantage of the opportunity to go to the Su family compound."

Su Su looked at it. The daughter glanced at it and asked a little hesitantly, "Baby, why don't we go too, let's see if my grandmother has left anything good in the Su family's compound, will you feel anything?"

Tang Bao quickly nodded, "Okay, we Bury this box of books back."

Su Su smiled and shook his head, "It's not good to bury the book in the ground, why don't you try it and see if you can put it in?"

This space is too self-willed, who knows if there will be no bones left in it, Tang Bao A little hesitant, "But I don't know if this box of books will disappear."

"It's alright, although I don't know, but I think if the things in it disappear, it means it's good for you." Although Su Su likes medicine very much, but But she cared more about his daughter's safety, and whispered, "Baby, you have to remember that you can't be seen outside, you have to pretend to be the same as before, otherwise, I'm afraid that there will be troubles outside the festival." Tang Bao nodded clearly . , If she is good at times and bad at times, isn't she regarded as a monster and it's still a special period. If she is targeted because of this, then she can't help but shudder when she thinks about it.

Tang Bao put his hand on the small box, and the box disappeared.

Tang Mingyuan still felt amazing when he saw it. Danfeng's bright eyes were staring at his daughter's hand.

Tang Bao was stared at by him, and instantly understood what he meant. He stepped forward and took his hand with a smile on his face, "Dad, let's try if we can go in." The result was still the same, Tang Mingyuan hadn't taken a good look at the space inside. , soon appeared outside.

He touched his neck and looked at their mother and daughter with a smirk, "It's quite small inside, but the box is still in place, we can put a little of everything in it and try it."

Su Su squinted at him, softly with a hint of anger "Don't hurry up and cook dinner."

Her cooking skills are not good. Except for porridge, Tang Mingyuan cooks.

Tang Mingyuan quickly responded, "Hey, I'm going right now. If you two are hungry, eat two pieces of fruit candy first."

"Dinner, eat, what?" Tang Bao wanted to show his hand, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he was wrong again, annoyed Biting his lip.

Seeing her daughter's anxious appearance, Su Su pulled her down and comforted her in a low voice, "Don't worry, Mom believes you can get better." She frowned and said to herself, "Could it be because you brought us in? The reason why you can't recover is because the effect of the wooden seal has disappeared or it is "

Even if she is not interested in some things of her ancestors, she can still understand a little under the influence of her eyes and ears.

After thinking about it, he went back to the room and dug out four gold ingots from the mud pit in the corner, and asked his daughter to put it in and try it to see if it would have other effects.

Tang Mingyuan cooked brown rice, steamed a bowl of egg custard, fried half a cabbage, and half a bowl of pickles, and hurriedly called them for dinner.

After dinner, Tang Mingyuan and Su Su searched for some more medicinal materials, as well as rice and flour.

But Tang Bao received so many good things, but she still couldn't recover. SHe still spoke intermittently and walked slowly.

It wasn't until the next morning that Tang Bao heard the national anthem coming from the loudspeaker outside, and only then did he realize that she was up late today.

She thought of the messy dream last night, but now she can't remember it at all. She slowly got up and got dressed and went out, and found that the smell was already coming from the kitchen.

The sky outside was still gloomy, it was raining lightly, and the wind and rain were even more gloomy and cold, even in spring, it felt cold.

Su Su was washing clothes under the eaves by the door, and when she saw her daughter got up, she took a comb and gave her a neat braid.

Tang Bao felt very warm. They took care of themselves for decades, and they didn't think they were troublesome.

Just like her own long hair, short hair must be convenient, but Su Su would rather spend more time every day, so that she can feel the heavy maternal love.

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