5.The Universe in the Sleeve

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 When I left, the sun rose in the morning, and when I came home, I was dressed in the sunset.

Back in the village, Tang Mingyuan saw someone greeting him, "Hey, where did you go and bought something good to come back?"

Tang Mingyuan slowed down the speed of his bicycle and greeted everyone all the way before returning, "I didn't buy anything, just went The commune got a few bottles of red potion or something, and bought some brown sugar and soybean oil by the way."

He is a barefoot doctor on the brigade, and every month he goes to the commune in the town to get medicines, and the soybean oil is the food for the commune in the town. Bought by ticket in store.

There were several bottles of potions and boxes in the frame in front of the bicycle. Someone also took the opportunity to look in the back basket and saw that there was nothing else. After the father and daughter left, several women gathered together and muttered, "The burden of the family is also heavy, the wife is sick, and the daughter is an idiot. I heard that he has to give him five yuan every month."

"Tang Bao can't be called a fool, right?" Someone retorted weakly, "I see She can knit sweaters and mend clothes."

"Hehe, a broken copper can be mended for two days."

Tang Bao touched her ears, rolled her eyes, puffed out her mouth, and sometimes her ears could hear words far away. Good thing.

However, communication here is basically roaring, transportation is basically walking, entertainment is basically relying on hands, farming is basically relying on cattle, making money is basically thinking, dressing is basically spinning, and heating is basically shaking; working is more tiring than a donkey, eating less Pigs are worse, get up earlier than chickens, get off work later than dogs, pretend to be better than grandchildren, and earn less than migrant workers, if they don't gossip in groups, how would they live in those days? It is a very ordinary farmyard, and the mud brick houses and yellow mud houses are the houses of the most common people in the brigade.

In the last life, Tang Bao visited this kind of mud-brick house on purpose when she was traveling, and watched the historic site gradually recede in the wind and rain of time, leaving only the scarred and lonely Ran.

It is simply unimaginable that she has lived in a mud brick house for more than ten years.

There are three houses in Tang Bao's house, the kitchen and firewood room on the left, the room where Tang Bao's parents lived in the middle, and the other side where the medicinal materials are stacked in front, and the back is separated by wooden boards, which is the small room where Tang Bao lived.

The yard is 70 to 80 square meters and is surrounded by a bamboo fence. On the edge of the fence are some leeks and green onions. There is also a pear tree. Under the tree is a simple stone table and stone bench.

When the weather is hot, there will be beans, water spinach, loofah, gourd, lentils and so on beside the fence.

In addition to these, some bamboo sieves of different sizes are also placed in the yard, and the mats are used for drying herbs.

The Chen Lian Brigade is backed by mountains and water, and each family has two points of private land. They can also raise chickens and ducks, but they can't raise more than three. Some people take time to go up the mountain. Even if they fail to hit wild animals, they can also make a bowl of wild fruits and vegetables .

Some people also go to the river or ditch in the middle of the night, put cages in the pond, and get some fish and shrimp from time to time, but it's really not good. If you touch a bowl of snails or mussels, you can also make a bowl.

Although it is inconvenient to travel here, in the most difficult three years, no one starved to death like other places.

Tang Mingyuan didn't care about anything else when he got home. He looked around furtively like a thief. After confirming that there was no one else at home, he quickly asked his daughter who walked in slowly, "Xiaobao, where did you keep your things?"

Mom, if you don't figure this out, you'll be suffocated to death.

It's so fantastic.

His bright Danfeng eyes stared at his daughter's hand, and asked in a low voice, "Is this the legendary universe inside the sleeve?"

Before Tang Bao could speak, he heard the door being pushed outside.

Su Su couldn't open the door. Looking at the bicycles in the yard, she knocked on the door in
confusion, "Mingyuan, why are you closing the door and not returning the bicycles?" He looked around for a while, closed the door with a bang, and pulled Su Su with a smirk, "Our daughter has gotten better."

Su Su was stunned for a moment. "Really, really?" She stared at her daughter eagerly, "Baby, let's go to see mom."

Tang Mingyuan said the second half of the sentence a little embarrassed, "It's not good when you come back."

Su Suwen Yan turned his head and glared at him angrily, and then softly coaxed his daughter, "It's alright, we're not in a hurry."

"But" before Tang Mingyuan finished speaking, Su Su glared at him, and said fiercely, "But what? Don't hurry up and make dinner."

Tang Bao heard them talk too fast, he couldn't talk, he looked at them very annoyed, and then he simply thought about it, and put all the soap, soap, brown sugar and glutinous rice flour he bought. Take it out.

Tang Mingyuan looked at all kinds of things that appeared out of thin air, and held Su Su's hand with a smile on his brows and said excitedly, "Look, look, our daughter is amazing."

"The universe in the sleeve" Su Su was also surprised , pulled her daughter and whispered, "The universe is big in the sleeve, and the sun and the moon in the pot are long. My grandfather once said that when he was a child, he saw that his grandfather's sleeve could contain the yin and yang of heaven and earth, but I didn't expect that I would be able to see it.

" In an emergency, Tang Bao didn't dare to do anything, for fear of scaring them.

Unexpectedly, my mother knew what was going on

. She looked at her mother with bright almond eyes, took her hand, and said intermittently, "I, I can, go to a place, but it's very small inside."

"Today, I found a piece of wood, and it can make me better."

Su Su listened carefully to her daughter's stumbling and finished, then took her daughter to sit down and whispered, "The Su family was Taoist before liberation. I heard a few times. The ancestors a hundred years ago were able to subdue demons and slay demons, but one generation was not as good as one generation, and the Su family did not have many children, but they almost lost all the good things left by their ancestors."

"The daughters of the Su family are all surnamed Su, my auntie. At that time, it was to show people Yin-Yang Feng Shui, and also to see a doctor, but the situation in the past few years was very turbulent, and the composition of the child followed the father and not the mother, so you changed your surname to Su and your father's surname Tang."

"You don't remember that you had a serious illness when you were one year old, and it was impossible to see it. At that time, the Su family only left a jade pendant and a pill left by the ancestors. I brought the Ruyi button to you, and then smashed the elixir and poured it into you, but I didn't expect you to be really good."

"Later I found out that the white jade Ruyi button on your body was missing, and I don't know where it went."

Su Su also felt a little confused, and said in a low voice, "When Bai Yu Ruyi buckled my mother, she said that it was handed down from my ancestors. It is said that when you meet someone who is destined, you can store all things in the world. I didn't expect you to be the baby. Those who are destined didn't expect such a miraculous thing."

She bit her lip, "I thought it was my aunt who coaxed me."

After that, she was very puzzled, "Is it because of this jade buckle that you can't be good? talk, walk"

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