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When Zhao Qiqi came to He's house, it was after 2:00 in the afternoon on the second day of March.

At this time, the Hakka was quiet. Only Mrs. Liu was picking wild vegetables in the living room. When she saw Zhao Qiqi coming, she was stunned for a while, and greeted with a smile, "Miss Zhao is here, sit here." 

Zhao Qiqi also came because of Lin Yafen's illness. Having been to the He's house a few times, I think it's normal to be so quiet.

Because Lin Yafen felt a headache when she heard the bigger movement, she breathed a sigh of relief, and did not ask if Tang Bao and the others were there, but asked with concern, "I haven't seen Auntie for several days, Auntie is resting these days. Okay?"

Although Aunt Liu heard them talk about the conflict between the Zhao family and the Gu family, she felt that it was a matter between the adults. She still felt pity for this thin and sick girl, and went to wash Holding her hand, she poured her a cup of tea and said with a smile, "Thank you for your concern, she has been resting very well these days."

Zhao Qiqi didn't believe that Lin Yafen was much better. She felt that she was just talking polite words. She took out a packet of medicine, "It's good, I've brought some medicine to my aunt, it's good for her heart"

Aunt Liu smiled and nodded, "Miss Zhao has a heart"

"I'm just hooking up with my aunt. The nonsense words in front of my aunt are all to provoke the relationship between us. My father and mother are very worried about my aunt's health. I originally wanted to come over in person, but because I was busy with the pharmaceutical factory, they let me Come and see my aunt."

After Zhao Qiqi finished speaking, she asked unintentionally, "That's right, didn't you say that you have been treated with traditional Chinese medicine, and it's effective?

" Now I don't need to take these medicines anymore, but when I was uncomfortable in the past, taking the medicines prescribed by Zhao's hospital was quite effective, and I couldn't bear to let her go away for nothing and go to pick up the medicines with a smile, "Thank you, how much I'll give you the money first."

Zhao Qiqi saw Sister Liu reaching out to take the medicine, she quickly retracted her hand, and said with a smile, "You can't take this medicine indiscriminately, but we also have to look at her current condition to determine how many tablets to take. I want to go up. Let's see if Auntie is okay."

"This" Mrs. Liu hesitated. When Lin Yafen was sleeping, she didn't like to be disturbed, so she thought about it and said, "Then sit down for a while, I'll go up first to see if she's awake."

After Zhao Qiqi saw her going upstairs, she looked around and saw that no one was there, so she quickly got up and went to the side of the small cabinet to take out a small white medicine bottle, unscrew it, poured a few medicines wrapped in paper in my bag, and put it back carefully. , Hearing the sound of someone walking upstairs, she quickly sat back and picked up the teacup.

She remembered very clearly that this small white medicine bottle was good medicine for the heart, but the medicine she added now could make her condition worse when her heart was not feeling well.

Lin Yafen also woke up at this time.

It happened that when she was about to go downstairs, she heard Zhao Qiqi's voice at the entrance of the stairs and didn't want to say hello to her, so she quietly retreated back and heard Mrs. Liu said that Zhao Qiqi was here to give her medicine, so she had to say hello. .

Zhao Qiqi looked up at Lin Yafen, who was walking towards her, and stood up in surprise. "You"

Lin Yafen smiled at her, and said affectionately, "Qianqi, you are here, thank you for thinking about me, I'm really much better now."

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