61. Fertilizer water does not flow to outsiders

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The Liu family was not doing well, and the couple almost went crazy.

Liu Zhihua naturally did not dare to say that his safe was missing, but only said that he urgently needed money and asked Jin Xiufang to get him two hundred yuan.

Jin Xiufang wished that she could only get in and out of her house now, especially the young daughter's marriage cost a lot of money. Now that she heard that he was going to use the money, she muttered a few words in dissatisfaction.

When she went to get the money, she found that the safe was missing, she turned her room upside down like crazy, but still didn't see any trace of the safe, and her heart was suddenly cold, she was paralyzed on the ground, crying, "How could it be? It's gone, old Liu, hurry up and let the people from the Public Security Bureau come to check, and we must get our things back."

"You whisper to me." Liu Zhihua shook his hands and took two puffs of cigarettes. Previously, he was under the bed in the room. When you can't find the safe, you can deceive yourself that she has changed places.

But now, seeing how she was about to go crazy with anxiety, she knew that all the money in the family was really gone, and it felt like she was stabbed with a knife.

When Jin Xiufang thought about the contents of her safe, she felt that she was out of breath, and patted her chest in distress and mourned, "Hey, oh my God, Lao Liu, what are you doing standing there, hurry up and call the Public Security Bureau? "

Okay, even if the Public Security Bureau comes, can we say that the family has lost so much money?" Liu Zhihua walked around irritably, and said angrily, "Besides, the doors and windows of the house are in good condition, and Sister Wu didn't say that there is any money today." If others have been here, they must have stepped on it a long time ago, and it is not certain when it was stolen."

He couldn't go to the safe every day. The last time he opened the safe was because he quietly gave Ye Miaoxian and their mother and daughter money. , there are still photos of their mother and daughter in their safe, if this falls into the hands of their opponents, it will be fatal.

Thinking of that scene, cold sweat broke out in a flash, and tremblingly threw the cigarette away, thinking about a remedy.

"I only saw the jewelry last night, and it must have been stolen today." Jin Xiufang was heartbroken, but she doubted the people in the family, "Do you think it was Sister Wu or the Tang family who stole it, right? , it must be like this. Sister Wu is in our house every day, and it is very easy to steal things; and the relatives of Hongjuny, who come to our house when they are free or not, could it be them?"

She now thinks to everyone. There are doubts, the jewelry inside is all she likes to death, and now she is really going crazy.

Liu Zhihua was restless, and finally said, "I will go to the Public Security Bureau later, and I will say that my family's 500 yuan has been stolen. Don't mention anything else.

" That's it."

He couldn't help scolding after hearing it, "Are you stupid? If you tell the truth, how can you explain the source of this money? As long as you can catch someone, then it's better to find a relationship."

Chen Lian brigade.

Tang Bao slowly boiled the traditional Chinese medicine. He didn't know how to write this letter for a while. He simply drank the traditional Chinese medicine first, then slowly fed the chickens, cleaned the yard, and washed his clothes. Then he sat down and started. Write slowly.

"You already have two daughters and a son. I hate myself for having a daughter without being able to live up to my expectations. I look forward to having a healthy son for you, so that the Liu family can inherit the family."

After she put down the pen, she read it again . , the letter did not mention Liu Zhihua's name or the name of any one person, only the Liu family was mentioned, but as long as you have a heart, you can see that this can match Liu Zhihua's family.

I wrote the letter and received it in the lockbox. Seeing that Gu Xingjin and the others hadn't come back, I slowly went to prepare flour to make dumplings and steamed steamed buns. I was ready to receive it later, so I could take it to my parents tomorrow. .

Although she is inconvenient to move now, it is useless to rush to death. While working, she thinks that she should still live in the Su family compound, which will be much more convenient.

"Sister, we're back." Gu Ningjin smelled the fragrance from the kitchen outside, and saw her steaming buns when he came in, he was a little puzzled, "Why are you making so many buns now that it's hot, you can't let it go?"

Tang Bao was in When he came in, he had already put the wrapped dumplings into the space and smiled at him, "Not much, wait for you to bring six over there, wash your hands quickly, and then eat the steamed buns."

Gu Xingjin originally wanted to make it clear to her I was afraid that she would mix things up without knowing the importance of the Zheng family, but she was dragged by her brother to wash her hands. "Brother, the steamed buns made by A Bao are delicious. Let's eat first before we talk.

" I ate a bowl of noodles in the town, but then I went to the black market for a walk. It was when I was growing up, and now my stomach was rumbling with hunger.

The steamed steamed buns mixed with cornmeal, sorghum noodles and wheat flour smelled like a natural and fresh food. A bite made people feel at ease and happy. Tang Bao also made them two bowls of seaweed soup with egg flowers. Even more delicious.

Gu Xingjin developed the habit of eating quickly in the army. After eating two large steamed buns and a large bowl of seaweed egg drop soup, his stomach was full and he was in a good mood.

At first, I thought she was too daring, she dared to do anything, even save people she didn't know, and I thought I had to educate her well, but now she is soft-hearted, and I feel that the little girl has a good heart. Hold hands.

Furthermore, if it weren't for her kind-heartedness and willingness to help others, her younger brothers and sisters might not necessarily be where they are now.

The same thing, just because the mood is different, the conclusion is different.

Therefore, Gu Xingjin told me what happened to the Zheng family yesterday in a gentle and simple way, and added a few words to Tang Bao: "It's not peaceful outside now, you should be more careful by yourself, the situation the Zheng family is facing now is a strong situation. There are quite a few people staring at them, and your parents haven't come out yet, so you'd better not go to Zheng's house."

"Okay, I remember, I'll definitely listen to what Brother Gu has to say." Tang Bao felt fortunate to hear that, fortunately they sent people away overnight, otherwise he couldn't help himself, so he should take a good look at it next time. Second shot.

The little girl's well-behaved appearance made Gu Xingjin a little regretful of her previous words. After all, she was young and warm-hearted.

Gu Ning looked at his eldest brother, and Tang Bao again, and nibbled at the steamed buns hard. Well, if the fat water doesn't flow into the fields of outsiders, it's better to be cheap to your own brother than to cheap outsiders.

Gu Xingjin saw that his younger brother had also finished eating, so he got up and said, "Then let's go first. If you have anything, just come to us."

Tang Bao took five steamed buns from the steamer and put them in a clean bamboo fence and handed them to him. Gu Ningjin "Bring these to Yujun and them. If the weather is good, I will go to town in the afternoon, and give Ning Jin the key to the house. Remember to come and feed the chickens every day."

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